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I read day in and day out about how much everybody here loves fishing. Blah blah blah. Surely there are things you don't like OR would like to change about spending a day or week or lifetime on the water. Pleasure boats, jet skis, and bucketheads don't count because we all hate them. 


My gripes.

1. All the boatable water in northern IL and southern WI is privately managed.This means I have to pay to launch the boat. Anywhere from $15-$25 a launch. I've fished many impoundments in the south and all the ramps are in pristine condition and FREE

2. Fishermen not respecting other fishermen. If I'm fishing a spot. When you come up on me, please go around the side I'm not casting to. 

3. Clean up your frickin garbage. Don't throw your line in the water. It is magnetized to my prop. You shore guys...bring a garbage bag with you and pick up the garbage and worm containers that is left by the bucketheads. God gave us this resource and man will screw it up.

4. New guys on local forums, don't publicly hound guys on the boards for their honeyholes. I promise you, you'd get better feedback if you asked in a PM 


What don't you guys like, or would want to change?

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I feel the prices on equipment are high for what we are getting. $200 reels that dont perform much better or as well as older reels. Ive said it a few times about my 2003 $70 Pinnacle reel that performance wise matches my 50E's & Helios I had.

The worst is it seems most fisherpeople dont mind paying way over what something should be priced. Like these aftermarket $50- $80 handles for a little $4 piece of graphite & $5 in spindles. 


Adding this as another example for around $80 truck chassis


Look at this graphite frame for an RC heli just $50 for all this:



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A flooded boat...


A no show for fishing trip...


When you lend out poles while Sea fishing with the only stipulation is they need to wash it off with fresh water when done..and they don't...


3. Clean up your frickin garbage. Don't throw your line in the water. It is magnetized to my prop. You shore guys...bring a garbage bag with you and pick up the garbage and worm containers that is left by the bucketheads. God gave us this resource and man will screw it up.

This. This. This.

Nothing disgusts me more than people who leave their trash behind!

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"What You Don't Like About Fishing?"


1.  Nothing


2).  Nothing


3).  Nothing


Our lives have enough challenges to keep us duly occupied.

Seems counter productive to find fault on the small things that are good.

It's all about attitude.



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"What You Don't Like About Fishing?"


Guys who commit to a week long fishing trip then back out at the last minute.  


Walleye fishing. I'd rather stay home and paint my house.

Cold fronts.

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  • Super User

"What You Don't Like About Fishing?"


1.  Nothing


2).  Nothing


3).  Nothing


Our lives have enough challenges to keep us duly occupied.

Seems counter productive to find fault on the small things that are good.

It's all about attitude.



I'm sure there's tons of things like losing lures or crappy boat launches but its all apart of the game, no matter how remedial or significant it still doesn't agrevate or ruin my fishing.

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Im with ya on this slonezp.


We all fish because we love more about it than what we don't like. Or else we would golf or play badminton or some other silly activity. But in my view it would be unrealistic to not recognize the parts of fishing that make it less enjoyable on occasion. Maybe there is a way to turn a negative into a positive. But probably there isn't.


As said above, the cost associated with some items. I need a small outboard for my 14ft tin boat. Looking used and they are still pricey. I just need to not be poor anymore to solve that problem. We have to pay to launch at all locations up here, the conditions are pretty variable.


Im in a small boat fishing and someone in a ski boat cruises on by closer than they should be and faster. Sure, we all share the water but common sense buddy.


The wind. My main lake gets strong winds from the canyon around noon and can make it unfishable in my boat with the waves that go with it.


Oh yeah. WINTER. I can't fish open water around here until April usually.


Getting Skunked. I hate preparing for a day on the water with new presentations to try and the excitement that goes with it. Only to find you are in the wrong spot or throwing the wrong lure, but not realizing it until the day is over. This sucks, but it is a huge motivator to go back and find out what I did wrong and do it right next time around. Nothing is better than learning from a previous smelly outing, and applying what was learned. This is my favorite kind of success.


Too Many lure choices for a beginner

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Yeah, I hate about garbage, but that's not limited to fishing per say. There are just so much garbage out there and there are so many who don't care. Amount of trash in this country is crazy.


And for things I would like to change about 'my' fishing situation is about the boat. It is a 'work' to get out there for me with my boat. I break sweat every time. At the same time, this is also what I feel thankful for, that I do have a way to be on the water.


I don't like getting skunked. I used to hate it, but not as much as before. Use of positive thinking made the difference. (So this thread is a bad thread, sloneZP :) )


The way my hands and fingers stink for hours even after numerous washings.

  • Super User

I can't say I hate fishing cause I do it everyday, but..................I have lost a lot of interest in bass fishing.  I no longer fish from a boat in freshwater, been there and done that for many years, don't want another freshwater boat.  Fishing bass from shore I'm getting tired of the snakes, fire ants, slow fishing, lack of open water, less challenging, less fight, not many fish over 6 or 7#, reduced public access.  All said I'll keep doing it everyday, it's still the easiest game in town around here.

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The only thing I can think of is the cost of fuel to tow the boat here and there.  I average 40 to 50 bucks round trip for a day of fishing.  The boat is cheap to operate because we do not have any large impoundments around here.  I burn maybe two gallons of fuel per day of fishing, spending at least 95% of the time on the trolling motor.  I can run from May - September on 55 gallons of fuel.


While I don't like the cost of fuel for towing, I enjoy the drives to the road trips and our daughter's home in GA.  The ride home, not so much.

  • Super User

Thrash, garbage, plus which ever adjective or adverb y'all want to add!

No discussion required! Totally unacceptable period!

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Mainly I just hate the high cost of gear/equipment these days. Use to be fishing was an "every-man's" sport (or every kids). Now a days, it is very expensive to maintain and buy equipment - and I'm not even thinking about your boat!


Then there's the "greenies" that have forced us here in MA to adopt a "No Lead" law. All because they found a dead loon that supposedly died of lead poisoning via ingested fishing sinkers. Especially now with the loon population exploding here. Unbelievalbe! Now we have to use "alternative" material jigs & sinkers. Very expensive move against we sportsmen. And don't even get me started on TUNGSTEN! LOL!

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I ABSOLUTLY HATE the fact that there isn't a 10lber caught each time I go out!!! I mean can I catch a break please fishing gods lol

I'm heading out now actually so hopefully they bless me with one close to it lol

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There is nothing I hate about fishing per say. Now, throw in careless and inconsiderate people from boats or from shore and you have yourself a entirely different thread. Are there fishing conditions that make my trip extremely challenging? Absolutely! Do I hate it? NO. I made a conscious choice to go out in those challenging conditions so that's on me. 

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There was a lot more that bothered me before I had my bout with acute pancreatitus. Not even wanting to pick up a fishing rod for a couple months was very strange when I look back on it. Now I'm blessed to be able to go again. Yeah costs keep me close to home...dang co-payments to docs keep me close. Praise the Lord I live close to several lakes here in Tennessee.

So yeah I hate the garbage...think I'm going to take a plastic bag along and spend five minutes on way back putting some other people's ?!@$ in it. I'm going to look at some of these people at the launch who can't seem to launch their boat and load their stuff untill they are right in the middle of the ramp with several people waiting. I'll just shake my head and maybe...maybe ask if they need help. The people who just pull in on me...well...thats a tough one but guess I'll have to work on that one and just shake my head maybe turn on big motor and leave quickly to get out of his way.

Tight Lines....Merry Christmas


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It took a lot of thinking, but there is one thing I don't like about fishing. All my local lakes only have one or two boat ramps and they all open at 8am and close at sunset. It's like they don't want me fishing when the fish are biting! We have a dock we have access to on one of the lakes and in the summer if i cant take my boat i will get there around 5:30, or go fishing in the evening till 9:30. Sometimes we carry my boat (Pelican Bass Raider) down 3 flights of stairs and launch it from the dock so we can be on the lake before 8!

  • Super User

"What You Don't Like About Fishing?"


1.  Nothing


2).  Nothing


3).  Nothing


Our lives have enough challenges to keep us duly occupied.

Seems counter productive to find fault on the small things that are good.

It's all about attitude.





I'm sure there's tons of things like losing lures or crappy boat launches but its all apart of the game, no matter how remedial or significant it still doesn't agrevate or ruin my fishing.

Yes, I know, hate is a strong word. Don't get me wrong. There's not enough money in the world to get me to give up the game. I get thru every day on the water with a smile on my face no matter what the circumstances. It doesn't discount the fact that people need to change. My biggest irks are the lack of respect some have towards others in the the sport. (There's a recent article on *** about this) and the lack of respect towards the fisheries. It's not only the fishermen. There is so much trash in my home water from the pleasure boaters. The agency that manages my home water runs a volunteer cleanup every spring for one weekend after the thaw and before they raise the water to summer pool. Winner of bragging rights goes to the boat that collected the most trash. Shouldn't have to be this way. You'd think, since we have to pay user fees to operate a boat on the system, people would have some respect. Oh, and my ramp fees go to the Fox Lake American Legion Post. I'm not complaining about them. (except of course getting out of the parking lot on Bingo Sunday is next to impossible :grin: ) It's the ramp fees on the other fisheries :wink2:

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Horsepower restrictions. There are so many lakes here that are huge that have electric only or 9.9 HP restriction. This limits my boat use to about three areas out of about fifty. Most lakes are so big that the thought of even trying to cover them with a trolling motor is crazy. Why not just make them no wake lakes instead? A 9.9 is essentially a gas trolling motor anyway. 

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I hate when I take my kayak up to the lake for the day and all my spots are full of tournament fisherman. Its hard to get out beyond them on a kayak. If there are fun fisherman there it is usually one or two. I can work around them, but the tournament guys show up in flocks. I dont get mad at the guys. I dont own the lake so they have as much right to be there as I do, but its disappointing when I've put all my eggs in that one basket. I usually end up fishing unfamiliar water out of consideration for them.

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Do I have to limit it to three? LOL


Off the top of my head:


#1..... I really don't know how to put this, because I enjoy fishing, and running tournaments, but the whole tournament culture bugs the crap out of me. That's why I started running my own, I get good turn out's, and it's a bunch of decent guys for the most part. Laid back atmosphere, low stress, low pressure, low entry fee's, 100% payback, open to all....we don't keep track of points/standings, we just have a little invite only "classic" at the end of the year for the guys who cashed during the season. I understand the structure and competiveness at the higher levels, but when it creeps down to the local weeknight/weekend tournaments........enough is enough.


#2.......The slobs and there garbage.....it's bad enough when the weekend pleasure boat crowd does it, but when it's other fisherman? I come unglued. Yeah we have all lost things in the water, or had crap fly/blow out of the boat, but as a fisherman to litter on purpose.....don't let me catch you doing it.


#3.......Excuse making and/or over analytical fisherman. I see people who spend lots of time on the water, and have for years, but are TERRIBLE fisherman.........if your out there for relaxation, and all, and it dosen't matter if you catch or not.......fine. Have at it, it's your right. BUT if you put the time in and still suck, man up and face the fact that you suck!! Don't blame it on the lake, the other guys, the weather, etc.....other people are figuring it out, your not. Go play golf. The flip side is the guy who has a scientific answer for everything under the sun, includeing why seagulls fart in one direction on low pressure days..................listen pal.........it's bass fishing............not the manhattan project. I'm sure if you would have selected the proper crankbait, that had just the right water displacment to imitate a perch sucking bloodworms off the bottom, in 73.4 degree water on the third sat. in June, under a new moon, you would have a won by 20lbs.........but you didn't, and you lost to a guy throwing a brown piece of plastic at a dock post......that's a shame.

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"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,


the courage to change the things I can,


and the wisdom to know the difference."

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I absolutely hate breakdowns. I usually go with a certain amount of time and having something break on me on the way or on the water severly cuts down my fishing time. I HATE BREAKDOWNS. 


I kinda hate getting skunked but that will be my fault. 


I hate when people want everything digested. I have been working for months on a different way of fishing a certain bait. Its working very well and then this guy that I know wants to get all the inside information that has taken me countless hours without doing $#!t. Put in the work yourself! Its fine if you are a newbie I can teach you the little bit I know but you still have to work on it and practice. I had a guy once asked everything from the line to the weight, the plastic, my retrieve. He wanted a course on it. 

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1. I'm not a morning person, so getting up before dawn sucks.

2. An hour wait to launch, but see #1, if I'd get up I wouldn't have to wait.

3. Fuel costs

4. My biggest gripe is Uncle Arth-r, he always shows up and is a real pain. (arthritis)

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