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Chop - I keep seeing good fish being caught at the north end of the reservoir.  I want to try and get up there at some point in my yak.  


Quan - I definitely need to find a good change in weather.  


I was able to get out tuesday evening for a little while and caught 3 fish in the 15" range, but no good ones.  I saw a lot of pictures the last couple of days with a bunch of good fish caught.  I'm hoping to get out for awhile this evening and see what I can do.  Maybe I can get a good one or two. 

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riva, I don't know of any public access up there besides Bull Run.  I checked NOVA parks website and saw that a key was $20 for the year and went to Fountainhead to get one.  Turns out that you have to have an annual launch pass to get be offered a key.  Makes sense, but I wasn't mentally prepared for the $60 bill.   It is worth it, just a little surprise.  Nice thing is that the launch pass is also good at Pohick, Occoquan, Fountainhead and Algonkian (a few miles above Great Falls - north of Sterling.)


Chop - thanks for the info!  I did get a pass because I fish the lower sections plenty during the year, either for myself or events I participate in.  I have been to Lake Ridge, Pohick, Occoquan and Mason Neck several times this year and it has paid for itself.  I might need to go and get a key so I can try that area.   It sounds great!  I definitely like smallies and can get just about anywhere in my kayak. 


I saw a couple guys launching a kayak above bull run on kincheloe road by the soccer fields, I don't know if it is legal but there are places to park and you can walk a couple yards to the water and launch, and are there walleye in the occoquan? I met a person who swore he caught on buy the bridge


I'm confused.  When I go on the NOVA parks site and look at Annual launch passes, I see prices range from $70 to $135.  Where are you guys seeing $40?


Hokie - it is probably the difference between a kayak launch pass and the boat launch pass.  If you have a kayak and are launching the pass is a lot less, as long as you are a resident of the nova parks group.  I paid about $70 for mine this year, but I am a resident of PWC.  


Here is a link to the water trail league that talks about kayak launch passes. 



There in lies my beef with the folks at fountainhead. Kayaker a pay for a "shore" launch meaning you don't get to use the ramp, you should load and launch your yak from the gravel area away from the ramp!

You want to get my panties in a bunch??!! Pull your vehicle on to the ramp........... Horizontal to the water, dead center of the ramp and take you good sweet time unloading your little plastic thingy! I will jump into your vehicle, chuck it in neutral and push that into the bushes and give you a piece of my mind!!


For the most part, most kayakers are mindful of that stuff.  But as with everything, you got your bad apples.  When I launch, I do it from the side while still giving room to the boater to launch.  I also don't take my dandy time when others are around.


You don't know how many times I have had boaters go full throttle around me and cause 1-2 ft waves. Just not polite but what are you going to do?  


I don't think most yakers are knowledgable of the "ramp rules" to be honest with you. You may be an exception. Far too many days has it taken well over 30 minutes for me to just get my boat out of the water because of inconsiderate kayakers. Many of which own their own but quite a few renters at fountainhead as well. All it takes is one red shirt down there kindly explaining the process to those that don't know. That is asking a lot from minimum wage part time park people but, I think it's time for me to politely go to the head cheese and ask if maybe something can be displayed for the people that are blocking the ramp on a continuous basis!!

Not sure what you expect about "waves" on a body of water where motorized boats are allowed. Just part of the package. Now if somebody goes out of their way to wake you on purpose, that's not right. Plenty of times I've rounded a bend and it's been wall to wall yakers and SUP's, somebody is gonna get a little rocked! I put out less wake on plane than I do off plane for sure. There is a right way to enjoy your yak adventure, it does not involve the center of the res!!


Not one but TWO yak vehicles taking up the ramp yesterday @ fountainhead as I'm waiting to load up.  One vehicle moved, I trailered my boat (by my lonesome self) and got out of there before the the other yak vehicle, who was on the ramp as I came in and beached. So, in the time it takes me to beach my craft, walk up to the far parking lot and get my vehicle, wait for one yakker to move, trailer my boat and drive away, this yahooer is still on the ramp tossing off.  Jeebus.  I take my revenge by using the rubber mat rather than the concrete ramp.


Not one but TWO yak vehicles taking up the ramp yesterday @ foutainhead as I'm waiting to load up.  One vehicle moved, I trailered my boat (by my lonesome self) and got out of there before the the other yak vehicle, who was on the ramp as I came in and beached. So, in the time it takes me to beach my craft, walk up to the far parking lot and get my vehicle, wait for one yakker to move, trailer my boat and drive away, this yahooer is still on the ramp tossing off.  Jeebus.  I take my revenge by using the rubber mat rather than the concrete ramp.

The mat, in my eyes, with concrete under it, is the ramp. I have yet to have anyone give me a hard time when I pull up and put my boat on it. I just give people a " go ahead, say something" look!!


I'm not going to defend bad ramp practices (you should be in and out as quickly and safely as possible) but there's a legitimate reason why you're seeing kayaks launching down the ramp.


The kids running Fountainhead are charging us yakkers ramp launch fees, even if we don't launch on the ramp.  I told the person running the baitshop that I park in the upper lot and bring my yak down on a cart, but he insisted on charging the full price.  He said it covered the cost of parking the trailer.  Sure enough, it's written on that little chalk board. 


So if you bring in a yak on a trailer, you might as well launch it from the ramp since you're paying for it.  I think it's ridiculous, but the Fountainhead staff is at least partly responsible since every other boat launch typically gives a discount to folks launching from the shore--which I'd prefer! 

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Here's my take. I paid $90 for the privilege of launching my kayak from the ramp. I paid my money so I'm going to use the ramp. I try not to tie things up for more than the few minutes it takes to unload/load it into the back of my truck. If I can get a parking spot at the bottom of the hill I don't even back up to the ramp, I just wheel my boat over from the parking lot. Same for getting it out of the water.


I'll be out there today with my Pro Angler in my red F-150. If you see me, stop by and say hi.




Having fished out there and knowing countless managers of the park, I can tell you that you are only half right. You pay a reduced fee to launch your craft because you have no trailer. It clearly states on your pass it it a shore launch pass, not a ramp fee pass.

Again, you may be the exception to the rule but a majority of those that launch a kayak at the ramp, do so in a minor that is aggravating to say the least! Zero concept of others around them with an elitist attitude! They have no plan to launch and retrieve their boats in a timely manner. That and the fact that they don't see any problem with what they are doing irks the dog snot out of me!!


Having fished out there and knowing countless managers of the park, I can tell you that you are only half right. You pay a reduced fee to launch your craft because you have no trailer. It clearly states on your pass it it a shore launch pass, not a ramp fee pass.


I have certainly been wrong before, and I can't speak for annual passes, since the only rates I'm familiar with are for the day passes.  In the case of out of jurisdiction day passes, they have a surcharge for kayaks hauled on trailers which is equivalent to  the boat launch fee ($6 I believe).  I checked the website and it doesn't seem to mention the trailer surcharge fees, but I guarantee it's on the chalkboard. 


Last time I launched I griped to the high school kid about paying $6 instead of $5.  He said, "it's only a dollar."  "Since it's only a dollar, can you cover me?" I responded, fully realizing he didn't get the annoyance.  Kayaks don't need to use ramps, and that's why they generally get a discount.  But if you charge kayakers ramp prices they're probably going to use it, and there's bound to be some idiots among them.  

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I have certainly been wrong before, and I can't speak for annual passes, since the only rates I'm familiar with are for the day passes.  In the case of out of jurisdiction day passes, they have a surcharge for kayaks hauled on trailers which is equivalent to  the boat launch fee ($6 I believe).  I checked the website and it doesn't seem to mention the trailer surcharge fees, but I guarantee it's on the chalkboard. 


Last time I launched I griped to the high school kid about paying $6 instead of $5.  He said, "it's only a dollar."  "Since it's only a dollar, can you cover me?" I responded, fully realizing he didn't get the annoyance.  Kayaks don't need to use ramps, and that's why they generally get a discount.  But if you charge kayakers ramp prices they're probably going to use it, and there's bound to be some idiots among them.

If that's the case, by all means, use the ramp, you ARE paying for that!!

My gripe is not with the folks that are paying the rate that is equal as a RAMP fee and can launch and recover in a timely manor. It's those that have on a consistant basis, tied up the ramp for the people that have prepared to launch, only to get down to the ramp to find joe and Sally yak family parked dead center, horizontal and lolly gag about thinking it's their personal ramp, designed only for them. It happens far to frequently as the park grows in popularity.

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My gripe is not with the folks that are paying the rate that is equal as a RAMP fee and can launch and recover in a timely manor. It's those that have on a consistant basis, tied up the ramp for the people that have prepared to launch, only to get down to the ramp to find joe and Sally yak family parked dead center, horizontal and lolly gag about thinking it's their personal ramp, designed only for them. It happens far to frequently as the park grows in popularity.


There was some of that going on when I was coming out of the water this afternoon. Kayaks should really stick to the rubber mat or the gravel area to the right of the concrete ramp if for no other reason than the concrete part of the ramp will tear up your plastic boat. I got lucky and got a parking spot at the bottom of the hill today and could wheel my yak over to the water. Makes things easier that way.


FWIW, I did catch a couple of nice largemouths while I was out this morning. A Texas rig with a darker colored plastic worm fished around the fallen trees has been working for me lately.


The tree pattern really shines this time of year!! If you get adventurous, try a shakey head on lighter line in the trees. Takes patience but very rewarding. Don't horse them out, just keep pressure on them and they will swim out. Much bigger fish to be had this way!!

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If you get adventurous, try a shakey head on lighter line in the trees.


Much bigger fish? I'm not complaining about the ones I've been catching.


I had to look up what a shakey head was, but it looks like it would work. I may have to rig one up on my second pole and give it a try next time I'm out. Thanks for the tip.




Let's get back on topic and talk about fishing :)  I get ticked at yakers who take up the whole ramp and take their time because I can see the boaters getting ticked behind them :).  They tend to lump us all in one when in reality it's who they are regardless if it's going to be a yak or boat.


I'm trying to get the deep cranking part.  The log pattern is just about the only thing that works for me for the Rez.  Caught some nice 3.5 lbers doing it.  


Has anyone tried punching the algae mats clumps between the reeds?  I never seem to get success doing it but there has to be something in there.  It defies logic! :)


In the spring, flipping baits into the weeds is good. I've not had much luck staying that shallow when it's hot like this. You would think they would be buried up nice in it tho!!

The deep cranking thing is very spot specific but when you find them on it, you can usually find a pile of them!!


Went out today out of LRM.  Tried finding fish for cranking but no nada.  Saw them suspended and hanging around 10-20 FOW.  


I even saw a ball of shad(?) boiling by a ledge and tried throwing a swim bait through it but no takers.  I did get a nice 5.06 lb in the grass at a point that made my day but man that place is tough.

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We came in second today in the tournament. 24.08lbs on 6 fish. Was a fun day, caught our fish deep. Missed a few that felt like the could have made a difference. All our fish were caught between fountainhead and Sandy run

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Thanks for the updates, guys! I appreciate it. As a very new yakker and a boat renter, I don't have much experience to bring real value to the conversation, I will say that oftentimes in unrelated situations, perceived rudeness may be mostly ignorance and lack of situational awareness. Possible that kindly offered education will help them be better in the future. The only boat launch I've used so far is Bull Run, but I will say that lack of ability to load a fishing kayak before I get it to the water causes me to take longer at the ramp than a boat which can be made fully ready before backing down the ramp. I know that it probably isn't fishermen yakkers causing the problems, but I'm painfully aware that I take a long time still. But I do stay out of the way of the boaters as much as possible.

I skipped Occoquan this weekend for the first time in a long time. Hit Hunting Run and AP Hill with mixed results. I'll hit Bull Run one or more evenings this week.


We came in second today in the tournament. 24.08lbs on 6 fish. Was a fun day, caught our fish deep. Missed a few that felt like the could have made a difference. All our fish were caught between fountainhead and Sandy run


Nice Jon.  Didn't you guys win one this year already?


And - I'm taking Shimmy's place here - this thread wins the award for the most alleged 5 pounders caught without a pic.

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