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More power to ya man, not gonna lie I've seen the results of just a basic cycle of test and I definitely get why it's appealing to folks. No denying the return you get lol! Personally not for me for a few reasons, but what the next man does is his business.

What kind of gains have you seen on gear?

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More power to ya man, not gonna lie I've seen the results of just a basic cycle of test and I definitely get why it's appealing to folks. No denying the return you get lol! Personally not for me for a few reasons, but what the next man does is his business.

What kind of gains have you seen on gear?

I quit taking back when I tore the upper head off my bicep at work. This was six years ago. I did a half cycle of HGH towards the end of my recovery to speed it along. Didn't really help too much though.

Anyway on Test 250, Anadrol, and Trenbolone. I went from 220 to around 260 over two 9 week cycles of this in a years time. The fourth and final cycle put me up too 275. My bench went up from 330 to 450 4rep. My clean and jerk went up to 475. The test/Tren/Anadrol was the best cycle I ever did. Was probably my favorite too. I was completely massive at that time. It probably took ten years off my life span, but oh well. I'll look around and see if I can find my measurements from that time frame.

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A-jay- you are shredded! Keep it up.



My point on supps was this, they are not needed to make progress and I think the difference is marginal at best and placebo plays a huge role in their effectiveness. I just think people are better off without.





What do you take?


I never said ALL, did I??? Bottom line the supplement industry is full of scams and snake oil, specifically bodybuilding supplements. Is EVERYTHING at vitamin shoppe worthless? Of course not, but alot of it is. Then you have the companies that have actually put steroids in their products, and people have failed drug tests as a result. Its frustrating seeing people mislead by the claims the companies make...flip through a flex mag, you'll see before and after pics of ifbb pros in the offseason and 2 weeks out from a contest. The ad says its the muscletech powder. Science says its the HGH, clenbutural, and insulin....its just a really shady industry that preys on the naive.

The human body filters out a great deal of what you orally ingest anyway....And I was using "juice ain't worth the squeeze" as an expession referring to diminishing to little return on an investment, not an actual anabolic substance, thought I can see where it may have sounded that way lol.

The FDA actually is actually pretty on point these days. Prior to getting back into it early this year, I trained pretty aggressively for a couple years in my early 20's. back then I used ephedra and Andro, which DID work quite well. They, along with a few other legit things are no longer sold. They test pretty much every style of en vogue supp, and if anything actually dramatically works it gets pulled. Pharmaceutical lobbies probably have a lot to do with it.

I am not up to date on this topic since i am older (52) and just lift to stay fit but i remember reading a article where this guy named dan duchaine who had books out on steroids and even served prison time for steroid related offenses i believe.I remember he was interviewed in some bodybuilding magazine and i cant remember if his reply was about both supplements and steroids or supplements only but he talked about how he saw some of the best built people he ever saw in his life when he was in prison and how they didn't have access to all this stuff, they just lifted,ate and spent most of their time lying around and recovering.I think to him eating and resting and (which most of us don't do enough because of busy lives unlike prisoners) was all most of us need.I just try to eat healthy and stay in shape so i don't have to avoid the stairs as i get older.lol


That's a great point, maybe there's more to it than meets the eye, maybe not; it's always been amazing to me what those guys in prison can accomplish with on their available diets.

Rest is so key. I'm very blessed to have a job that suits my training/eatin/recovery and have made better gains in 6 months than I have in 2 years of training years ago.


The biggest problem I see is folks spending hundreds of dollars on supplement stacks but pay minimal, or not nearly enough attention to diet and training. I've been guilty of it myself.

Hell throw anabolics into that mix as well.

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Lot of those guys in prison are definitely on roids. No shortage of drugs in correctional facilities.


I really need to start lifting. I'm 5' 6" and 110, 6% body fat. I'm literally a human twig. Just doing around 30 pull-ups, 50 curl-ups, and 30 push-ups a day in addition to a 3 mile run every night. I feel great but the muscle is just not going anywhere. Maybe its because of my Adderall (ADD medication that has a side effect of hunger supression). Any advice? My mom won't let me join a gym.

  • Super User

I really need to start lifting. I'm 5' 6" and 110, 6% body fat. I'm literally a human twig. Just doing around 30 pull-ups, 50 curl-ups, and 30 push-ups a day in addition to a 3 mile run every night. I feel great but the muscle is just not going anywhere. Maybe its because of my Adderall (ADD medication that has a side effect of hunger supression). Any advice? My mom won't let me join a gym.

If you can do 30 pul ups from straight arm hangs with no kipping then i wouldn't even worry about it as even though you are skinny you are still strong.  You are also pretty young too.  I know i didn't grow till colleg really as far as bulk goes....i graduated high school at 5'11" 145 and then within two years of college i was up to 180 and now at 36 i am hovering around 195



Also you could try getting off the adderall too.  I mean you seem like a good kid with a solid family and a dependence on a medication that in my opinion is over prescribed can only help you. 


The key to gaining weight is eating like a beast as often as you can but stay away from processed stuff and you will be fine.  When i am hardcore cycling i comsume an easy 6k calories a day and still lose weight.

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I really need to start lifting. I'm 5' 6" and 110, 6% body fat. I'm literally a human twig. Just doing around 30 pull-ups, 50 curl-ups, and 30 push-ups a day in addition to a 3 mile run every night. I feel great but the muscle is just not going anywhere. Maybe its because of my Adderall (ADD medication that has a side effect of hunger supression). Any advice? My mom won't let me join a gym.


Talk to your Doctor regarding your medications.


Also - relax man, you're just a Puppy and you're still growing.


I graduated high school with your exact size. Plenty of time to grow.  There is also quite a bite of research that shows that resistance training too early in life might actually prevent you from reaching your potential genetic height - give it time.




As for sups, the only 'legal' one that has really been proven to be really effective, is creatine, and just my luck, I can't take creatine :( The lucky 1 in 1000 I guess :(


Other than that, their is all the "pump you ups"...... most of which have this big, long list of useless ingredients, but they sound good on paper anyway. Then, they throw in a big helping of caffeine, which is dirt cheap, and is the only actual active ingredient, and Bam ! They are making like a 1000% profit, for this fancy designer product, that does nothing more than a fat cup of strong coffee.

I'll just stick to a fat cup of strong coffee :)




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Talk to your Doctor regarding your medications. Also - relax man, you're just a Puppy and you're still growing. I graduated high school with your exact size. Plenty of time to grow.  There is also quite a bite of research that shows that resistance training too early in life might actually prevent you from reaching your potential genetic height - give it time. A-Jay

woof, woof. LOL. My dad is 6' 2". I'll keep that in mind.
  • Super User

I really need to start lifting. I'm 5' 6" and 110, 6% body fat. I'm literally a human twig. Just doing around 30 pull-ups, 50 curl-ups, and 30 push-ups a day in addition to a 3 mile run every night. I feel great but the muscle is just not going anywhere. Maybe its because of my Adderall (ADD medication that has a side effect of hunger supression). Any advice? My mom won't let me join a gym.

Adderall ain't got nothing to do with it. I've been on ADD meds since fifth grade. I'm 245 currently. I was up to 330 at one point I've also been 280 solid muscle. At your age ain't nothing but hard work and food gonna help you. Sups won't work and roads are a waste of time. You wanna get big? Load up on protein and chop wood or bust rocks. Best upper body work out available.

  • Super User

I also agree about talking to your doctor before doing anything, don't want to come across wrong there.

There are lots of alternative solutions out there that may work for you that aren't medicinal per se.

  • BassResource.com Administrator

Believe it or not, I used to be a gym rat.  Never used roids or anything like that.  Just pumped iron 3-4 hrs a day, 6 days a week....ate low fat food high in protein (chicken, tuna, etc), and drank a whey protein shake every 4 hrs, 24/7 (yes, that meant waking up in the middle of the night to drink a shake).  I also had an apple before workouts, and a banana afterwards.  The gym rats on this forum know why.


The result?  See the pic.


Oh...and if some of you didn't know, I used to be a professional pyrotechnician.  The photo was taken in Hawaii at a show I was setting up for a 4th of July show in Waikiki.


My only regret during those gym days was spending too much time in the tanning booth.  Wish I could take those hours away, but I can't.  So I use sunscreen and protective clothing religiously these days whenever I go fishing.


i miss those days - feeling "tight" and energetic and having a lot of stamina.  Work and life prohibit me from spending that much time at the gym these days, but I still try to exercise when I can.


Raider Nation - I admire you for your focus and effort.  It's a lot of work, but it's worth it.  More power to you!


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  • BassResource.com Administrator

I really need to start lifting. I'm 5' 6" and 110, 6% body fat. I'm literally a human twig. Just doing around 30 pull-ups, 50 curl-ups, and 30 push-ups a day in addition to a 3 mile run every night. I feel great but the muscle is just not going anywhere. Maybe its because of my Adderall (ADD medication that has a side effect of hunger supression). Any advice? My mom won't let me join a gym.


Best advice I can give you is to do your reps s-l-o-w-l-y.  Really make those muscles burn.  Fast reps just burn calories.  Slow reps build muscle.  Number of reps isn't important so much as proper form and getting that burn. 


Also, give your muscles time to recover - at least 24 hrs or more. It's important to "cycle" through your exercise regimen.  Legs one day, arms another, shoulders and abs a third day, etc.  That way you can max out on your reps each day while giving your muscles time to recover and build.  A little soreness is good, pain is bad.  Let your body tell you its limits and abide by them.


Also, go to a pharmacy and see if you can find those elastic bands they use for physical therapy. You can use those in a variety of ways, which will greatly expand the kinds of exercises you're doing, thus increasing the number of muscles you can isolate and exercise. 

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If you really wanna get big, eat a lot of plankton. Whales are one of largest mammals in the world and they eat plankton!!! :D


Excellent - and just imagine how fantastic your cardio will be as your ability to swim across oceans improves day by day . . . . . . .





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Believe it or not, I used to be a gym rat.  Never used roids or anything like that.  Just pumped iron 3-4 hrs a day, 6 days a week....ate low fat food high in protein (chicken, tuna, etc), and drank a whey protein shake every 4 hrs, 24/7 (yes, that meant waking up in the middle of the night to drink a shake).  I also had an apple before workouts, and a banana afterwards.  The gym rats on this forum know why.


The result?  See the pic.


Oh...and if some of you didn't know, I used to be a professional pyrotechnician.  The photo was taken in Hawaii at a show I was setting up for a 4th of July show in Waikiki.


My only regret during those gym days was spending too much time in the tanning booth.  Wish I could take those hours away, but I can't.  So I use sunscreen and protective clothing religiously these days whenever I go fishing.


i miss those days - feeling "tight" and energetic and having a lot of stamina.  Work and life prohibit me from spending that much time at the gym these days, but I still try to exercise when I can.


Raider Nation - I admire you for your focus and effort.  It's a lot of work, but it's worth it.  More power to you!

Glenn, I've known you for a long time, but never had any idea you were so into weightlifting ? You were pretty darn jacked, too ! :)


Didn't know you were a pyro technician either. Our city could have probably used you last evening.... we had a nice show, but two 5-10 min  interruptions, to put out fires ! No injuries at least.





yea Glenn, that pic....,man,...YOU GOT BALLS!!  I bet those make a hell of a thump at lift off!!  Glenn helped me out a few yrs back with some lifting advice that was a big help.  I dont work out anymore though, not since my surgery, back to 125 lbs wet,lol

  • Super User

yea Glenn, that pic....,man,...YOU GOT BALLS!!  I bet those make a hell of a thump at lift off!!  Glenn helped me out a few yrs back with some lifting advice that was a big help.  I dont work out anymore though, not since my surgery, back to 125 lbs wet,lol


Freak  :grin: 



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17 months ago at 55, 5'11" and 338 lb. I was one cheeseburger away from going on to Glory to paraphrase my cardiologist. Since that time I have been focused on getting into shape. Up until 6 weeks ago I was religious in my commitment to lifting and cardio work. I am down under 200 for the first time in about 30 years. While I am still not ripped or shredded I have spent the last 2 months building a church, and doing things that I could not have done a year ago. I look and feel better than I have in years, and although I still have health issues, my quality of life is so much better. There are only so many hours in the day, and right now I am only working to maintain my weight and strength. I do know very well that both weight and cardio training is essential to my physical and mental well-being.


Raider your commitment borders on insane! :respect-059:  Most people don't have anything in their lives they are passionate about, You do, and that is a good thing my friend.  


Congrats on your achievement K_mac,thats a heck of an accomplishment.

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Thanks aceman. I don't want to hijack the thread, just add my voice to those who advocate lifting as a major part of total fitness.


I have used whey protein and creatine to supplement my diet along the way, but not on a regular basis. I think that used in moderation there are some benefits, but most of the real builders that I know go way past moderation in the amounts taken, and many take products that are dangerous IMO. If hormones and other supplements are needed to reach healthy levels, and monitored carefully, then I am a supporter. If someone is looking for a magic bullet for the sake of ego while risking damage to their body, I am not.

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