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  On 6/27/2013 at 12:30 AM, Jrob78 said:

I feel for you man. The crack down on prescription drug abuse has made it nearly impossible for a lot of people to get the help they need. The dr's have to worry more about covering their butts than treating patients. I don't have an answer for you but I hope you get the help you need. Be really careful playing with narcotics without supervision, it can get ugly.

Thank you and your correct it has made it hard.. it makes me sick to my stomache that I'm buying from people who get them and don't need them not sure how they get it with no legitimate reason, when I have one and they over look it... speaking of the crack down it effected one of the people I use to buy from... someone got mad and called the drs office and told em someone was selling the narcs they were getting... he stopped their script and stoppee seeing them obviously additionally 60 people were also dismissed and my 2 connections who see him 1 completely cut off the other dropped from 6 norco 10s and 30mg roxi a day was cut to only 4 norcos a day and cut from the roxi... the reason... that one call put him under investigation... he now has a real possibility of losing his license. In a way its good and a way not.. some of the people cut may have been like me... so I feel for them... the others... good riddance including the 2 I bought from... the one only cut back can no longer sale because she/he actually needed them to some extent though I still suspect that person sales some of them.. just not like before or even close.
  On 6/27/2013 at 12:35 AM, CiMo said:

well this current dr will be a 2nd opinion from a dr, pain managment has been tried well at least 1 locally the other does self referrals and seems like they'd just push narcotics on me to be honest. Did physical therapy 3 times a week for 6 weeks to no avil even doing the exercises I could at home. Haven't seen or thought of an orthopedic specialist I'd ned a referral I'd assume.

Also a side note from things I've read it seems as though getting 2ns, 3rd etc ect opinions can end up getting yoi blacklisted so to speak to where no place would prescribe any narcotics at alll to you... do I wanna be on narcs simple and obvious answer is no. At the ssame time I don't want to get taken off of what I'm legally prescribed.. yes I could still buy off the streets... but that's not the solution I want either its also a very expensive street medication around here... 20, 10mg hydrocodones will cost you 100$ or more and even taken only 4-6 hours is a 3-4 day supply so def not what I want to continue to do as I have a family. Which despite all my pain has always came first I've never bought anything if we didn't have it to spare and my wife knows the pain I'm in... she's laid beside me in bed while I balled my eyes out and literally passed out from pain and exhaustion of dealing with it that day.

First thing, check with your insurance about second opinions. It may have special requirements to cover a second opinion. Also ask them about referral requirements to see a specialist. If you're on an *** or similar type plan, you may have to get a referral from your PCP.

Secondly, getting second opinions to treat the problem will not get you black listed. Going to multiple doctors to get pain Med scripts WILL set a flag with your insurance and usually result in a non covered prescription, and sometimes a letter sent to all prescribing physicians. This is called doctor shopping.

Check into an orthopedic doctor, or even a good sports rehab specialist. Also, while it may sound weird, see if your insurance covers acupuncture. I work for an insurance company in customer service...whenever someone calls about their acupuncture claims, I casually ask if it truly does help them with pain, due to my own back problems. The resounding answer is absolutely. It doesn't heal, but it can help deal with the pain. I have talked to people that kicked narcotics all together after starting acupuncture therapy.

Chiropractic is another option, but be careful. I was told with my ruptures to stay far away from chiro as it could exacerbate the problems.

Again, ask about mechanical traction from a physical therapy provider. They lay you on a moist heating blanket, place straps around your hips and under your arms, and the machine slowly pulls your spine apart in an oscillating manner. Traction like this has been known to repair a ruptured disk, due to stretching the vertebrae and creating a vacuum like effect on the disk to suck the herniation back in.

I know where you're at with the pain. One afternoon, I was making a sandwich, and turned to nudge the fridge door closed with my foot. The simple act of raising my foot six inches off the floor, with a slightly stretched straightened leg, ended up sending me straight to the floor in pain. I was laying there feeling crippled, at 26 years old, wondering if I'd ever be able to live a normal life again. Not yet having kids, I've wondered if I will be able enough to teach them things, play ball, rough house around, heck, even run after them. Back pain is incredibly debilitating because it affects EVERYTHING. Sit too long, back ache. Stand too long, back ache. twist too hard, back ache. Its tough, but you gotta get through it and get the treatment you need.


  On 6/26/2013 at 6:18 PM, Raider Nation Fisher said:

I understand completely. No ill feelings were had. I do have some questions for you if you can answer them. My old man has serious back issues. I'll pm you after I get off work.

If I can help, I'd be glad to, even if you are a raiders fan. Go Stillers! lol

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  On 6/26/2013 at 11:01 PM, tomustang said:

Good guess. I stil don't see how smoking weed can help serious back problems, this ain't glaucoma

It helps cope or don't care about pain. A lot like painkillers without nasty side effects. I hate pills with passion. My former roommate study its effect. The results will surprise you. Hope your back gets better, man.

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About 2 years ago, I ruptured my L5 disc and had a severely bulged L4 disc. I understand where you are coming from, I was basically not ambulatory and could not stand upright for 3 weeks with the spasms and pain being so severe. It was so bad that my mom and dad had to come take care of me and help out with my son until I was able to get an epidural. So i recommend you get a second opinion and see a doctor that can perform an CT fluoroscopy epidural  to make sure he gets the medicine where it needs to go to relieve your pain.  As far as pain meds, they only take the edge off and they didn't work for me at all.


I gotta say it's 2:34am where i am, east coast. I've ben tossing and turning all night, just took 2 baclofen which I'm also prescribed in hopes that it helps with the restlessness which i know is s withdrawl side effect from not having any opiates or narcotics in 4-5 days. I thought since yesterday was an easier day for me with the withdrawls I'd sleep better tonight but sadly I'm not, to be honest imm overwhelmed a bit by the support and responses I've recieved here much more than I imagined it would be so, thank you all maube yesterday was a bit eaiser due to everyone's help/suggestions and support it helped me. So thank you all sincerely.

LC - So basically go to other doctors and see what they say and refuse any kind of medications they may offer, then its not doctor shopping for narcotics?

South FLA - I've had some injections , as stated though I think they were steriod injections not an epidural. I can relate on having to get help I've had to get my mother in law to come get my boys, my wife has missed worked due to me being immobile ect. Those days broke my heart more than this pain has ever or ever could get me down, its a helpless feeling and again the thought of life wt

Ith my boys in this condition is unbearable.

  On 6/27/2013 at 1:06 AM, loudcherokee said:

First thing, check with your insurance about second opinions. It may have special requirements to cover a second opinion. Also ask them about referral requirements to see a specialist. If you're on an *** or similar type plan, you may have to get a referral from your PCP.

Secondly, getting second opinions to treat the problem will not get you black listed. Going to multiple doctors to get pain Med scripts WILL set a flag with your insurance and usually result in a non covered prescription, and sometimes a letter sent to all prescribing physicians. This is called doctor shopping.

Check into an orthopedic doctor, or even a good sports rehab specialist. Also, while it may sound weird, see if your insurance covers acupuncture. I work for an insurance company in customer service...whenever someone calls about their acupuncture claims, I casually ask if it truly does help them with pain, due to my own back problems. The resounding answer is absolutely. It doesn't heal, but it can help deal with the pain. I have talked to people that kicked narcotics all together after starting acupuncture therapy.

Chiropractic is another option, but be careful. I was told with my ruptures to stay far away from chiro as it could exacerbate the problems.

Again, ask about mechanical traction from a physical therapy provider. They lay you on a moist heating blanket, place straps around your hips and under your arms, and the machine slowly pulls your spine apart in an oscillating manner. Traction like this has been known to repair a ruptured disk, due to stretching the vertebrae and creating a vacuum like effect on the disk to suck the herniation back in.

I know where you're at with the pain. One afternoon, I was making a sandwich, and turned to nudge the fridge door closed with my foot. The simple act of raising my foot six inches off the floor, with a slightly stretched straightened leg, ended up sending me straight to the floor in pain. I was laying there feeling crippled, at 26 years old, wondering if I'd ever be able to live a normal life again. Not yet having kids, I've wondered if I will be able enough to teach them things, play ball, rough house around, heck, even run after them. Back pain is incredibly debilitating because it affects EVERYTHING. Sit too long, back ache. Stand too long, back ache. twist too hard, back ache. Its tough, but you gotta get through it and get the treatment you need.


  On 6/27/2013 at 3:03 AM, South FLA said:

About 2 years ago, I ruptured my L5 disc and had a severely bulged L4 disc. I understand where you are coming from, I was basically not ambulatory and could not stand upright for 3 weeks with the spasms and pain being so severe. It was so bad that my mom and dad had to come take care of me and help out with my son until I was able to get an epidural. So i recommend you get a second opinion and see a doctor that can perform an CT fluoroscopy epidural  to make sure he gets the medicine where it needs to go to relieve your pain.  As far as pain meds, they only take the edge off and they didn't work for me at all.



No, its not about refusing the meds. Its about being up front with the doctor, telling them that youre already getting meds from your pain management or pcp, and that you want to stop the "cause" of the pain, not treat the pain. Most specialists now a days probably wont even bother prescribing anyways if they know youre already on drug therapy with another doctor. Like someone else earlier said, they have to watch their rears too for liability purposes. Just straight up tell them you dont want to be sent out the door with another medication, you want treatment thats going to focus on the injury.


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  On 6/27/2013 at 11:30 AM, loudcherokee said:


No, its not about refusing the meds. Its about being up front with the doctor, telling them that youre already getting meds from your pain management or pcp, and that you want to stop the "cause" of the pain, not treat the pain. Most specialists now a days probably wont even bother prescribing anyways if they know youre already on drug therapy with another doctor. Like someone else earlier said, they have to watch their rears too for liability purposes. Just straight up tell them you dont want to be sent out the door with another medication, you want treatment thats going to focus on the injury.


It's been my experience, unless it's an emergency, the insurance and docs will exhaust all means of less evasive treatments before cutting someone open. I've been going thru issues for a year now with my shoulder and neck. Had surgery on the shoulder and I'm currently seeing a pain management doc for treatments which have included epidurals and nerve blocks. Neck surgery hasn't even been put on the table yet. I'm just playing the waiting game. Fortunately, I'm able to function thru the pain. The loss of dexterity in my left arm and hand plays more on me than the constant headache, neck and back pain. I wish you the best CiMo and will keep you in my prayers.   


Steroid injections and epidural injections are the same thing when referring to back pain/injury. I suffered from severe back pain and muscle spasms after rupturing my L5/S1 disc 10 years ago. I had numbness down to my foot in my left leg and could hardly walk. I went through all of the injections and wound up having surgery. The surgery was a massive failure and within 6 months I was in worse pain than where I started. Over the past 10 years I have gone through intensive physical therapy, and with a combination of this therapy, my home therapy exercises, and a healthy dose of steroidal anti inflammatory drugs I can function as a human being again. I still have pain, but over time it has come down to a manageable level.


If your doctor hasn't already you need to have him put you on a high dose anti inflammatory or steroid. The inflammation of the nerves in your back is what is causing the pain and spasms and the opiates are  only re-leaving the pain and are not actually doing anything to fix the underlying problem. I also agree with several people on here, get a second opinion. You may also want to start looking into alternative therapies and trials that are out there for severe back pain. 


Now, on the case of pain meds, anything with Tylenol is bad to abuse. For Tylenol, 4000mg a day is the max dose, and the effects of OD'ing on Tylenol are severe. Tylenol will destroy your liver, and no matter what anyone says, your liver WILL NOT repair itself once you damage it by taking too much Tylenol long term. The metabolism of Tylenol produces a toxin that, when taken at the proper doses, is flushed from the body by the liver and kidneys. When taking more than 4000mg/day of Tylenol, the level of the toxin floods the liver and KILLS the liver cells and has been shown to damage the kidneys as well. This damage is irreversible and will lead to liver failure and death. I don't want to sound harsh, but this is the cold hard truth about abusing drugs containing Tylenol.

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For long term pain management tell your doctor nothing with Tylenol. I take two different meds for pain, neither one has Tylenol. To combat this type of pain you need anti-inflamatories (aspirin will do in a pinch) muscle relaxer (baclofen is what u take, that needs to be changed to flexiril or soma. The pharmacist should have caught that, baclofen interacts with narcotics and has some nasty side affects and should never be taken with narcotics) and an opiate. These three only mask the problem not fix it. Have u tried a tens unit? Sometimes they work,basically a shocking unit to interfere with the pain signals. Surgery is a last ditch effort, for me one surgery has lead to another to another. Good news is only something like 10% of back problems require surgery. What u are going through sucks, try to remain positive. I'm praying for u.


We deal with many, many, many chronic pain patients at the compassion center I work at.  Many find Cannabis to be like a grey zone between the pain and comfort.  It doesnt actually remove pain but it dulls sharp sensations and distracts you from concentrating on it too long.  If anyone is in a legal state and decides to research this, you want to research high CBD strains.  This has nothing to do with the psychoactive ingredient "THC delta-9" that you all know Cannabis is famous for.  This isnt about getting high, it's about getting Releaf  (no, I didnt spell it wrong, its the name of the patient mag I write for,lol) and CBD is the ingredient associated most with neurological issues such as pain.  There are patients we've met who have completely dropped the opiates by replacing them with Cannabis, a non addictive, non toxic plant.  Food for thought and I do mean food because you will be eating it more than smoking it. Best benefits come from juicing leaves from non flowering plants where the cbd is still in it's natural acid form.  

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  On 6/27/2013 at 2:41 PM, fadetoblack21 said:

Steroid injections and epidural injections are the same thing when referring to back pain/injury. I suffered from severe back pain and muscle spasms after rupturing my L5/S1 disc 10 years ago. I had numbness down to my foot in my left leg and could hardly walk. I went through all of the injections and wound up having surgery. The surgery was a massive failure and within 6 months I was in worse pain than where I started. Over the past 10 years I have gone through intensive physical therapy, and with a combination of this therapy, my home therapy exercises, and a healthy dose of steroidal anti inflammatory drugs I can function as a human being again. I still have pain, but over time it has come down to a manageable level.

If your doctor hasn't already you need to have him put you on a high dose anti inflammatory or steroid. The inflammation of the nerves in your back is what is causing the pain and spasms and the opiates are only re-leaving the pain and are not actually doing anything to fix the underlying problem. I also agree with several people on here, get a second opinion. You may also want to start looking into alternative therapies and trials that are out there for severe back pain.

Now, on the case of pain meds, anything with Tylenol is bad to abuse. For Tylenol, 4000mg a day is the max dose, and the effects of OD'ing on Tylenol are severe. Tylenol will destroy your liver, and no matter what anyone says, your liver WILL NOT repair itself once you damage it by taking too much Tylenol long term. The metabolism of Tylenol produces a toxin that, when taken at the proper doses, is flushed from the body by the liver and kidneys. When taking more than 4000mg/day of Tylenol, the level of the toxin floods the liver and KILLS the liver cells and has been shown to damage the kidneys as well. This damage is irreversible and will lead to liver failure and death. I don't want to sound harsh, but this is the cold hard truth about abusing drugs containing Tylenol.

Wrong. Necrotic liver cells will regenerate with time. It may take a year or more. However, it will return to normal. In severe cases enzymes and supplements may be needed to help it along. It will still repair itself. That's not to say taking up to or in excess of 4 grams of a acetaminophen a day will not cause problems, or death. Yet the liver will repair itself if given time. Kidneys not so much.
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  On 6/27/2013 at 6:38 PM, Raider Nation Fisher said:

Wrong. Necrotic liver cells will regenerate with time. It may take a year or more. However, it will return to normal. In severe cases enzymes and supplements may be needed to help it along. It will still repair itself. That's not to say taking up to or in excess of 4 grams of a acetaminophen a day will not cause problems, or death. Yet the liver will repair itself if given time. Kidneys not so much.

Once your liver regenerates tissue it is scarred, enough scarring with make your liver useless to function as a filter. There is no repairing.


Question I need a kind of fast response to... today feels better for withdrawls pain is there though, if I get some tramadol will this set back my progress for getting off narcotics?

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Do not take Tramadol, it's a full synthetic opiate and will do nothing for your pain. Hydrocodone is allot more potent and u already know how ineffective it is. Withdraw from Tramadol is very severe much worse than from hydrocodone

  On 6/27/2013 at 6:38 PM, Raider Nation Fisher said:

Wrong. Necrotic liver cells will regenerate with time. It may take a year or more. However, it will return to normal. In severe cases enzymes and supplements may be needed to help it along. It will still repair itself. That's not to say taking up to or in excess of 4 grams of a acetaminophen a day will not cause problems, or death. Yet the liver will repair itself if given time. Kidneys not so much.


If the liver repairs itself then why is it so many people die from liver failure every year from drug and alcohol abuse? If you take greater than 4 grams of Tylenol daily for an extended period of time it will do irreversible damage to your liver and eventually lead to liver failure. 


In the case of a one time small overdose of Tylenol, say 6 grams in one day, the liver will be damaged and it can and will repair itself. In the case of continued overdose over a period of months to years the livers attempts to repair itself on top of the daily damage results in scaring to the liver. Too much scaring of the liver results in irreversible damage and will lead to liver failure. I had to do a case study on this exact topic in nursing school last semester, I do know a thing or too about this topic. 



  On 6/27/2013 at 9:55 PM, CiMo said:

Question I need a kind of fast response to... today feels better for withdrawls pain is there though, if I get some tramadol will this set back my progress for getting off narcotics?


Tramadol is a lower class than lortab but it is still an opioid, so it could be a slight setback for you. 

  On 6/27/2013 at 10:52 PM, retiredbosn said:

Do not take Tramadol, it's a full synthetic opiate and will do nothing for your pain. Hydrocodone is allot more potent and u already know how ineffective it is. Withdraw from Tramadol is very severe much worse than from hydrocodone

 Completely agree.  My friend was on that, one of the many that did nothing for his pain (bone cancer)

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  On 6/27/2013 at 9:55 PM, CiMo said:

Question I need a kind of fast response to... today feels better for withdrawls pain is there though, if I get some tramadol will this set back my progress for getting off narcotics?

Homie, leave the Narcotics alone. Do you really want to go down that road again right now. If your not DTing anymore then leave them be for now. Honestly, if your hurting that bad then go see your doc. Your heading down a very dangerous path buying and mixing pills. Be they Narcotic or not. If you don't watch yourself your gonna end up with an expensive habit you can't quit.

One of my best friends started taking Loratabs for his back. He always hurt and said he needed them. Whether he did or not I dont know. Well when the loratabs stopped working, he switched up and started popping Roxycodone. He always said he could shut it off if he needed too. Well popping the roxies became a bit more fun than just dulling his pain. Least that's the best I can figure. So he started banging them. He died last year of a fentynl overdose. Left behind a wife and three kids. I got a cousin that's addicted to banging oxycodone. A brother who is a recovered addict. He was banging 500 to 600mg a day of oxycodone, or using whatever other narcotics he could scrounge up. My Eldest cousin OD'd from snorting Roxies. My uncle has kicked his addiction to Oxycodone. I have had nine friends ******* OD on pain pills. Do you really want to play with these?

Stop self medicating and go see your doctor.

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Oddly, I think Raider just nailed it. If you truly care about your kids you need to consult a dr for your back, and, probably more importantly, stick to drugs prescribed to you. A fishing website is no place for drug advice; get some help.

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I forgot - pain is subjective.


Well I never got a response before the situation but I decided against it, I've made it this far soni don't want any set backs at all.

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Call the doctor, he had to prescribe the 5's first, knowing they probably would not work. He will step u up knowing they won't work either. Everytime he prescribes narcs his license is at stake, so he is following protocol. It's up to u to tell him u are suffering. The longer u wait the longer you will suffer.


My doctor is only in on tues and I go see him this tues. I think and hope I can hold out with no major issues.

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  On 6/28/2013 at 3:31 AM, CiMo said:

My doctor is only in on tues and I go see him this tues. I think and hope I can hold out with no major issues.

Keep your head up and stay strong. Don't give in to the temptation.

Yeah, I know easy for me to say right? Well I'll tell you a secret. I've been there too. I banged roids for almost four years straight. Cycling on and off. It was six years ago when I quit. I was constantly angry and in a foul mood, I hated life and the world. My sex drive was nil., I was completely uninterested in everything. I was depressed enough that I wanted to die. I couldn't stand not shooting them up. I craved them and wanted them. I wanted to feel the indescribable feeeling you get from the testosterone and Tren taking over your emotions and body. You feel like an absolute BEAST when taking them. I felt like I could bench press a train car. Giving them up was one of the hardest things I've done. Homie, don't give in to it. Fight that temptation.

Call me, PM me, text me, email me, whatever. If thats what it takes then so be it. I will try an help you make it through. DONT go down the path your headed.

As for everyone else. Don't ******* judge me over my past. Everyone makes mistakes.

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