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Ok so I've decided I need to purchase a handheld GPS to mark my honey holes and help me get from fishing spot A to fishing spot B. I have a couple in mind that look like good candidates but I would like your expert opinion on any specific unit that you recommend - and why. I have a GPS on my boat but I frequently do various fishing trips throughout the year where the boat stays home. Lets hear them!


Oh, and budget is max $375 unless there is a huge upgrade for a plus $400 unit.

  • Super User

I've got a Lowrance Endura Safari.   I got it from a pal who won it as a raffle prize at a tournament.  I got it for considerably less than retail.  It is a couple of years old now,  I keep telling myself that I am going to get the chip for it that will show lakes in greater detail, but I haven't done it yet.  Overall, I don't use it as much as I thought I would.


Back several years ago, when I was co-angling in BFL, I had a very basic Garmin unit (around $100).  When I was practice fishing by myself on unfamiliar lakes, I found it very handy, just to mark trails and remember the way back to the dock.   Fishing as a co-angler, most boaters weren't happy when I would pull it out to mark a spot.  I still did it, but I was more discreet about it after a while.


I use the Garmin eTrex 20 Handheld GPS. It was $ 199. Comes in very handy.




Thanks guys. I would like to be able to type labels for waypoints. For instance, LMB, pike, walleye, etc. as well as a time stamp so I can track time of day. Mitch does that etrax20 work on lakes? Will it route you back to the docks from anywhere on the lake? The more I look at these different units the more confused I get. First it looks like they would work great as lake maps and the further I read it turns out they are more for hiking climbing geocaching etc. argh.

Fishes in trees, did that basic garmin unit allow you to label?

  • Super User

I'd be curious if you can share waypoints between a handheld and fixed mount with an sd card. I've heard of guys marking spots during soft water and going back during hardwater and vice versa. 


ChicagoEd, I think I know you from another site. Check your PMs




Yep, works great on lakes and rivers.  As stated on their website



  • Includes a worldwide basemap, improved interface and added support for spine mounting.
  • Withstands the elements – be it dust, dirt, humidity or water.
  • Locates your GPS position quickly and precisely and maintains it even in heavy cover and deep canyons.
  • Mounts easily in ATVs, boats, bicycles or cars (compatible mounts sold separately).

Yep, you can mark waypoints and name them, and it does track your route with a solid line so you can easily find your way back.  You can also save and name the route for future reference and use.


To be honest with you, this is the only handheld GPS unit I have ever used. I really like it though. ( I wound up ordering mine from staples.com)


I'd be curious if you can share waypoints between a handheld and fixed mount with an sd card. I've heard of guys marking spots during soft water and going back during hardwater and vice versa. 


ChicagoEd, I think I know you from another site. Check your PMs

Slonezp, that's a good question.  Linking handheld data with a mounted unit would be nice.  I know you can link front mount and dash mount to sync up, so I imagine a hand held might have the same ability.  I'm going to go to BPS thursday and get some advice from the sales guys and handle some units.  And yes, I'm the same inexperienced fishmonger from our local site.  Both forums are really helpful.  There is one other I frequent for JDM advice.  I go by the same name there as well.




Yep, works great on lakes and rivers.  As stated on their website



  • Includes a worldwide basemap, improved interface and added support for spine mounting.
  • Withstands the elements – be it dust, dirt, humidity or water.
  • Locates your GPS position quickly and precisely and maintains it even in heavy cover and deep canyons.
  • Mounts easily in ATVs, boats, bicycles or cars (compatible mounts sold separately).

Yep, you can mark waypoints and name them, and it does track your route with a solid line so you can easily find your way back.  You can also save and name the route for future reference and use.


To be honest with you, this is the only handheld GPS unit I have ever used. I really like it though. ( I wound up ordering mine from staples.com)

Mitch, the unit looks nice.  And it will probably work well for what I need.  I like the fact that you can save your waypoint and route to it.  My buddy's garmin doesnt have that function and he paid like 300.  The main functionality I am looking for is large color screen, save waypoints, save routes to waypoints, name and time stamp waypoints.  Would also be cool to save things like dock location and then have it provide driving directions, then marine directions to my fishing spots.  I'm all about ease of use so a user friendly interface would be welcomed as well. Just curious, how is the screen on your unit, any problems on bright sunny days?


Just ran across the Garmin 78SC.  Unit looks pretty good.  A bit pricey but seems to have all the features I've been looking for.  Waterproof and it even floats...with my luck I'm sure that will come in handy.  Only drawback I see is that the screen looks pretty small at 2.6".  Anyone have some feedback on this specific unit?  Likes dislikes?


 Just curious, how is the screen on your unit, any problems on bright sunny days?

No problems. I just took this picture holding it under direct sunlight.  You can also dim the screen for nighttime etc...



Oh wow, it shows satellite image.  Can you capture a waypoint while using satellite view?  Did you have to upgrade your maps for that or is that preloaded with unit?


Hi, Sorry I forgot to mention that earlier.   To download the satellite imagery you have to pay 29.99 for their BirdsEye Satellite Imagery subscription. All functionality of the regular cartooney maps is available on the satellite imagery.


At that point you will also have to buy a 4gb microSD card for the device. $ 16.00


It doesn't load the entire earth onto the device. What you do is plug the handheld into your computer, then using the BirdsEye program you pick square sections of the earth you want to transfer.   I just loaded all the lakes and sections of rivers I fish on from my kayak.


Also, you can switch back and forth, because from personal experience a lot of small creeks I fish in are completely covered by trees in the satellite pictures, but show up as nice blue water lines in the cartooney view.


Very nice, definitely something I will consider.  Decisions decisions... 

  • Super User

I'd be curious if you can share waypoints between a handheld and fixed mount with an sd card. I've heard of guys marking spots during soft water and going back during hardwater and vice versa. 


ChicagoEd, I think I know you from another site. Check your PMs

Any hand-held that has a card slot can be used to export the unit's GPS data to install in another unit.

I have loaded sonar/GPS unit data to my handhelds too.


I have done it and still do with Lowrance hand-helds and Humminbird sonar units. The files have to be translated to the soanr unit's file type.


I've been using a Garmin GPSmap 76CSx for years, both here and on my trips around the world, and its never let me down.


I save all data of my tracks and import them into Google Earth and Navionics.  I can name waypoints and select which icon I want.


There is so much you can do with a personal GPS, I heartedly recommend them.  But get one that has an option for an external antenna; they are more sensitive and by using one you can keep your unit out of the sun and away from the heat.  Mine has a magnetic pad that allows me to place it on the roof of the truck so it always has a clear view of the sky.  In fact I've placed the ext. ant. between the window and window-shade on a plane to track my flights.


P.S. you can export track data vis micro SD card or USB cable.  And check into the battery life of the units before you decide.


I've got a Lowrance Endura Safari.   I got it from a pal who won it as a raffle prize at a tournament.  I got it for considerably less than retail.  It is a couple of years old now,  I keep telling myself that I am going to get the chip for it that will show lakes in greater detail, but I haven't done it yet.  Overall, I don't use it as much as I thought I would.


Back several years ago, when I was co-angling in BFL, I had a very basic Garmin unit (around $100).  When I was practice fishing by myself on unfamiliar lakes, I found it very handy, just to mark trails and remember the way back to the dock.   Fishing as a co-angler, most boaters weren't happy when I would pull it out to mark a spot.  I still did it, but I was more discreet about it after a while.



I had a Safari.  Got it free from Lowrance and even at that price I didn't think it was worth it.  Worst GPS unit I ever used.   I really wanted to like it because I loved their previous GPS line that the Endura line replaced, but the Endura was just plain awful.


If the OP can find a used Garmin 76CSX or 60CSX, jump on it.   A lot of handheld GPS enthusiasts still think those were the best units made as far as accuracy and reception. I had for the most part retired my 60CSX but this week I  had to break it out because my wife went away for a few days with my DeLorme PN40 in her car. I immediately remembered  why I liked that unit so much. I think I'm going to keep it in the boat from now on.



As far what is available today the Garmin 78SC is the replacement for the 76CSX and the Garmin 62SC is the replacement for the 60CSX.  Both have a pretty good rep. The 78 and 62  are essentially the same unit guts and firmware wise (as was the 76 and 60), but the 78 (and 76) has some marine specific features and it floats.


The new Garmin eTrex line is supposed to be pretty good.  It had a rough start, but Garmin is pretty good with firmware updates, so the issues have been fixed and a lot of people I know like them.


Another unit to look at is the DeLorme PN60.  It is the updated version of the PN40, which I like, except for its tendency to eat batteries like potato chips. One of the upgrades in the PN60 is much better battery life.  A nice thing about DeLorme is that it comes with Topo 10 software for free and you can load the maps to your unit. Garmin charges an arm and a leg for every map package, though you can find some free maps for Garmin units online these days.


I don't have much to say about Magellan.  Their units are OK but their customer service is absolutely abysmal. I wouldn't buy a Magellan no matter how good it was until they do something about their customer service.



Mitch, the unit looks nice.  And it will probably work well for what I need.  I like the fact that you can save your waypoint and route to it.  My buddy's garmin doesnt have that function and he paid like 300


I assure you your buddy's Garmin has that function. He may not know how to use it, but can't think of a Garmin handheld made since 2000 that did not have that function.


Thanks guys awesome advice. I really do appreciate it when you take time to provide input, so thank you! Ok I am mainly going to use this unit for on water navigation. So Traveler and Brian, I'm a little confused with your post. You mention using them for land travel, which is great but do you mainly use them for land destinations? My main purpose is to use them for fishing adventures. For instance, my Canada trip, I want to mark the dock so I can find my way back. Then mark a successful fishing spot and be able to give it a name, pike, walleye, etc. I also want to categorize the file mon, tue, wed, etc so I can keep a fishing log. Does this exist?

Also, My buddy's garmin will only route a straight line. So lets say he starts at the waypoint for the dock and wants to get to honey hole A, the GPS will only mark a straight line. It doesn't overlay a route based on the layout of the water. Plus he can't label desired info like Monday file, with let's say 8 waypoints where we caught fish that he can then label pike walleye etc. I was hoping I could find a unit that can help me navigate from fishing spot to fishing spot using a cartoony or satellite map. Plus be able label and categorize the locations and files. Hope this makes sense?

  • Super User

Thanks guys awesome advice. I really do appreciate it when you take time to provide input, so thank you! Ok I am mainly going to use this unit for on water navigation. So Traveler and Brian, I'm a little confused with your post. You mention using them for land travel, which is great but do you mainly use them for land destinations? My main purpose is to use them for fishing adventures. For instance, my Canada trip, I want to mark the dock so I can find my way back. Then mark a successful fishing spot and be able to give it a name, pike, walleye, etc. I also want to categorize the file mon, tue, wed, etc so I can keep a fishing log. Does this exist?

Also, My buddy's garmin will only route a straight line. So lets say he starts at the waypoint for the dock and wants to get to honey hole A, the GPS will only mark a straight line. It doesn't overlay a route based on the layout of the water. Plus he can't label desired info like Monday file, with let's say 8 waypoints where we caught fish that he can then label pike walleye etc. I was hoping I could find a unit that can help me navigate from fishing spot to fishing spot using a cartoony or satellite map. Plus be able label and categorize the locations and files. Hope this makes sense?

Routes are planned travel with a series of waypoints. No unit can plan a travel route for you. Water does not have highways like a land based GPS unit with turn-by-turn directions.


Well after a ton of research I finally decided which unit to buy. I'm going with the Garmin 78sc. While it doesn't do everything I was looking for it should provide most of what I need. Stopping at BPS tomorrow and should be tinkering with it by tomorrow evening. Can't wait.


Routes are planned travel with a series of waypoints. No unit can plan a travel route for you. Water does not have highways like a land based GPS unit with turn-by-turn directions.


Navionics Mobile has an "Autorouting" upgrade option that works with their "Nav Module" and "Advanced Map Options" on the iPhone, but it's problematic.  I gave them feedback on the problems I found but have not heard anything as yet from them on their plans or progress.

  • Super User

Navionics Mobile has an "Autorouting" upgrade option that works with their "Nav Module" and "Advanced Map Options" on the iPhone, but it's problematic.  I gave them feedback on the problems I found but have not heard anything as yet from them on their plans or progress.



That would be interesting to see in action for on-the-water use.


That would be interesting to see in action for on-the-water use.


Actually, it's kind of funny to work with.  You set your boat settings such a draft, cruising speed, and fuel consumption; your starting waypoint and ending waypoint.  It calculates a route with auto added waypoints in between and draws a blue line from point to point.  There may be some red segments that require editing because they may get too close to, or cross, land. ;)  And the app dose not pay any attention to navigational buoys.


Therefore, the reason I say it's problematic.


Well I just got back from BPS.  And just my luck they don't carry the 78sc in stock.  I'll have to order it from their website for a smacking $449.  At least they have free shipping.  I'm a little disappointed as I wanted to actually hold the unit and mess around with the interface before I committed.  Oh well, going blind on this one!


I tried my luck at a third BPS and no luck on the 78sc. So I couldn't get to physically see the unit. I had decided to just order it online but the sales rep introduced me to the Montana 600. This unit looked great and I was eyeballing it originally bc of the big touchscreen color display. I assumed it wasn't right for me since the unit wasn't specific for fishing. After talking to the sales guy I guess te only major did is that the Montana doesn't float. I took a look at the functionality and decided to give it a shot. I must say I'm really happy with the unit. It can do a ton. In really diggin the big color touch screen. The waypoint marking is a snap and the user interface in general seems pretty easy to use. Now I have to buy some maps. Anyone who uses this unit for fishing recommend any in particular? I was thinking the garmin inland lakes or maybe one of the landvu or vision versions.

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