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While MCS could've said it better, his sentiments are right. I am a dog lover who grew up on a farm. If the dog is lame, the dog's got to go, don't let it suffer. If your kid swallowed a hook, would you be asking about it on a fishing forum?

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Just to add on my post, I can totally understand if you don't have the funds for heavy doctor bills, I've been there and I am by no means loaded with money, but vets only charge pennies on the dollar to euthanize an animal.

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I figured I would ruffle a few feathers from the bleeding heart fur mommies. I am half serious though. What I am pointing out that society puts its animals above a human, and that after all it is just a dog. I would rather him put the dog down then let it hobble around wondering. The vets these days are a joke. If this man cannot afford a vet then do the right thing and he is at no fault. I got a long sad story about how rediculous these surgeries etc are for animals, the money people tick away for a dog that can be replaced, the breeding and over population is staggering why spend money on an animal that is injured when you can give a healthy one a home.

You bring up money, people love to use this as a means make themselves feel better. I am not going to drop my savings on an animal. Which surgery can cost thousands and you have to come to the realization that you made a mistake a) I shouldn't own another dog or B) I will not repeat the same mistake again.

I refrain from using the word family pet. A dog is more serious than a hamster while it is included in the family it is NOT part of the family. Therefore I treat them as such. It is often forgot dogs were bred for a purpose once upon a time and most weren't as companions.

I do take exception to the use of the term cruel, if I said hook it up to a battery and electrocute it that would be cruel. I mentioned a humane way to dispatch an animal. Fact of the matter is I chose to pay the humane society to put my sick dog down. And I regret listening to the vet and letting if suffer, and in the future if any one of my animals shall become burden with an illness or old age to the point they are dibilitated I will go ahead and skip the vet and the meds and put it out of its misery.

For the fact of the matter I don't think you people realize the meds dogs are given or the side affects. We tend to assume it is like our doctor. I caution you to read before you give them meds. There are a ton of herbal/holistic remedies that have no toxic affects.

I don't think you or most folks will understand. The rest of the junk you wrote regarding throw away etc. is far from me. Those here that know me know I have a heart for my God, my family and my fellow man. While I do very much like animals, I have great respect for them, there is a line that is draw and they will never be in that catagory. I find it ashame that in society too many people fail make a distinction.

I agree with most that your post was insensitive and just plain ugly, you my friend should not own animals.

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Just to add on my post, I can totally understand if you don't have the funds for heavy doctor bills, I've been there and I am by no means loaded with money, but vets only charge pennies on the dollar to euthanize an animal.

Exactly my point....like Teal and Vol said I probably could have worded it better. But by no means does it reflect my intelligence or ability to care for my animals. Now if I said that your reply is typical more of what I would expect of an LEO. Mr Teal chose to discuss and understand versus attack ones character on a difference of opinion.

And what really is more humane, pumping acid through your veins or a bullet and lights out. You ever seen a dog "put to sleep" I have and it is nothing like rock a by baby.

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MCS. Dang it boy you done gone and got everyone stirred up. How dare you mention putting down a dog. Hisss hissssss. Ain't no different between the vet doing it and the owner doing it.

Not saying I wouldn't do everything in my financial power to try an save my dog(s). They are part of the family. I ain't gonna pawn my car for them. However worse comes to worse my animals will die a warriors death instead of some stranger killing them.

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Exactly my point....like Teal and Vol said I probably could have worded it better. But by no means does it reflect my intelligence or ability to care for my animals. Now if I said that your reply is typical more of what I would expect of an LEO. Mr Teal chose to discuss and understand versus attack ones character on a difference of opinion.

And what really is more humane, pumping acid through your veins or a bullet and lights out. You ever seen a dog "put to sleep" I have and it is nothing like rock a by baby.

Where the 1700's in some third world country? Vets use Rompum and Ketamen (sp) small injection and they go to sleep. And yes, I've seen it done, done it myself more times that I can count.

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Interesting banter here...I am also in the I love my dog but not enough to spend thousands on his health. As a matter of fact I put my bulldog down when he was around 7 because e basically went crazy and would go after people he didn't know and when you have a 80lb bully it can be pretty intimidating. Vet said I could use meds but he still wouldn't be safe around kids and the meds would basically be like putting kids on some of the adhd meds where it makes them semi comotose....oh and they cost 300 a month.

I said no thank you so we put him down and the vet said wise choice as hard as it may be....

Anyways...so where is the result of the OP vet visit?

And for the record, if I think my dog ate something there is no way I am posting here first. Now afterwards I am sure the story would be good to share though :)

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And what really is more humane, pumping acid through your veins or a bullet and lights out. You ever seen a dog "put to sleep" I have and it is nothing like rock a by baby.



I am trying my hardest to stay out of this conversation.  As many know, my wife and I do not have kids, but we have 2 "dog-sons."  They ARE part of our family.  My oldest dog(3.5yrs) jumped out of a truck and compound fractured his rear femur at the age of 7 months.  It cost more than $6k to fix.  I have absolutely no regrets in doing so.  Just this past April, my 11 month old dog, who was born in kidney failure had to be put down.  We spent over $300 a month just in special diet food for her.  Her kidneys not working properly started to affect her eye, and the inter ocular pressure shot up.  We had the surgery done to remove her eye.  She lived 4 more months without any suffering. When it got to the point where her quality of life was not there, we made the humane decision to put her down at the vet.  I stood there crying like a baby and holding her head, as I did not want her to feel alone in this trying time.  Basically they "over sedate" them.  It is the EXACT same medicine they use to anesthetize them for any surgery, they just use way more than necessary and they go to sleep forever.  It is MUCH more humane than a bullet to the head.  I have seen a dog shot, that had to be shot 3 more times.  It is not always one and done.



But back on subject, I really hope JPB comes back here with a great outcome that his dog did not in fact eat a jig.



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I think people here are trying to say that if you can't afford vet bills then maybe you shouldn't own a dog.


I think a $200 x-ray is a reasonable cost to determine the future of you "family" pet.

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We definitely live in a society where many people value the life of a dog much more so than their fellow man.


Not saying that's a bad thing, just saying..........................

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We definitely live in a society where many people value the life of a dog much more so than their fellow man.


Not saying that's a bad thing, just saying..........................

Dogs are the only animals in the world that loves you more than it loves itself.

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Dogs are the only animals in the world that loves you more than it loves itself.


Oh okay.

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I am trying my hardest to stay out of this conversation. As many know, my wife and I do not have kids, but we have 2 "dog-sons." They ARE part of our family. My oldest dog(3.5yrs) jumped out of a truck and compound fractured his rear femur at the age of 7 months. It cost more than $6k to fix. I have absolutely no regrets in doing so. Just this past April, my 11 month old dog, who was born in kidney failure had to be put down. We spent over $300 a month just in special diet food for her. Her kidneys not working properly started to affect her eye, and the inter ocular pressure shot up. We had the surgery done to remove her eye. She lived 4 more months without any suffering. When it got to the point where her quality of life was not there, we made the humane decision to put her down at the vet. I stood there crying like a baby and holding her head, as I did not want her to feel alone in this trying time. Basically they "over sedate" them. It is the EXACT same medicine they use to anesthetize them for any surgery, they just use way more than necessary and they go to sleep forever. It is MUCH more humane than a bullet to the head. I have seen a dog shot, that had to be shot 3 more times. It is not always one and done.

But back on subject, I really hope JPB comes back here with a great outcome that his dog did not in fact eat a jig.


Well I said my piece Jeff. But for the record I did shed a few tears when I put my girl down. I am not saying have no emotion towards them but I draw the line sooner than others and IMO some people go a little farther than maybe they should for an animal.

Hope it turns out good for the OP. bet he won't be asking dog questions on a fishin forum in the future lol.

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We had to give away my wifes West Highland White Terrier about three years ago. She had horrible allergies. To the extent that she ripped out 90% of her fur. We had, had her for three years at that point when they started. She was on steroid shots every other month for two years. They destroyed her bladder to the point she couldn't hold her urine for more than 2 to 3 hours at a time. My son was two at the time. Vet said we could try allergy shots for her. It was a thousand bucks for the allergy test. Then a hundred a month after that. The allergy shots only had a 50% chance of working. On top of the special shampoo, bath stuff, and dog food she was having to have. It worked out to being 450 dollars a month for us to keep her. The vet said we could put her down or try an find a rescue group that could help her.

We ended up giving her to Westie Rescue Tennessee. They invested the cash to get her back up to snuff. The University of Auburn Veterinary School even got involved with it, because she was such an extreme and rare case. They figured out that she was allergic to a fungus that grows on the grass in the South East. The a Rescue adopted her out to a man in Arizona, to get her out of the South.

We keep in contact with him still. He sends us pictures of her a few times a year and lets us know how she is doing. She has regained all of her fur and is as happy a dog as you could ever wanna meet. The Rescue and the University gave our dog her life back.

Giving her up was one of the hardest things we've ever had to do. The rescue put pictures of her on its website to try to raise money to help her. (This is how Auburn learned of her and stepped in) We had to endure the most hate filled comments and talk from people, over how bad she looked. (She really looked god awful) One woman even threatened to come kick our tails for not spending the non existent money we didn't have on her. To hell with the two grand I had already shelled out for two years. I told her next time I would just shoot the poor critter and end its misery. That finally shut her up. Well, that and a letter from my attorney inviting her to come down and kick my tail.

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Well I said my piece Jeff. But for the record I did shed a few tears when I put my girl down. I am not saying have no emotion towards them but I draw the line sooner than others and IMO some people go a little farther than maybe they should for an animal.

Hope it turns out good for the OP. bet he won't be asking dog questions on a fishin forum in the future lol.

Bet he hasn't invested the time and money some of us have in our dogs either. My feist were bred to hunt. I've spent hours and hours working with those two. Learning what their different barks and whines mean when running them. Exercising them and training them. I finally last month got mine to start baying and give more chase. Not to mention the gps collars and receiver. The special dog food they get to eat during hunting season. The neoprene boots for when we are hunting in the dead of winter. (These are Southern dogs with short coats. They don't like the cold) That has been purchased for them. These two work their tails off for me. The bond I have with these two is a thousand times deeper than anyone shares with a pet. I would have to say they would have been at the vet bedore I even thought to post the question on here.
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X2...put in tons of time training, road work and in the woods. These animals will give u 110% til they drop, some more than others ;)...there deffinately is a strong bond with them

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Did you take the dog to the vet? How is it?


Well, I'm glad to say my dog did not eat the jig. I do however need to find the jig in my front yard now before I can let him play in the front yard again.


Now to address some other issues I have.


For the record I had already contacted the vet and discussed issues and concerns regarding my dogs health prior to posting here. I consulted a PROFESSIONAL first, then out of my own curiosity I posted a question here to hopefully find a fellow forum member who may have experienced a similar issue and may have been able to give me some support and their own personal experience. There were a few diamonds in the rough, but as a whole i was met wth a whole lot of judgement. People who questioned how much time or money I had invested iny my dog. Self righteous peple who needed to talk about how much they love dogs and to what ends of the world they would go to for their dogs to somehow belittle my relationship wth my pet.


I am just happy that my friend is safe and happy. I however think my days on Bass Resource are coming to an end. I wish you all well. And thank you to those who were truly concerned.

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Well, I'm glad to say my dog did not eat the jig. I do however need to find the jig in my front yard now before I can let him play in the front yard again.


Now to address some other issues I have.


For the record I had already contacted the vet and discussed issues and concerns regarding my dogs health prior to posting here. I consulted a PROFESSIONAL first, then out of my own curiosity I posted a question here to hopefully find a fellow forum member who may have experienced a similar issue and may have been able to give me some support and their own personal experience. There were a few diamonds in the rough, but as a whole i was met wth a whole lot of judgement. People who questioned how much time or money I had invested iny my dog. Self righteous peple who needed to talk about how much they love dogs and to what ends of the world they would go to for their dogs to somehow belittle my relationship wth my pet.


I am just happy that my friend is safe and happy. I however think my days on Bass Resource are coming to an end. I wish you all well. And thank you to those who were truly concerned.


Glad your pup's all good!! We've got 3 dogs, a cat, 10 snakes (and a clutch of eggs), water turtles, russian tortoises, and a big ol' monitor lizard. Not to mention the rats and mice we raise.


Anyhow, point being, we can control what most of the critters eat, but the dogs...that's another matter entirely. Just last night I had to stop the pup from eating the top of a prickly cactus. A jig would be a nightmare scenario. I've found the pup chewing on a hook that fell to the floor.


As far as finding the jig, do you have or can borrow a metal detector?

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Well, I'm glad to say my dog did not eat the jig. I do however need to find the jig in my front yard now before I can let him play in the front yard again.


Now to address some other issues I have.


For the record I had already contacted the vet and discussed issues and concerns regarding my dogs health prior to posting here. I consulted a PROFESSIONAL first, then out of my own curiosity I posted a question here to hopefully find a fellow forum member who may have experienced a similar issue and may have been able to give me some support and their own personal experience. There were a few diamonds in the rough, but as a whole i was met wth a whole lot of judgement. People who questioned how much time or money I had invested iny my dog. Self righteous peple who needed to talk about how much they love dogs and to what ends of the world they would go to for their dogs to somehow belittle my relationship wth my pet.


I am just happy that my friend is safe and happy. I however think my days on Bass Resource are coming to an end. I wish you all well. And thank you to those who were truly concerned.


I don't know you, haven't read any of your posts except for this one, and could really care less about what you do with your pets, that's your business. I would like to say that before you leave this great community, please keep in mind that everyone is different and people everywhere will tend to rush to judgement, especially about pets and kids. Perhaps post and read in the fishing topics, there is a wealth of knowledge there, just don't post about Shimano!

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I run into this problem from time to time. Not being able to give the proper tone or inflection in an email or text. I try not to judge anyone by these means of communication, you just can't get all the inflection by written words alone. I don't pretend to know anyone on this forum personally until I actually meet them and spend time with them to get an idea of their personality.

That being said, when I saw some of the responses from everyone, I thought it would be wise to see if statements would be explained by more than just one post.

MCS's first post, startled some folks, myself included. Having read a lot of his responses and posts, I waited for his thoughts and they were clearly formed and made perfect sense. We all have the ability to do what we know and believe to be right in our own situation. Do these things translate from one person to another, most of the time, no. I have no doubt anyone here with a pet would do what they believe is the right thing, regardless of what someone less would do.

I'm glad your dog was jig free, don't think for a second that anyone here is not worth your time, stay, enjoy what this site has to offer!

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Glad to hear that the dog was jig free. Many more years of enjoyment for you hopefully.


In response to your last thought, sometimes maybe a break is needed. Sometimes you have to also realize that when asking for opinions or thoughts on an anonymous board, you're going to get some ones that may not be exactly what you were looking for.


Take the good with the bad, use the information that you can and disregard the rest.


It's just the internet. BONJOUR!  ;)

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I run into this problem from time to time. Not being able to give the proper tone or inflection in an email or text. I try not to judge anyone by these means of communication, you just can't get all the inflection by written words alone. I don't pretend to know anyone on this forum personally until I actually meet them and spend time with them to get an idea of their personality.

That being said, when I saw some of the responses from everyone, I thought it would be wise to see if statements would be explained by more than just one post.

MCS's first post, startled some folks, myself included. Having read a lot of his responses and posts, I waited for his thoughts and they were clearly formed and made perfect sense. We all have the ability to do what we know and believe to be right in our own situation. Do these things translate from one person to another, most of the time, no. I have no doubt anyone here with a pet would do what they believe is the right thing, regardless of what someone less would do.

I'm glad your dog was jig free, don't think for a second that anyone here is not worth your time, stay, enjoy what this site has to offer!


Yeah rereading my first post it didn't really sound how I meant. A knee jerk reaction to a few post I saw that struck a nerve, kind of how Teal reacted to my post. That said it is best to read, reread, wait and then reply. Things sometimes tend to get mis udnerstood on the web. I appreciate you not jumping to judgement on me.

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Glad to hear that the dog was jig free. Many more years of enjoyment for you hopefully.


In response to your last thought, sometimes maybe a break is needed. Sometimes you have to also realize that when asking for opinions or thoughts on an anonymous board, you're going to get some ones that may not be exactly what you were looking for.


Take the good with the bad, use the information that you can and disregard the rest.


It's just the internet. BONJOUR!  ;)


Thank you SPEEDBEAD.


I think this is the perfect ending for this thread.

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