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As the title says I had an unfortunate incident on the water this afternoon. I received my Bronzeye Shads before leaving for the lake this morning so I was really excited to try them out. I rigged one on my normal froggin' setup, Citica 201E Powell Max 735C and 65# PPS8S green, and headed for my favorite section of the lake. Caught a small one, about 1-3/4 to 2 pounds, on my third cast. Great, looking like it's going to be a fantastic day out. Over the next hour I caught one more and had a few short strikers, then it happened...


The spot had 3 different cover types; rock, wood, and grass so I couldn't pass it up without a few casts. I made a nice cast that would put me in contact with two of the three cover types during the retrieve. The bait came through the grass well and into a small pocket where a limb from the fallen tree was sticking out of the water. I worked the bait I think 3 times fast, paused then gave it 2 additional snaps and a pause. On this second pause a huge spot blasted the bait and went immediately under the limb, I set as soon as I could but I didn't even turn it's head. It went straight down under the limb into the rocks and broke me off like it was nothing. Needless to say it ruined my day, not only did I just lose a bait I'd only had for a couple of hours but I possibly lost the biggest spot I've had the opportunity to catch.  


 I'm sure some of you guys know that I've been one of S8S's biggest fans and supporters up until this point as I'd never had a single problem with it whatsoever. I've never broken a fish off on any brand of braid 50# test or heavier so I felt very confident that the 65# was overkill. My line was nicked and cut in many many places and this whole ordeal only lasted maybe 5 seconds. So after having this happen to me coupled with the vid a guy posted a few weeks back showing how easily S8S was to cut on a rock I'm now in the market for a new brand of braid.


I've narrowed my choices down to two; SunLine FX2 or Sufix 832. Keep in mind this is strictly for froggin', which of these two would you guys fish?


Here's a few pics of the frayed and broken S8S, I tried to get just how badly this line was cut up but I just couldn't do it justice. It's much worse in hand, and yes that's how the end of the line came out of the water, all curled like that.




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I have to agree.  Braid and hard, rough surfaces don't mix well.  If the PP got torn up that bad, any other braid probably would have too.  


For the record, 832 is my favorite braid.


I understand that braid and rocks don't mix, but I'll never use anything but braid for frogs. I guess I was really asking which braid does everyone think is more abrasion resistant. I can't describe how easy it felt for that fish to break/cut the S8S. As I mentioned earlier in the video that was posted it appeared as if the Sufix he tested after the S8S had much better resistance to being cut. I'm still trying to decide which way I'm going to go, I have to decide quickly though as I'm placing my order in the am.

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Sunline Fx2 has impressed me with it's abbrasion resistance. Use it for Frogs, flipping, C Rigs, and swimbaits. Lost one C Rig this season (dragged way to long over zebra mussels) . Aside from that no breaking or fraying issues (short of Bowfin and Pike) . I've used Power Pro, Tuff Line, PLine, 832 and Berkley, none can compare.


Sunline Fx2 has impressed me with it's abbrasion resistance. Use it for Frogs, flipping, C Rigs, and swimbaits. Lost one C Rig this season (dragged way to long over zebra mussels) . Aside from that no breaking or fraying issues (short of Bowfin and Pike) . I've used Power Pro, Tuff Line, PLine, 832 and Berkley, none can compare.

I've just recently started using FX2 60# Blue/Green on one rod just to give it a sort of "test run". So far I've liked everything about it except for how rough it feels in hand. For all I know that "rough" feeling is what helps make it more abrasion resistant. I may chose to go with FX2 in the future but as for this time I went with 832, the deciding factor being I can get it fairly locally. There's a BPS about 30 minutes from me so it isn't hard for me to get my hands on some fast if I really needed to.  


I've had a spool of 832 Ghost 50# for a few months now but I just haven't gotten around to fishing it yet so I really know more about the FX2 with the limited time I've spent fishing it so far but I just liked the way the 832 felt in hand a little better as well. Hopefully it will be a bit more forgiving if I'm ever in the same situation as yesterday. Only time will tell I guess, and the fact that no braid is great around rocks.  


The more I've thought about the situation the more I'm thinking that it was actually the tree that did most of the damage to the line. No way I'll ever know for sure but you guys know how it is when you lose a big fish, it sticks with you a while. Thanks for everyone's help.

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I don't think there is a magic braid, all of them can get cut up.  I don't use a lure if I'm afraid of losing it, fishing defensly isn't for me.  Just in the last couple days I lose 2 xraps 10 & 12, bunch of jig heads and a couple of bucktails, get cut off using a jigging spoon, a gotcha and a waxwing.  I could have avoided a couple of the cutoffs using wire, but I prefer not to. Only lure I'm a little upset about is the waxwing not because of the cost but the local places don't carry them so I'll  have to order a few on line.  Everything else is easily replaced with little effort.  Losing lures is part of fishing.


I don't think there is a magic braid, all of them can get cut up.  I don't use a lure if I'm afraid of losing it, fishing defensly isn't for me.  Just in the last couple days I lose 2 xraps 10 & 12, bunch of jig heads and a couple of bucktails, get cut off using a jigging spoon, a gotcha and a waxwing.  I could have avoided a couple of the cutoffs using wire, but I prefer not to. Only lure I'm a little upset about is the waxwing not because of the cost but the local places don't carry them so I'll  have to order a few on line.  Everything else is easily replaced with little effort.  Losing lures is part of fishing.

I know there isn't a "magic" braid, I simply asked if anyone knew if there was one that was more abrasion resistant than S8S. I didn't ask if there was an abrasion proof braid. I don't worry about losing lures either, my biggest complaint was the same as yours, I can't get the Bronzeye Shad locally so I had to order more. I think I'm set for a few days anyway, I ordered five in the color I lost.  

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try suffix 832.i crank all day in rocks with it without a retie .it's true any braid will cut if caught right but out of them all I think you'll be happy with 832.

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Maybe I'm in the minority here but I'm not sure changing lines will help. Most braids should stand up to some abrasion when it's only the resistance of your lure on the end of the line. When you add a hard-fighting fish to the equation, that totally changes things. You tugging hard on one end and a fish tugging hard on the other is gonna mean that braid (or any line for that matter) is gonna rake across that rock pretty hard.

You said the spot had rock, wood and grass. If you were using mono or fluoro and the fish dug into the grass, you're probably not getting him out of there either. Pick your poison. Make no mistake - it sucks, but you can't win them all


That's fishing my friend, all part of the experience I say. As for the line, SS8 frayed way to much for me. Every time I would cut it to retie it was a hot mess. I can only imagine as soon as that stuff slid along the tree it began to fray and came unraveled right away. The worst 8 strand I have tried. If you want a good 8 strand I suggest 832, but I still find the good ole 4 strand Performance Braid to hold up to abrasion better. The 8 strands may handle a touch better but I think they become weaker quicker. Sufix has never let me down


try suffix 832.i crank all day in rocks with it without a retie .it's true any braid will cut if caught right but out of them all I think you'll be happy with 832.

This is the line I ended up going with, 20# Ghost for my spinning reel, 50 & 65# Green for my baitcasters. Suppose to be in on Tuesday.




Maybe I'm in the minority here but I'm not sure changing lines will help. Most braids should stand up to some abrasion when it's only the resistance of your lure on the end of the line. When you add a hard-fighting fish to the equation, that totally changes things. You tugging hard on one end and a fish tugging hard on the other is gonna mean that braid (or any line for that matter) is gonna rake across that rock pretty hard.

You said the spot had rock, wood and grass. If you were using mono or fluoro and the fish dug into the grass, you're probably not getting him out of there either. Pick your poison. Make no mistake - it sucks, but you can't win them all

I understand the "not winning them all" aspect of the sport but I just can't put in to words how easy and quickly it was able to fray and cut my line. It's not so much that I lost that fish that I feel the need to change lines it's the fact that I don't feel I even had a chance of landing it. Even if I was using a different line and in the same situation I would have been much more inclined to chalk it up to " you win some you lose some" if the line had taken a little more time and effort to break. I'm just completely amazed at the speed in which this line went from perfect to frayed beyond belief.  


Bottom line I just have zero faith in S8S right now so for the sake of peace of mind I'm changing brands. I may not be any better off with 832 but at least I'll feel better about it for a while.




That's fishing my friend, all part of the experience I say. As for the line, SS8 frayed way to much for me. Every time I would cut it to retie it was a hot mess. I can only imagine as soon as that stuff slid along the tree it began to fray and came unraveled right away. The worst 8 strand I have tried. If you want a good 8 strand I suggest 832, but I still find the good ole 4 strand Performance Braid to hold up to abrasion better. The 8 strands may handle a touch better but I think they become weaker quicker. Sufix has never let me down

Sufix Performance braid is 8 strand starting with 50# and up. I agree that Sufix PB is good stuff, I used it some time ago without any trouble, I switched to P-Line braid because I could get it locally but not the Sufix. Now I can't get either locally, closest place that has 832 & PB is about 30 miles from me. I decided on 832 because I've read lots of posts on different forums about it being pretty abrasion resistant as far as braid goes. Guess I'll find out soon enough. Thanks for everyone's help.

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Bottom line I just have zero faith in S8S right now so for the sake of peace of mind I'm changing brands. I may not be any better off with 832 but at least I'll feel better about it for a while.





TT tested 832 and its abrasion was below avg for the braid group avg, 25 cycles to failure while avg is 35 cycles. And the line is above avg in dia.

TT quote "Sufix 832 did not fare well at all in our abrasion tests"


TT tested 832 and its abrasion was below avg for the braid group avg, 25 cycles to failure while avg is 35 cycles. And the line is above avg in dia.

TT quote "Sufix 832 did not fare well at all in our abrasion tests"

I read that test as well, and while I usually go along with most of TT's findings this one was against the grain from a lot of other things I'd read about this line. I have a fishing mag from either late last year or the early part of this year that has a braid test in it and they found the exact opposite about 832. They noted it as the most abrasion resistant line they tested. I can't remember which one it was, maybe In-Fisherman. I'll try and find it.  


Either way it's to late for me to change my mind, I ordered $92.00 worth of 832 so that's the line I'll be fish for the foreseeable future. Suppose to be here Tuesday.

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I personally do not read tests and reviews on lines, knots rods and reels.  Nothing replaces time on your own waters, fishing the species that you target to determine what is going to work best for you.  There is just too much contradictory information out there on the world wide web.  Part of being a good fisherman is learning how to make your own selections, not relying on some one else to do it for you...........I say YOU in the plural sense, not to target a specific individual.


I personally do not read tests and reviews on lines, knots rods and reels.  Nothing replaces time on your own waters, fishing the species that you target to determine what is going to work best for you.  There is just too much contradictory information out there on the world wide web.  Part of being a good fisherman is learning how to make your own selections, not relying on some one else to do it for you...........I say YOU in the plural sense, not to target a specific individual.

I agree with a lot of what you said, trying things for yourself is sometimes the best way to get accurate info. As you said try different things until you find something that works well for you.

I'm sure this is a gross over reaction on my part to totally abandon a line after only one problem.

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832 is the only braid I ujse and I only use braid for froggin'. TT runs lab tests and then uses the product, the abrasion resistance may have been lower but it seems to hold up better with nicks and frayed spots than other braid. The PP was good, the new super slick8 is getting a lot of breakage reports, a lot more than pp or others have had.


832 is the only braid I ujse and I only use braid for froggin'. TT runs lab tests and then uses the product, the abrasion resistance may have been lower but it seems to hold up better with nicks and frayed spots than other braid. The PP was good, the new super slick8 is getting a lot of breakage reports, a lot more than pp or others have had.


An older gentleman that works at my local small town tackle shop told me he had broken S8S 65# quite a few times while flipping. He relayed this news to me back in the summer when I was in and purchasing a spool of S8S 65# for my flipping and frogging rods. He asked what I intended to use this line for, when I told him he reported his misfortune and tried to steer me in the direction of what he uses which is some style (I can't remember which one) of SpiderWire. He said he'd broken most major brands of braid over the years except this one. He likes to try out new lines just like the rest of us but always goes back to the SpiderWire.


Incidentally I remember asking him had he tried Sufix braid, either flavor PB or 832, and he said no. I asked him about P-Line and he said yes and that he had broken it as well. He also told me he had broken every other style braid that SpiderWire makes except this particular one, whatever it was, I really really wish I could remember now.


He uses a really old Lamiglas flipping stick that is stiffer than any flipping stick I've ever held, I was shocked when he let me play around with it. He was using a Revo reel and told me he locked the drag with pliers. I thought he was just full of BS since I'd been flipping a few months with S8S and hadn't had the first hiccup. Then I began to read more and more reports about it breaking on the web. Who knows, maybe it isn't any better or worse than 99% of braid out there it's just reported on more because it's Power Pro??    

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An older gentleman that works at my local small town tackle shop told me he had broken S8S 65# quite a few times while flipping.

Not from experience but from a little bit of internet research the strongest tested braids I discovered were Spider Wire Ultra cast, Triple Fish and Berkely Fire Line crystal.  Testing aside I'm perfectly content with what I'm using now.

If I met a person locking their drag down with a pliers and breaking 65# braid (which I wouldn't be using in the first place), I don't know if I'd be laughing at him or running as fast as I could away.  Certainly a technique  I have no interest in.


I really like to flip and I also use 65# for this type of fishing so I'm with him at least that far. I'd never lock my drag like he has, I can get mine plenty tight with just my hand so I don't see the need in what he's doing there. I will add though that he does win quite a few local tournaments so it at least works for him.

I think some of the reason he breaks off as much as he does is because he likes to use what he calls a "slack set". He told me that when he gets a bite instead of bowing his rod a little and reeling up the slack he just immediately drops his tip all the way to the top of the grass and then swings upward as hard as he can with all that slack still in the line. I don't understand why but like I said he wins his share of local tournaments.

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