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Red, I sure will keep that in mind the next time I'm out after dark!

Thanks for the warning!!

Knats and skeeters flying around, a person just wouldn't expect that, lol

Might have to fish a jig, really slowwww and quite



Matter a fact, I had a chance to work today, so I jumped on it. Was going to the camp, just gonna put it off till next weekend. Plus it shouldn't be as much boat traffic, hopefully they'll be a few bass left in there, lol

I enjoy fishing the fall, an it's getting close!!

Y'all have a nice day


Roblo I'm off this weekend but I avoid Rayburn like the plague on holiday weekends. Heck I avoid Rayburn every weekend during the summertime, I work the DuPont schedule so I get a lot of days off during the week. Come hunting season I get to the boat ramp and I'm the only one there, you should the smile on my face( ear to ear)! Fall is also one of my favorite times to fish Roblo. I seriously think that Rayburn is starting to turn over, fish are starting to group up and chase shad and are getting harder to locate. They are calling for lows to be in the mid to low sixties next week, it's getting close!!!! I'm ready!!!


Red, I was born an raised in Orangefield. Worked that 12 hr rotating shift at Cloeren for years. Moved to Brenham in 97' work at MIC Group, machining oil and gas down hole tools. Always fished Big Sam, have a camp real close to Harvey Park. Would love to live closer, just to fish mid week. But like you said, deer season opens, might see 1-2 trucks at the ramp, if that.

The fall is the best part of the year for me, just never seems to last long enough lol.

Good Lord willing I'll be at the ramp Friday morning

Can't wait


I have to work this week but I will also be at the ramp Friday morning hopefully! I will let yall know how I do. Let us know when you catch ol' Bessie( or give us a report )Roblo, lol!


With the lake level back to normal, or a hair low, anybody been seeing the hydrilla on the surface yet?

Just curious!


Well Red, I went out Friday morning, was throwing a top toad back in the flooded grass, second cast I drug out a 6 lb or better along with grass an everything else. 2-3 ft from the boat he came out of the water an spit the hook out.

When he blew up on it, he swam toward the bottom, never set the hook. Surprised I was able to drag him 15 or so yards through all that thick stuff.

When I got over having my head up my ___!

I did end up keeping 4

Biggest a little over 4 lbs.

Caught one on a swim bait hooked weedless close to the grass.

Being overcast made fishing a lot better for me.

Went Saturday morning didn't keep any.

Went again this morning and was able to catch two more on the top toad. 3 an a 4 lb'r

Love that cooler weather, fishing should get better an better!

Y'all have a nice day


I finally got her, my first DD!! 10lb 4oz caught today at 500 pm!

Stud!! Congrats man in the DD! Give us some details!

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Thanks, it was really unexpected! I was flipping hay grass over around deer stand area with a strike king rodent when she bit. It was close combat for sure, right at the boat. I had to lip her about three times because she still had a lot of fight left in her. I'm still in shock, I've been fishing Rayburn my whole life and that is the biggest bass I've ever pulled out of there. I've definatly got the fever now!

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Way to go Red!

Very nice bass, yes indeed

I'm still chasing my DD, it's fun chasing! Lol


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Yes Roblo my lifelong chase is over! I'm gonna start chasing my teener now, lol. I must say when that fish came out of the water for a little head shake my heart almost stopped( especially with a mouth like that).Something I will never forget!



that is awesome! I haven't to got to get on the water in 2+ months. I am still waiting to catch a DD on public waters...

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2 months with no fishing? I would die! If I go a couple of weeks without hitting the water I start having withdrawal. Hope you get back out there soon, I think Rayburn is in great shape right now!

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2 months is a good stretch, I have to work this weekend and next.

Hopefully I'll get back over there after this rush job is done!!

Rayburn does look good now!!


Went out last Thursday Skeeter_Bug! The fish are in the grass, the ones that are not in the grass are chasing shad in massive schools all over the lake. It's no problem to go out and catch 50+ a day, finding ones with any size is what's challenging. I got on several schools of fish throughout the week and could catch as many as I wanted but fish over 2 pounds are rare in those schools, I was catching the schoolers on a chrome rat l trap and a yellow magic. The bigger fish I caught were in the grass and holding tight to cover. The fish in the grass I caught were all caught on beaver style baits. Surface water temps were close to 80 in the mornings warming to mid to high 80s during the day. We are looking at some steady cooler nights coming up in the forecast and I think some stellar fishing is going to be kicking off within the next couple of weeks, Big Sam is looking great and I think this fall/winter is going to produce some giants. Hope this info helps!

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Thank you for the update, I have one more week offshore and i'll be home for 14 days. When I get there the fishing is on again lol.

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I will, I plan on going around the Canyons/Deer Stand area. But I'll give an update.


Canyons and Deer Stand are both fishing strong right now. The top water bite in the canyons is good right now and the grass at deer stand is holding some quality fish. I fished most of last week and every trip produced a fish over 5 pounds. I'm gonna go out wedsday and Thursday and I will let yall know how I do.

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Heading to the lake tonight and going to fish for a few hours tomorrow morning before heading to Rayburn Country for a golf weekend.  I will be launching out of the black forest/bayou village boat ramp.  Any suggestions on where to try out?  Is it worth running up to Harvey Creek/Deer Stand/Canyons compared to trying out Caney area?


Went out Wedsday and Thursday. Both days fished morning til mid day or so. Did really well on pop r( yellow magic) in the mornings and flipped hay grass after the topwater bite stopped! Wedsday bite was much better than Thursday, idk what happened Thursday. Hooked up with a 7lb 4 oz stud on the yellow magic wed morning.post-55298-0-97127900-1443269672_thumb.j

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