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Before I start I want to say I have read dozens of threads on this forum and haven't really found my answer. I have seen people who get a % of sales but no true sponsorship. I reached out to a company I use a ton. I'm sponsored by local bait shops and bars/restaurants when I do compete which isn't a ton but this year I just recently got laid off, have enough saved and am going to work a lot on my buying/reselling and relax this year and do some more fishing before my spot opens back up.

So ive had a few emails and they want to set up a phone interview this week so I may have my answer then. With a heavy background in sales and marketing I'm an asset to any company and to finally push a product I like the skies the limit. But what typically do sponsors do for you? Honestly the free products whatever is nice but I already have a tackle box full of their products so any more would just be extras. I have people who help pay my expenses but they are small businesses would love to take expenses off of them and still promote them. As it is I hardly ever pay 1/4 of my bill when I eat there or get discounts on all the bait and equipment I buy. So just wondering typically what big sponsors offer?

Honestly I know they are just after my sales ability. I'm young, well dressed, well spoken and love to fish. Honestly I get laughed at a lot because I'll be out in dress clothes and dress shoes with a movado fishing in the rain and mud after work, but have a lot of friends who fish daily, and am always meeting more. I know they are investing in my word of mouth more so than my fishing ability. I just want yo make sure I know what I'm getting into with a bigger sponsor. Honestly from what I've read it may end up being something I'm not interested in.

Will also share who the sponsor is once I get the yes or no. If they don't pick me up someone else may have a shot because they are looking.

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It is my opinion that sponsors are interested in winners.  You can be the best salesman there is but if your not a consistent winner at a high level the sponsors are going to be hard to get.   Good salesmen are a dime a dozen, but good salesmen that can compete at a high level of any sport are few and far between and more likely to get the type of  opportunities that you are after.


I am both. I didn't meant to come across that I go out with a stick, rope and can of hand dug worms on a bent paperclip. The company im speaking with is happy with my fishing resume but have even stated they are very interested in the sales upside with me. That's the reason for this post is I know why im being considered. As a guy who makes close to six figures in sales I know im not expecting to be compensated to my sales ability they already pay people the same money for that. But I am excited to get in ground level with a company I love and possibly work up to that level hone my fishing skills and maybe take a shot at fishing at the highest level. But im smart enough to crawl before I walk. So im just curious what most entry level people get. Just knowing they have expressed their interest in my sales makes me wonder what I could expect?

Honestly id push their product if I wasn't paid. In fact I do. But if im going to make this an almost full time passion I want to make sure it's worthwhile for most people. Seems like a lot of people are on the fence. Not just on this forum but in general.

  • Super User

Let me put it in perspective, would you sooner buy a new bait from KVD or Edwin Evers, respected fisherman, or a dude named Bob that is a good to great saleman.


Well unfortunately kvd would never come to my area and local sales people sell more to the small shops than kvd does. This company is a great company that just has failed to tap my local market. Here's a stat for you. There's 650 known bait shops in 100 mile radius over ten in my small town alone. 3 bait shops carry this product. Its a total shame. So if I could give them even 5% of that market that's obviously worth something to them I just don't know what. This company I actually sold products from the company I worked for that just shut down in this area for expansion. This is initially how I got a leg in I was given an email of a gentleman to talk to which I did and here we are.

I'm not asking anyone to argue what this company is looking for. They already have their version of kvd. In fact they have four huge pro fisherman "making" lures for them. But that isn't helping them tap into market places obviously.

I'm just asking for advice from peoples past experience what is typical of entry level compensation from these companies as ive never been in this spot before.


Also those three bait shops who carry their product are almost the full 100 miles away from me. Closest being 88 miles.


  It's kind of like basketball. Almost everyone can dribble a ball. Very very few make money doing it. Getting discounts and free shirts and hats doesn't feed the family. I see hundreds of guys with sponsors all over their shirts, trucks and boats. But I have only met one that went pro and made it. So I guess it is possible. The best way to get there is to work your way up one of the big tournament trails and make it to the Classic or the Forrest Wood Cup. Then you will find sponsors that will pay you money and entry fees. Working for free stuff is just going to take up your time from being a better fisherman. I've had more money taken from me from guys in tee shirts and old boats then I have from the ones with sponsors.

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Thanks guys.


I agree my old man and I will go out and fish with the best of them in Florida. We reeled in a lot of tournament winners. I'm not doing this for fame or fortune. I think the idea of having a big name sponser me could be fun if nothing else for awhile. I'm in tournaments wether I'm sponsered or not and you will still catch me out fishing for fun on a nightly basis. The last couple of years I've been fishing out of my comfort zone. I went from having my almost guranteed honey holes to bring the kayak new places (some times to no success others to nailing some big ones). Too be honest even though I've fished them my whole life bass fishing wasn't my forte' until recently. I just for some reason enjoy catching bass the most. I've reeled in Marlin which is an adrenline rush. But nothing beats the peacefulness of bass fishing. I also have an uncle who is relatively famous in the bass fishing community and I'm sure any of you New Yorkers may know him. He's been ranked amongst the top in the state multiple times. So I'm looking forward to being competitive against him as well. Another big reason I'm taking bass fishing more serious as of late. Honestly I could try and piggy tail his sponsors (And yes he does it for a living) he would put in a good word, but I've always worked for what I get. I've asked him more but his first sponsor was over 20 years ago and he was given stickers, patches and 3 lures probably not the standard any more.


I have a phone interview set for tomorrow so I'll let you guys know more tomorrow. It's honestly sounding more like a salesman spot than sponsorship as I speak with them though.

  • Super User

Sales rep/sponsorship goes hand in hand in a lot of industries.  I don't have the experience in the fishing world but in the outdoor retail industry most of the sales reps were "sponsored" by the same companies.  They got money by hawking product and got product for their own use at the cost to the company or free.  The lifestyle allowed them to have plenty of free time to pursue what they wanted to do as far as the various sports go but at the same time, they brought in sales to the companies as well.  Every full sponsored athlete has to put in the face time with the public and balance that with high performance.


Well heck honestly if I could get paid even half of my normal years commissions to sell fishing products and to fish in tournaments and get paid for it I'd do it in a heart beat. I'll be honest I love the money I make, and I love sales but I HATE the services I sell. They are inferior. It is a product that holds many people especially rural companies over a fire because we are the only option, and it's my job to sell them slightly above what they need in case they expand. I'm the best. Top in New York in fact and top 10 nationwide. But I'm sick of it. So if they are looking for someone to go on full time in sales and sponser me at events I can tell you I'd put 300% behind it. I've never been anxious for an interview. I've walked into every interview knowing they'd hire me on the spot. This is the first time since I was 18 I have sat down and practiced. It could be all for nothing and I could be blowing it out of proportion, but the possibilities of what it COULD mean? Not saying I'd be the next KVD but if I could be in a position to even fish with the guys, and do some traveling for a company I mean it could be a dream oppurtunity.


I was basically head hunted after a successful sales meeting with the companies VP, and IT guy, and the contact has been constant. To be honest this is one reason I joined this forum to read and interact. Get consumer oppinions and just put me in touch with a virtual angler base not just the local base. Since being on here I have learned a lot of things, and view points I wouldn't have otherwise considered or known.


I do have to say though A lot of forums are pretty tight knit and outsiders unwelcome this one has been really great, and I do feel I can open up about things like this with little redicule or backlash. So regardless of the outcome I will definately continue reading and posting. Already talked to and met a lot of people on here that are local who I hope to fish with this year.


Let me put it in perspective, would you sooner buy a new bait from KVD or Edwin Evers, respected fisherman, or a dude named Bob that is a good to great saleman.



Also to this comment, when I entered in my career field I had no background in phone systems, t1s,fiber or fiberoptics, etc. They were looking for people with 3+ years experience. I had 0. I showed a willingness to learn and push their product as gospel and now I hold accounts with with almost every major company in New York even small companies (took me 5 months my first year to break the NY sales record), and am the best at what I do. This is slightly different because most people we see are pros and superstars in the profession but keep in mind for every KVD there are 100 Bobs making about 1/3rd what they do hitting the streets to push product and about 10,000 people getting a cool patch and discount bait. Anyone who wants something just has to push to get it. I see a lot of younger kids on this forum that are impressive, and good members of their community. I see a lot of these kids getting sponsered some day if they want it bad enough but most of them probably wont need it. If they show the kind of resolve in real life as they do on here they will be just fine no matter what they do. But I certaintly wouldn't stomp on their dreams of fishing for a large company because it's not an easy thing to do.


Some people buy Nike because Jordan and LeBron wear it, but sometimes it takes a Bob to get you to understand why you're going to spend $150.00 on shoes. Or the guy at the local bait shop to push one product over another, and a local face and name to lean back on if something doesn't seem to go right goes a long way to a lot of the "good ole boys" I know who own bait shops, and a lot of those guys would rather have that handshake from a local vs the word of a pro who alters his baits or uses different bait anyways. As others have said if anyone could just use KVDs bait and immediately gain superstar status it'd be as simple as spending 400.00 on a rod/reel, and about 100.00 in kvd bait lol. But I do appreciate your view and oppinion.

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On a side note, the commission in your job must suck to be top in the state and not make 6 figures.  I know plenty of guys who make 6 figures in car sales and they are no where near the top in the state.


Eh car sales suck around here. I was doing 6 figures in a car sales in Melbourne Florida. Unfortunately in this area of NY the typical household income is around 40-45k. Thats 2 people. I also do defferred comp if I come close to 100k. Tax purposes. Not to mention I never see 17% of it because of child support even though I have my son 50% of the time. Honestly if I could find a sales job in this area that'd cap 100k I'd be shocked. Most the businesses in this area would be lucky to hit 100k in gross in 2 years. Other than Eagle chevrolet top salesman does about 6-7 cars a month around here. I gave it a shot when I first moved back but I learned quick even if they offer 30-40%... 30-40% of nothing is still nothing. Pack fees etc are so bad with dealerships trying to survive you're lucky to see 500.00 gross which equate to all flats. Things must be good in Virgina though but Fulton/Hamilton/Montgomery county New York. No dice. And being in Virgina I'm sure (especially your West Virgina bretheren) know that Frontier Communications is dying haha unfortunately unless I want to travel 3 hours to Manhattan I'm not going to go find many jobs that break that 100k cap with 17% going to the ex. Just hoping to dive off this sinking ship before I start working for them as a technician. :-p But thanks for the dig.


As it is they dropped our commission % before laying us off for the winter to "rebuild". Laying off all of your account executives is only detrimental to business. not to mention they shipped off our entire noc department to Texas where they can pay them 15.00 an hour compared to the 60.00 an hour they were making here. Call centers moved from union states to South Carolina, and other non union areas.

  • Super User

I think you missed my point, my point is that if you want to make it in fishing your chances are much better if you are winning big tournaments and get noticed for your fishing ability, then if you are a great salesman that is even better. I don't know of any guys in the Elites that are just average to good fisherman but d**n good salesmen.

If your good at sales then stick with it, your chances of making a living and taking care of or starting a family are much higher than making it on the Pro Bass Tour.


Oh I totally agree. I'm just saying I don't know what direction they are wanting me to go. Just because I'd like a sponsor of a product I love doesn't mean I want to be a famous pro. Pipe dream? Maybe. If it happens great. I'm just excited ive had interest.


Personally I don't give a crap what KVD or any other successful angler throws.  Or who sponsors them.  I pay attention to the type of lure or color. Not the brand.  I listen to guys in my club or other local anglers.  I also hit up guys at work.  The biggest improvement in my fishing has come from the great guys on here.  Answering my questions, even tho some of them have been eye rollers!  :eyebrows:   So, what I'm saying is, don't worry about being famous.  Show them your willing. If you get the gig, push it at the tournaments you fish.  Put your heart and soul in explaining their product.  


When I played ball in high school, our coached was frustrated with our being lazy and lack of enthusiasm in practice.  When we went in the locker room, he wanted us to write the definition of "enthusiasm" on a piece of paper.  Put our name on it and turn it into his office.  I gave an example of "enthusiasm"  I used a guy on the team that was always pumped.  He was never tired, always being the cheerleader.  My paper was read aloud in the locker room.  I was told in front of the team that was a great example.  And he said if we were all like said player, we'd be a better team.  Now to why I told you that story.  Be "ENTHUSIASM" and it will work! 

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Thanks for your support. I think you're the first to get my point and passion. I kind of felt like I was stuck defending myself a lot as most people seem to do on this subforum. Sure some of us may need it but we need equal parts encouragement and support as well.

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Sometimes people don't understand  because they are "complacent"   I am never complacent.  I'm always looking to make more money at what I do.  I will always have dreams.  Also, for some reason this country has gotten lazy.  They don't want to put their big panties on and work for what they want or love.  "Brow beaten" per say.    Now don't get me wrong.  I am not saying anyone on here is like that.  I'm saying our country as a whole is leaning that way.  When it is pounded in your head, what else are you going to do?  Free this! Free that!  Hold your hand out and we'll give it to you! Not me.  I'll gladly drag my fat carcass out of bed and pound away! Why? Because I like to think my parents raised me rite and taught me well.  To do otherwise, IMO would be spitting in their faces.

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I agree and amen. Couldn't have said it any better myself. Which is why I push my son (who is 4) to be better than my g/f's kids who are 8 and 12. I push them just as much but I think a competitive spirit and nature is something this country is greatly lacking. A sense of pride in what they do is another, and hard work? Forget about it. For instance they wanted a snowmobile so I went out and bought a couple of old ski doos that I grew up on and told them it's not all fun ,and they were going to learn to break trails. I told them how to do it and said good luck. They spent allllll day shoveling themselves out because they didn't listen. Then after 3-4 hours of watching them bust their butt I hopped on and broke the trails for them and they got to enjoy the last couple of hours. But boy did it make me proud to see these kids who when I moved in wouldn't leave the video games alone out there working for what they wanted. Not many kids would put in that kind of work like we did as a kid and I'm a firm believer the type of mentality we have and our used to starts young and sticks with you. You become complacent as you get older so if you're allowed to become complacent at 12 forget about it get your hand out for welfare now. (don't get me wrong some people need assistance but it shouldn't be a way of life).


That being said I did get a trial sponsorship. they are sending me a jersey, hat, stickers/patches, tackle to try out, discount tackle to start and if I can sell x amount to local bait shops.  tackle at cost and free tackle depending on amount plus a percentage. Also are going to pay for my first three tournaments this year and depending on how I place, and how I'm performing in sales we can restructer and they have a pretty good compensation plan the better I do. So it's a start for an awesome company, and will take some financial responsibility off my current local sponsors, and they are still allowing me to work with them and show off their logo etc as well. Thanks for those of you who were behind me on this one. I'll post a picture of me all decked out when it come in. Never owned an actual "fishing jersey" before. Can't wait to see how it feels. I think my voice cracked a few times on the phone after they told me the details. I was like a kid on christmas. The best part is they are leaving it up to me to perform. I love the pressure. So If I do great I don't have to worry about being stuck under a basic contract. The downside is I could get the boot pretty fast,. but I have faith.


So for those of you looking for sponsorship put your name and face out there worst they can say is no but in my case I got lucky to have had a foot in the door.

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Thanks a lot I still have a huge grin. I know there's people who deserve it more than me so once im in good I hope to help others interested.

  • Super User

I will probably get the dreaded WARNING POINT for this, but oh well. I have went through this many times on Archery forums where everyone wants to be "sponsored" or on "staff." I view most of it as being a big JOKE. Kind of like welfare for your hobby. I don't know why any company would offer anyone other than a professional angler a full sponsorship. Trust me, you really aren't doing any major company a favor by being a good salesman (don't pat yourself on the back too hard, it may hamper your fishing ability). If you aren't on the Elite series, chances are no one cares what you use. In fact, I'm not sure being the best angler in the world even matters. Don't believe me? How often do you hear Quantum recommended on any fishing forum? Fishing and archery are about the only things that companies offer these ridiculous "positions" to people. I have never heard of the local YMCA baller getting a Nike deal. Keep on thinking that any company owes you anything. Become a professional angler and you will have some room to talk. That being said, I couldn't tell you one item that Randall Tharp uses.

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That being said, I couldn't tell you one item that Randall Tharp uses.


I tend to agree that its mostly just addional work with basically less than minimum wage. With that said... tharps entire boat and truck both say Halo.

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