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I have written about the ghost in my home and the failure of the historians to find the last of the three plantation cemeteries on the property our house is built.


So this Saturday morning my son and daughter-in-law call to drop off the two heathens so they can go out for a romantic evening and pick up the kids on Sunday morning. Of course, we say yes and prepare for the onslaught.


My wife took off her gold watch as our grand kids love to play with the watch and after they left she could not find it. We looked all over the house; in her clothes pockets; in the dirty clothes hamper; in cabinets, upstairs; downstairs; and all over and could not find the watch.


I remember looking on the window sill above the kitchen sink two times and noticing she had placed three tomatoes on the window sill along with a black Sharpie pen,.


I used the Sharpie on Sunday morning to measure the grandson on his wall ruler and I put it back on the window sill. I also remember seeing that we were down to two tomatoes as my wife used one in a salad.


There was NO WATCH ON THAT WINDOW SILL when I replaced the Sharpie or noticed the tomatoes. My wife and I will testify that there was no gold watch on that window sill.


So what does my wife find next to the tomatoes on the window sill today?  Yep. Her missing gold watch.


She thanked me for finding it and putting it on the window sill. I told her I had nothing to do with it and she probably found it and put it on the window sill and forgot, which she said I was crazy to think that since she has been on the lookout of it since Sunday afternoon.


No explanation other than the ghost has returned and placed it on the window sill. No one came into the house; I did not see the watch at breakfast this morning; and when I left for work the wife was still asleep.


I hope the ghost doesn't pull any more pranks like he/she likes to do. We are ready for the moving chairs, pipe tobacco smell and the thumps around the house. I sure wish the/she would not cause us too much concern this time around. What I would like is for the ghost to go underwater to check out what the bass want and place those baits on the table in m fishing/man cave room. Now that would be a nice ghost.

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My mother is the most honest person I know on this planet. Bar none. She tells a story of when she was a teenager they lived in a house with a ghost. She saw first hand the kitchen cabinet doors opening and closing by themselves and Campbell's soup cans flying out of the cabinets and across the kitchen. They moved out of that house soon after.

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I am religious. I do not believe in ghosts as in spirits of the dead remaining behind on earth after death.

That said, some downright freakish stuff has happened in the house I live in now. Not recently, but it did go on for about 5 of the 11 years we've lived here.

1. Hearing footsteps on the floor above us, either in the attic when we're at ground level, or on the ground floor when we're in the basement. Also having others witness this and insist someone is in my house upstairs when we assure them there's none.

2. Door bell ringing and no one there. Happened a lot. I mean excessively. Sometimes we are sitting right by the door so there's no way someone could ring it and run, we'd see them.

3. Seeing a black cat out of the corner of my eye. My brother in law also saw this and thought it was just our cat. Said he saw it go up the stairs to the attic. Also said he's seen it before on other visits to our house and always just thought it was ours. We have no cat.

4. Dog waking us up in the night growling and staring at a empty corner in the bedroom sometimes. Also my step daughter's dog who had never been here before did the same thing once when he entered the living room. Suddenly he puts on the brakes hard, barks and growls at the empty landing at the bottom of the attic stairs. Runs forward growling, backs up, runs forward further, jumps back barking and growling, then finally ends up at the landing itself staring into the attic and barking. Was as if something had been at the landing and went back up into the attic when realizing the dog could see it. This was creepy since we were decorating a Christmas tree at the time and had just been in the attic to get it down. Interestingly, the corner the first dog stared at in the bedroom is back to back of where the stair landing is in the living room that the second dog saw whatever it saw there. Opposite sides of the same wall. Two different rooms, two different dogs at separate times. Geographically, nearly the same spot in the house. Something was there for sure.

5. Clock radio was unreliable to wake us so my wife unplugged it but was hesitant to just toss it. In broad daylight, we are laying on the bed and just talking when the radio comes on, lights up and plays music on its own. It is not plugged it, cord is just wrapped around it. We checked the battery but there was none in it. It had no power source. Pressing buttons would not make it stop playing. It finally stopped on its own several minutes later. It had been unplugged for days. She tossed it after this.

6. I leaned a broom upright against the wall in the kitchen, left the room and distinctly heard it fall to the floor. Made the very familiar metal ringing sound of the handle smacking floor tile. I was frustrated as I turned to pick it up but I found it still leaning against the wall. It had not fallen.

7. One day I heard nearly every dish in the kitchen break as a cabinet fell from the wall and hit the floor. I ran in to find nothing disturbed. No cabinet had fallen. There was no mess. All was normal.

8. Wife heard my electric guitar strumming itself in the family room one day. It was unplugged. Anyone who has played one of these knows how quiet they are when not powered. She heard this out in the hallway 20 feet away from the guitar. When I came home she had me strum it progressively louder until she was able to hear it again from the same position. I told her to come see how hard I was hitting it to make it make a sound she could hear from where she was. I was wailing on it at that point. There's no way she heard it from where she was without the same force applied to it then. I believe her when she says she heard it, she was genuinely scared.

9. Finally, we learned that an old woman had lived in this house until near to her death. She loved it so much that she was known to climb to the roof and sweep leaves from a 6/12 pitch rooftop. That's way too steep for a lady of 80 years old, yet the neighbor who has lived next door for 35 years says she did it. She loved the house and took care of it as much as she could. One night after 5 years of these strange occurrences, in desperation my wife addressed the woman out loud, saying she could live here if she chose but not to show herself or let her presence be known. I took a much harsher view of this, being that I do not believe in ghosts having an ability to remain here, however I do believe in angels and devils. I said out loud that whatever was here is clearly not welcome and I expect it to leave or else challenge it to show itself. Since then, nothing else has happened.

10. Several years later, 2010 - 2013, my wife and I cared for an elderly man in our home until he passed last year, WHILE IN OUR HOME. I have not seen any signs that he hung around either, and have even spent the night in the room where he passed at since then as well. While he was here with us, he claimed to have seen that black cat also. Insisted we had one, though we assured him we did not. I even witnessed him petting empty air and talking to it once. Alzheimer's?

11. Of course, we've both lost items, looked the house over from top to bottom, checking all obvious places, only to have them turn up later in some of the exact same places we had thoroughly checked before. Some even in plain sight. I once saw an episode of the Twilight Zone that would explain this, LOL. I have no logical explanation for much of what we witnessed, but I still do not believe in ghosts. I do, however, believe that sometimes we are able to interact with strange going ons, some of which may just be devils causing confusion. It's what they're good at.

I am currently using an ipad, laying in the bed of the same room where the dog witnessed something in the corner and woke us (repeatedly the whole time we had the dog). I won't lose a wink of sleep either. Goodnight!

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Great story, Rooster.


I have not had all of that happen but I know how spooky it can be.


Grand dog refused to go upstairs for a long time. He just started going up and down the stairs last month when he visited with us.


Don't know if anyone out there believes or does not believe in ghosts but it make life interesting to live with one.

  • Super User

I have written about the ghost in my home and the failure of the historians to find the last of the three plantation cemeteries on the property our house is built.



Sam, I hate to say this, but do you have a basement?

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After we moved to the new place in the country built in 1957 I woke up one night to an old lady standing next to my bed. She was smiling at me. I said go away as I pulled the covers over my head. I see shadows often, dark shadows moving around the house. I seen a little boy peeking at me from the closet do it. I don't tell the wife anything not to scare her. The dog acts strange sometimes looking at something I can't se

Now the freaky thing is I get touched all the time. Sometimes it's a pointed finger tip and others it's a finger laying on its side. I'm laying in bed and it touches my foot but there's nothing there. I'm not afraid of nothing on this earth. Nothing scares me.

I've been to one of the most haunted places on the earth and seen fresh cloven hoof tracks in the snow. No biggie. If it appears well do the dance him with his pitchfork and me with my 41.

At this place with many empty foundations and forest I left a recorder running as we entered. I had 400film in the camera. I caught many orbs around us as I took pictures. The camera even went off by itself sometimes without me touching it. On the voice recorder I caught a twang noise like a bow string. There were no birds sounds, no sign of deer tracks too nothing throughout the whole town. Something called my dog a few times from a hill top as we left many times.

The next trip we lost the dog. It heard something and ran off. As we went to leave it showed up and was run ragged.

The next trip my neighbor with his camcorder came. He shut it off and it turned back on by itself. Again something called the dog from up in a large tree. Many times the dog ran back to the tree as we left. We caught something moving thru the air on the camcorder.

They closed the place now so the public can't go there.

Search for dudleytown in ct. They try to down play it on some posts but it's real it's no joke. I wish I could do more research there. I believe the devil worshipers went there with there wee-jee boards and opened up portholes into our present day and left them open. The ghost hunters the warrens said it's a very evil place and don't go there.

Listen to your dog, learn the different tone of its barks. Watch we're its looking. Watch how it's reacting. Read your dog it's telling you something is wrong. The dog has body English too.


It was late last night when I was replying so I forgot one of the most significant stories of all. An actual sighting instead of just strange occurrences and noises.

My stepson and stepdaughter still lived at home back in the early 2000's. We had moved into this house in early 2003, and by the end of January 2004, I had finished the previously unfinished basement and made both of them a bedroom down stairs. One night my stepdaughter tells me of something my stepson has hidden in his room that he's not supposed to have (can't remember now what it was). I asked her to show it to me when we got home (we were out at the time, and he wasn't with us). So when we got home she went down to her room. In a few minutes I called down to her and said I was coming down to see what she had been talking about. She said ok, so a minute later I went downstairs, rounded the corner towards the new laundry room, and thought I was seeing my stepdaughter out ahead of me as I walked toward her. I was wearing a baseball cap so based on my slouching walk, all I could see from below the brim of the hat was her legs as she stood in front of the washing machine. As I walked toward her, she turned and walked into my stepson's bedroom, which is where I was heading so I went in right behind her......into a pitch dark room!

I was slightly annoyed and wondering why we were just standing in a dark room so I flipped on the light to discover I was alone. I called out to her and asked where she was. She was down the hall in her own room, which I had passed by when I first came down the stairs. It was then that I realized after all the previous happenings that I had finally SEEN something for the first time. I had just followed a set of female legs into a dark room.

I know even right now that I definitely saw something that day. I do not know for sure what it was, just that it looked like my stepdaughter's legs. I was freaked out, and ended up forgetting about whatever it was my stepson wasn't supposed to have in his room. It could have been a porn magazine or hardcore drugs and I wouldn't have cared at that point.

I wasn't as religious then as I am now, so at that time someone might have convinced me I had seen a ghost. Since then I have come to believe that this is just the work of the devil causing mischief and confusion. It doesn't matter if the things he does even make sense, as long as he keeps people tore up and not thinking about God. This is a very easy way for him to keep people distracted.

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Oh boy. 


About 6 years ago My folks were having a little birthday party for me at their ranch.  house was built in the early 90's.  Big sprawling place on acreage. 


Approaching the house on the main road I noticed my nephew ahead of me by a couple hundred yards.  He approached the driveway and stopped.  I CLEARLY saw someone approach his window and lean in to the car.  I didn't think anything of it, as it looked like my brother in law. 


As I drove onto the property, I looked over to where I expected to see my brother in law, and there was nobody there!!


I thought to myself, "Jesse must have sprinted back into the house." 


I parked and as my nephew and I got out of our cars, I asked him who had approached his car when he got onto the driveway.  He looked at me and said, "what are you talking about?  No one approached my car."


I went cold.  I know what I saw.  I had not been drinking yet.  I clearly saw someone approach the vehicle and look inside. 


Lot of creepy stories. I grew up in a farm house built in the 1800s. I dont really have any good ghost stories but one night i walked into my room and the tv/lights turned off. I was probably 10-12 but i knew it wasnt a power outage. Something just didnt feel right about it and i took off downstairs. All the lights were on downstairs and i asked my grandfather to come back up with me. When we got upstairs everything was back on. Could of just been poor wiring idk, but we didnt have to change any fuses and my room was the only one to lose power. 


Now my neighbor lady was really into the paranormal. She told me ghost encounters she had as a kid. And after her husband passed she said she would find light bulbs unscrewed and a lot of weird things happening in the house. But what was the most scary was she had pictures on her walls of ghost families. They looked like normal family settings but they were clearly ghosts. This woman was in her 80s so it was a bit out of place. She was a real nice lady though. She has since passed and her house was sold. I asked the residents who lived in it a few years ago if they had ever encountered anything and they said no. So perhaps the spirits are now able to rest in peace.


I know some people down the street from me who have a house directly across the street from a cemetery,they have told me stories over the years like waking up to an old guy in overalls standing at the foot of the bed looking at them or being awoken in the middle of the night to what sounds like a party going on down in the basement. Their son told me one time he woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and before going back to bed he set his voice recorder on, later when he played it  back he said he could clearly hear a women's voice saying "if you didn't wake up soon,i was going to have to hurt you." 


I remember a night back in the early 70's . I had ridden my motorcycle over to my girlfriends place. She lived with her family still and that evening a big storm moved in and it began to pour. They said it was ok if I wanted to stay the night and go home in the morning as they had a spare bedroom. At some point in the evening my girlfriend started to talk about an aunt that she had been very close to that had passed away.She said that sometimes she could feel the aunts presence and smell her perfume. She also said that late at night she could hear what sounded like someone walking on the roof of the house and that she thought it was her aunt. Of course, I did not believe any of it. Latter that night when everyone had gone to bed, I woke up to see that the storm had passed, the sky was clear and the moon was high and bright. I just lay there ,not thinking of much of anything and then, yep, you guessed it, I heard foot steps..........on......the.........roof. There was no upstairs in this house. It was just me the ceiling and the roof. Whoever or whatever it was, was doing a lot of walking up there. I remember laying there with every hair on my body standing on end just wishing it would stop. At some point it must have cause I finally fell asleep. The next morning I got up, had a nice breakfast with the family and rode home without saying a word to anyone about my visitor. I never stayed overnight there again.


Sometimes I wonder if what we're hearing could just be an animal in the attic or on the roof. Sometimes raccoons, squirrels, and other animals get into attics and eaves. I heard footsteps in my attic, and so did others. However, my attic is finished space, with carpet and drywall. No access for animals. This was also very reminiscent of human footsteps, the precise thump, thump, thump you get from one foot in front of the other, and you could follow it across the room with your eyes and ears when listening and watching the ceiling while sitting on the couch in the living room below. Also, whenever we were in the basement it was always heard on the ground floor above us. Same thing in the same way. Floor squeaking, traveling from one direction to the other.....thump.....thump.....thump.....evenly timed. Again, no animal could have done this. I had an an argument with my brother in law (different one from who saw the black cat that we don't own). He said someone was in my house and I assured him there was no one. We hear it all the time, and come with me and I'll show you. He went too, but was expecting to catch someone walking around upstairs. He didn't think ghost, he thought intruder. When he realized there was no one there, and had not been anyone there, then he was a little disturbed, I told him we had learned to live with it and almost ignored it now. This was before our out loud verbal addressing of whatever/whoever it was. I don't know what it was but my mind is just not ready to accept that it could be a ghost. But the alternative is just as scary. It could have been demonic. But whatever it was, it's been gone a long time now. This April makes 11 years here for us in this house but the last time I heard or saw anything pertaining to these occurrences was about 2008, except for Charlie (old man we cared for here, 2010-2013) seeing, and talking to, and petting an imaginary black cat. My wife reminded me this morning that he would also have conversations with imaginary people whose faces were either protruding from the wall, or would bodily be sitting on our couch. We'd see this and ask him who he was talking to and this is what he'd say, that there was a face on the wall, or someone sitting on the couch. We never saw anything though, and until now I just assumed it was hallucination caused from his low sugar at times, and also being near passing on himself. Now, I wonder......


i lived in a house with a ghost when i was growing up. it was an old house in NC, that at one time had been used for funeral wakes. we named the ghost charlie. i was the only one that ever saw him, but it was from the back and not the face. i woke up in bed one night and saw a human figure walk out of my bedroom. opened the door and walked out, thing is the door was locked and the lock only could be used inside my room. next morning the door was still locked when i woke up. also had a radio play that wasnt plugged in. the rocking chair in the living room would at times rock on its own and the channels on the tv would start changing by themselves. the dogs would sometimes bark at thin air with the hair on their necks standing up and the hair on your neck would stand up then too. it once tapped my sister on the shoulder and said "hey". she took off running out of the house, she was home alone. something would also constantly tap on her second story bedroom windows some nights, nothing was ever there though. then it got in the car with my aunt and tried to ride home with her to VA one time. turned on and started changing the stations on her radio, she said "now charlie, you stop it and go back home" and the radio shut off and she never experienced that again.

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Probably is at my house in Virginia!!!


Probably is at my house in Virginia!!!

haha could be. a different aunt than the one i mentioned before lives in that house now, she actually completely remodeled it in and out, but has never experienced a single strange happening, so charlie may have moved on lol.

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