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I would like everyone's opinion...


I have fished in a small club for the past 6 years....  as a non-boater.

there are 12 boaters and 4 non-boaters.


the non-boater is paired with a different boater for each (8) tournament.  we all fish against eachother, no teams.  the non-boaters compete against the boaters.


the club rules are that all members pay the same entry fee ($25) for each tournament.  so, me, as a non-boater pays the same as the boater.  needless to say, i don't feel like i have near the same/equal opportunity to catch fish as the boater.  especially since everyine "beats the bank" and i end up fishing 2nd to every piece of cover.


here is where i want your opinion...


i am going to propose that the non-boater pay $15 due to the fact that we don't have near the same chance. 

we have to fish....where, how and at what speed the boater decides.


what do you all think???  am i being reasonable or out of line??



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So, you pay $25 for one day plus maybe splitting the gas and bring lunch?


The boater bought the boat, maintains the boat, stores the boat, hauls the boat

and probably cleans the boat. I think that's a great deal for YOU, not so much for

the boater.

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I am a non-boater in the same type of league ... You can't neglect the things RW mentioned.  


Do the math and when it's all said and done you are fishing at a bargain price.


Entry fee should be slightly less for a non-boater.  Period.   Clubs that know all the arguments surrounding this issue are set up this way.  Clubs that are not are in it for the money, not the fishing. 

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hmmm... food for thought...

i guess i am looking at it as though...the boater has his boat....his choice...and the clubis for boaters AND non-boaters....not IMO for the non-boater to subsidize the boaters...

and i am paying to get "back boated"... not like i am paying to just "fish with a buddy" which at $25 for a day on the lake with a buddy....fishing...would make total sense...

this is a tournament...and i pay the same to get back-boated...??  just doesn't seem right..

and yes, i can see where i might be sounding like a "whiner"...  lol  just tired of paying to get back boated..in a club that is supposed to be "of high sportsmanship"

yes...ranting...just seeing if others are of the same opinion or not..

i do appreciate all the comments... i need to have my opinion solidified...or swayed... before our rules meeting in february..

if i am wrrrrrong... i need to know that....

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So maybe i am crazy but you are just figuring this out after 6 years?   Why is this an issue this year and not the previous 5?


Sounds more like your club need to have non-boaters compete against non-boaters.


Really it sounds like you need to get your own boat or find another club.  Would making the entry fee $20 or $15 even make a difference?  I mean your results would be the same only you wouldn't get as much money if you did win.



i guess i need to mention that the non-boater does (per club rule) pay the boater for gas..


i know...5 years... i joined because i was new to the area and just wanted to meet some guys who fish and have a good time..and the years have gone by...i realized how bad i was getting back-boated...and it reached its bad point last year..

there is not another club within an hour.  the solution should not be....buy a boat.  IMO

i know...lowering the entry fee by $10 doesn't amount to much.. i guess it is a principle thing... i pay the same...and then get back-boated.


I fish in a church club. We aren't required to pay anything. It's really awesome that these guys are willing to take us fishing for free. A lot of times people give their boater $20 for gas, but still we aren't even required to do that. We're all friends though, and usually we can ask them politely to try to get a good spot for the both of us and they'll agree. We understand though that sometimes being back boated is what it takes to win. If we're in a good spot having your non-boater being back boated is not a main concern. I understand what you're saying and I agree. If you're paying you should get a chance to fish, but I don't think that you should do it like that. It may just take getting to know the guys and asking nicely for a good spot. I think calling the boaters out is more than likely going to get you kicked out. From what I understand paying $25 is a fairly cheap price for a bass club. You've got to think about how much it cost to maintain a boat. I'd just ask nicely.


The only clubs I have been in were either a teams club or singles, so I have never had the non-boater experience. When I fished as part of a team, we would split time on the front deck. If I was a boater fishing with a non boater, I would probably do the same thing as when I fished teams. Sometimes I just need a break from running things and worrying about boat postion etc, and just hang out in the back.  If you want, at your meeting, maybe you could bring up giving the non boater even just a bit of time at the front, but I doubt its going to go well. On the plus side, I know a few guys who have won championships from the back of the boat.

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i guess i need to mention that the non-boater does (per club rule) pay the boater for gas..


i know...5 years... i joined because i was new to the area and just wanted to meet some guys who fish and have a good time..and the years have gone by...i realized how bad i was getting back-boated...and it reached its bad point last year..

there is not another club within an hour.  the solution should not be....buy a boat.  IMO

i know...lowering the entry fee by $10 doesn't amount to much.. i guess it is a principle thing... i pay the same...and then get back-boated.

So it sounds to me like this club was established because someone wanted to do their own rules or were getting beat by the non-boater.  Personally, i would look elsewhere because it doesn't sound like a fun club to be in.


I also think that if you know the rules, make your suggestions and people don't buy into them it is time to leave.  


My suggestion would be to designate half of your events as Team events. Since you have an even number of members, you might see boaters team up in those events and gain some insight into how it feels from your perspective.

And if not, then *YOU* will certainly have no doubt about what they are really all about. Gut feel is N8cas4 has them pegged.

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My first and only event was a two day tournament with a random draw for partners.

As luck would have it I drew the club's Angler Of The Year. He won this tournament,

too! I rode down with another member, otherwise I would have left Saturday afternoon.


One and done.


On a brighter note, i fish a charity tournament or two with REAL friends every year.

We fish the same way we fish any other weekend and have fun. This year we had

hourly weighins and I won $100 which I donated back to St. Judes.


kent...."fun" tournaments are different......or just "outings".... $25 plus money for gas is not an issue in those cases...

fishing against the boater(s) paying the same money and getting back boated is my beef.


i probably just need to look for another (more non-boater friendly) club.  when there are 12 boaters and only 4 non-boaters, they aren't gonna see it my way....from a non-boaters perspective...


kent...."fun" tournaments are different......or just "outings".... $25 plus money for gas is not an issue in those cases...

fishing against the boater(s) paying the same money and getting back boated is my beef.


i probably just need to look for another (more non-boater friendly) club.  when there are 12 boaters and only 4 non-boaters, they aren't gonna see it my way....from a non-boaters perspective...

I noticed you are in Indiana, have you looked into USA Bassin? Its a team trail, but guys do fish alone. There may be some guys looking for a partner to fish with. I fished that trail where I live, its a good time and everyone is friendly.


A $25 tournament and you are whining?  Really, if that is to much I would get out of tournament fishing and go back to beating the bank.  These guys with a boat are giving you the opportunity to fish where your Nikes can't get.

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I don't think it's fair that boaters and non boaters compete against each other. At most, I might suggest having boater against boater and non boater against non boater. This may cause guys to drop out because there is less money to be won. There are a lot of clubs out there looking for members. If your current club is not a perfect fit, try another one, or buy yourself a boat so you can dictate what happens on the water.

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I fish from the back of a boat in a team club. I feel I have the same chance to catch fish as my partner does. Sometimes it is advantageous to be in the back cause you can hit the cover from a different angle. Been many times my partner has casted at a piece of cover a few times & then I catch a fish off of it. But, if you are being "back boated"on purpose, then the club should find better members.

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Club needs more non boaters, so everyone has a partner and then add $5 to the entry for everyone.  That extra pot is for the winning team that day.  We do that in our club (30+ members) & in the four years (two as president) we've never had an issue with being back boated. In lue of adding members keep the $5 per team and give the total for the year to the boater that had the best results for his non boaters.  That's a couple hundred and could be enough incentive.

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kent...."fun" tournaments are different......or just "outings".... $25 plus money for gas is not an issue in those cases...

fishing against the boater(s) paying the same money and getting back boated is my beef.


i probably just need to look for another (more non-boater friendly) club.  when there are 12 boaters and only 4 non-boaters, they aren't gonna see it my way....from a non-boaters perspective...

Exactly why I won't join a club. I prefer team tournaments, 2 guys working together, instead of 2 guys fishing against each other.

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triton guy....  it really isn't the money.... it is the principle....$25 is not the issue.  it is simply the fact that non-boaters pay the same fee as the boater....fish against the boater and get back-boated.

if it were a team tournament...that is a whole different animal...


That wouldnt fly with me either. I dropped out of my club this year too, just didnt agree with how they run the show. If youre going to let guys in your club with little boats, theyll NEVER beat a 250 to the top of the lake, never. Final straw for me was having a big bass in the box on a one fish night and everyone else couldnt catch a fish that night so they decided not to weigh. It was the third fish I had in the box, culling twice. Every time we were supposed to fish a lake where I would have any advantage it was canceled and moved to a lake where the big boats had the advantage. I pulled the plug, it was only $10 a day but why just hand over money every week and not stand a chance, thats borderline insane.


i agree.... it is NOT the money...either the club is for boaters AND non-boaters...or not.  and with only 3-4 non-boaters...and 12 boaters...changing the rules to be more equitable for the non-boater is probably like "spitting in the wind"...(keeping it clean)...lol..

i'll find out in a couple weeks at our Feb meeting and i'll let ya'll know....at the same time, i'm looking for a club within an hours drive that is more hospitable...


several angles at play here.


I wouldnt be happy about being back boated all day either.


$25 is not "a bargin" its standard.... looking at the team clubs in my area, its $50 a boat, and many that includes big bass.


1. boaters should fish against boaters and non boaters fish against non boater (just like the big leagues)

2. if I am fishing against the boater and get back seated all day, that guy is not getting a penny of gas money........ just like in my boat, I never take gas money from people cause I fish where and how I want, and burn the gas I want to burn, thats not the non boaters choice, so why should be pay? now if the guy I am fishing with has spots, by all means speak up and I will take you there. In fact I will even help you catch them, lol.  

3. talk to the boaters and see whats his plan to fish the night before so you can be better perpared, even tell him your plan as well? ......... even though this is a good way to get your spots burned.


4. talk about having more a ulitmate match fishing rules where both guys get control of trolling motor at least some of the time.

5. buy a boat then kick their ass next year?

6. tell the club to pound sand and find another club

7. have the club switch to more of a "team" atmostspere so both people in the boat have a interest in catching fish, and helping each other...... thats what club fishing is about right?


good luck!

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That wouldnt fly with me either. I dropped out of my club this year too, just didnt agree with how they run the show. If youre going to let guys in your club with little boats, theyll NEVER beat a 250 to the top of the lake, never. Final straw for me was having a big bass in the box on a one fish night and everyone else couldnt catch a fish that night so they decided not to weigh. It was the third fish I had in the box, culling twice. Every time we were supposed to fish a lake where I would have any advantage it was canceled and moved to a lake where the big boats had the advantage. I pulled the plug, it was only $10 a day but why just hand over money every week and not stand a chance, thats borderline insane.

That's a crock! There was a open club tourney the beginning of last year for a club I do not fish but we fish the same water and I follow their stats closely. 28 boats showed up and 2 fish were weighed in. They paid out 4 places. The team that weighed in the bigger fish got 1st, 3rd, and big bass, The other team got 2nd and 4th. That's the way it should be done. I don't know how a tournament director can just cancel a payout if there are fish to be weighed.


I disagree with the comment about the smaller boats. I've done quite well with a 17ft tin and a 90hp. Our club AOY's Skeeter was out for repairs during 2 tournaments last year. They cashed checks in both tourneys fishing out of a jon boat with a 9.9 and a aerated cooler for a livewell. 

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