Fish Chris Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 Alright, I think most of you guys know about my whole health turn around thing.... so now my diet is like a constant science experiment, along with all the workout stuff.... But organic ? Ha ! My biggest problem with eating organic, is that the evidence to show this will help you in some tangible way, simply does not exist. Meanwhile, a lot of the people who are so worried that they might eat a trace amount of pesticides, are eating too many cals / carbs, and not exercising nearly enough. And I wonder how many drink excessively, and / or smoke, as well ? And almost nobody disputes that this is going to be bad for any body's health ! In a nut shell, I think a lot of people are wasting time splitting hairs over vague possibilities, yet they are ignoring the obvious. I recently found this article, and this author just nails everything I've been thinking about organic, to the 'T" The responses are pretty great too. Most totally agreed. A couple disagreed so strongly, they acted like the author was the anti-Christ. I'd call that, great writing ~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, GMO's ? {genetically modified organisms} Nearly all the food we eat has been altered, in one way or the other, and thank God ! Otherwise, it would be smaller, blander, less shelf life, and more expensive ! Quite simply, less appealing. Not to mention, their has never been any proof of GMO foods causing any sickness, or death. In any case, I feel the same about GMO foods as I do organic. It might give you cancer ? Okay, so might a million other things.... I just still believe that while diet and exercise are right there within our grasp > getting cancer from non-organic, or GMO foods, or from anything else under the sun, for that matter, is so hit and miss, so mysterious, and just so hard to put your finger on..... Peace, Fish PS, If you read nothing else of that article I posted the link for, at least read the conclusion. Spot on ! Quote
Super User Sam Posted May 28, 2013 Super User Posted May 28, 2013 From what I understand "organic" fruits and veggies do not have the pesticides on them. Otherwise they are identical to their cousins, the "normal" fruits and veggies. Are you taking a spoonfull of local honey to ward off allergies? I am giving it a whack although I should have started on March 1st. Let us know when you are strong and healthy like Superman. Quote
nascar2428 Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 Everybody has a right to know what the are eating, just label it. Quote
Super User A-Jay Posted May 28, 2013 Super User Posted May 28, 2013 The Only way you will ever know exactly what's going on with the food you ingest, is if you grow / raise it yourself. A-Jay 2 Quote
Super User Dwight Hottle Posted May 28, 2013 Super User Posted May 28, 2013 The Only way you will ever know exactly what's going on with the food you ingest, is if you grow / raise it yourself. A-Jay And there ya go.jpg Sick man! Talking about the eggplant. 1 Quote
preach4bass Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 Everybody has a right to know what the are eating, just label it. If you want to know what you're eating, grow it, raise it, kill it, or catch it yourself. Quote
Super User Raider Nation Fisher Posted May 28, 2013 Super User Posted May 28, 2013 Wow. The comments on that article were definitely something else. So much hate in some of them. You would think the tree hugging organic hippies would be more peaceful and friendly. Awesome article too. Thanks for sharing. Quote
Super User Bankbeater Posted May 28, 2013 Super User Posted May 28, 2013 My wife won't eat anything straight out of a garden. She believes it needs to be processed. My daughter refuses to eat any fruits or veggies from the supermarket. She will only eat stuff from the local farmer's market. I can't win. Quote
PABASS Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 GMO labeled foods will soon be here, some suppliers are already labeling products as such and Europe already has this mandated. What people fail to understand about GMOs is the nature in which they were created, Monsanto co has a patent on such a GMO, the soy bean as crazy as it sounds, food has been patented. Basically they Monsanto made a soy resident to guess what RoundUp and guess who makes/sells round up “Monsanto” so while there may not be any so called “health benefits” I can tell you growing and or eating local gets you a step closer to know what’s going in your body. Organic is another, they are removing the chemicals, the hormones and the antibiotics from our food all for good reason, I don’t need a study to tell me I don’t want that in my body, am I not a health nut, do I eat bad yes but I buy local when I can and organic when I can, it just makes sense. Put something else in perspective, people also fail to realize where ecoli outbreaks come from, basically a cow didn't evolve to eat corn as so many are feed, this leads to infection because the cows cant naturally digest corn feed, thus we humans pump them full of antibiotics soon making super virus’s and also spreading deadly viruses such as ecoli and even mad cow disease since some cows are feed meat into corn. In this age we forget how connected we really are, this all spins around and does affect you. The run off from, these super farms end up in your fishing waters which in turn will cause fish die off, allot of these issues can be resolved, using techniques that have existed. I will ask, do you know that a chicken nugget has ammonia in it, look it up and I would suggest everyone read and omnivores dilemma and or watch Food Inc// Its ironic really we are more connected then we have ever been yet even less connected than we have even been to our food. On the other side of the coin I have read that organic farms are grown right along normal farms, and there is no “guarantee” runoff doesn't occur, again buy local and know your farmers. If you look at what is happening in the Susquehanna and the bay, run-off is the reason and we can fix it and if we dont one of the top 5 smallies areas in our nation will no longer be, keep this in mind when you buy local, no GMOs or organic its not just healthy for you, but your home, and your fishes homes.. 1 Quote
Super User Raider Nation Fisher Posted May 28, 2013 Super User Posted May 28, 2013 GMO labeled foods will soon be here, some suppliers are already labeling products as such and Europe already has this mandated. What people fail to understand about GMOs is the nature in which they were created, Monsanto co has a patent on such a GMO, the soy bean as crazy as it sounds, food has been patented. Basically they Monsanto made a soy resident to guess what RoundUp and guess who makes/sells round up “Monsanto” so while there may not be any so called “health benefits” I can tell you growing and or eating local gets you a step closer to know what’s going in your body. Organic is another, they are removing the chemicals, the hormones and the antibiotics from our food all for good reason, I don’t need a study to tell me I don’t want that in my body, am I not a health nut, do I eat bad yes but I buy local when I can and organic when I can, it just makes sense. Put something else in perspective, people also fail to realize where ecoli outbreaks come from, basically a cow didn't evolve to eat corn as so many are feed, this leads to infection because the cows cant naturally digest corn feed, thus we humans pump them full of antibiotics soon making super virus’s and also spreading deadly viruses such as ecoli and even mad cow disease since some cows are feed meat into corn. In this age we forget how connected we really are, this all spins around and does affect you. The run off from, these super farms end up in your fishing waters which in turn will cause fish die off, allot of these issues can be resolved, using techniques that have existed. I will ask, do you know that a chicken nugget has ammonia in it, look it up and I would suggest everyone read and omnivores dilemma and or watch Food Inc// Its ironic really we are more connected then we have ever been yet even less connected than we have even been to our food. On the other side of the coin I have read that organic farms are grown right along normal farms, and there is no “guarantee” runoff doesn't occur, again buy local and know your farmers. If you look at what is happening in the Susquehanna and the bay, run-off is the reason and we can fix it and if we dont one of the top 5 smallies areas in our nation will no longer be, keep this in mind when you buy local, no GMOs or organic its not just healthy for you, but your home, and your fishes homes.. Well as if the giant hunk of fat inside a chicken nugget of mine a month back hadn't ruined them for me. You sure did just now. Not that its a bad thing. I don't need to eat that junk anyway. As for hormones in meat. What type are we talking? I could go for some test loaded steak. Quote
PABASS Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 Well as if the giant hunk of fat inside a chicken nugget of mine a month back hadn't ruined them for me. You sure did just now. Not that its a bad thing. I don't need to eat that junk anyway. As for hormones in meat. What type are we talking? I could go for some test loaded steak. Growth hormones, the scientific name I would have to look that up, chickens from 30 years ago were smaller, we now grow them quicker and larger then the same animal from the short past, its not what we feed them which I am sure super farms want you to believe. We buy our eggs local and mostly cage free, the eggs are as yellow as the sun and taste like an egg, we try to buy our chicken cage free and again its tastes like chicken and will blow you away, the eggs are much cheaper the chickens are higher so we cant always get them, however when we can we do. I cant stress how much better the eggs and chickens tasted, it blew me away. Another something to add, cage free chickens actually produce omega3 packed eggs much higher then some of the fruits and vegies labeled as such, store eggs do not truly contain much omega3s.. One of my local farmers got out of farming because of a divorce but going to his farm was an eye opening experience, in PA we have large chicken farms and milk farms and they stink. In the dead of summer while visiting his farm I was surprised to smell nothing but what you expect, freshly cut grass, honey dew but not farm smell, he had over a hundred chickens, 6 pigs, ducks, geese, dozens of turkeys and lots of dogs and it didn't smell. I noticed something else I wasn't getting eaten alive by insects, due to the chickens and turkeys taking care of them its all a circle, its all connected. The pigs are setup in a cage that can be move easily and they are like a tractor, they dig up the dirt, they lay down fertilizer. Chickens are the pesticide and fertilizer, they ate the bugs trying to eat the crops, the crops feed the animals and clean the air, he rotated this system his crops and had tons of food, I just wish he still did it, now I buy from another larger supplier whom isn't as cheap. Quote
Fish Chris Posted May 28, 2013 Author Posted May 28, 2013 pabass > when you buy local, no GMOs or organic its not just healthy for you, but your home, and your fishes homes.. Ehhh.... The factual evidence for this is just not conclusive. But again, I agree that Monsanto, as a Corp, might be (is probably) doing all kinds of shady things, in the name of profit / power, as do pretty much all large Corps. I'm just not up on political stuff like this, to make any comment. Raider > As for hormones in meat. What type are we talking? I could go for some test loaded steak. I joke about this all the time. When they say, "No added hormones" I always say, "Ahh, that sucks ! I was hoping it would be loaded with them, and some of them might rub off on me" ! LOL Peace, Fish 1 Quote
Super User deaknh03 Posted May 28, 2013 Super User Posted May 28, 2013 A couple of things to mention here. First off, hormones and antibiotics are illegal here in the USA as far as chickens are concerned. They are being bred to grow faster and fatter. As far as no conclusive evidence linking pesticides, GMOs produced in a lab for human consumption and all that great sounding stuff, use the smell test. Does eating pesticides even sound like it's not bad? Keep in mind that the human body was created to use food for fuel, and all the mechanisms in our body are developed for using the food that nature has on the earth to use as our fuel. Now throw some pesticides and some lab made stuff in there, and your body is surely not accepting and breaking it down properly. Look up the stats for the meteoric rise in disease in the last 30 years. Autism, Alzheimers, superbugs, mad cow, there has to be a reason why? I don't think it's a stretch to think most human illness is caused by food intake. So if the disease rate is skyrocketing, perhaps the food might be causing it? Let's not forget that 60 years ago, doctors were touting cigarettes as HEALTHY! Do you think the massive amounts of money pumped from the cigarette companies had anything to do with that? Now look at present day, we have half of the appointed people in our FDA coming from one company, Monsanto. These people are appointed to office, then go back to a lucrative career at Monsanto. Does anyone think that while in office, they will ever, ever do anything to hurt the financial success of THE COMPANY THEY ARE GOING BACK TO WORK FOR?? None of this passes my smell test, and I am not willing to take a chance with my children's future health, only to hear 25 years down the road, "oh yeah, those pesticides were actually not a real good thing to eat". Quote
PABASS Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 You may be right about the Antibiotics that is why the chicken nugget gets loaded with ammonia, however with that said I have been told not to eat certain places on a chicken due the injection areas for the hormones. I do know they are larger and selective breeding wasn't the only reason. Also look at cancer rise and heart disease, you cant tell me our super food doesn't play some role in this. FishChris, there are factual evidence as to whats polluting our fisheries, its run off from these super farms plain and simple, I encourage you to read a study done on the Chesapeake water shed. Quote
Super User deaknh03 Posted May 28, 2013 Super User Posted May 28, 2013 You may be right about the Antibiotics that is why the chicken nugget gets loaded with ammonia, however with that said I have been told not to eat certain places on a chicken due the injection areas for the hormones. I do know they are larger and selective breeding wasn't the only reason. Also look at cancer rise and heart disease, you cant tell me our super food doesn't play some role in this. FishChris, there are factual evidence as to whats polluting our fisheries, its run off from these super farms plain and simple, I encourage you to read a study done on the Chesapeake water shed. All poultry is hormone and antibiotic free, check out the packaging. Quote
PABASS Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 I don't have allot of faith in packaging, with labels such as "All Natural" which means nothing, I would double check some info according to wiki antibiotics are used, hormones however are not.. Quote
Fish Chris Posted May 28, 2013 Author Posted May 28, 2013 FishChris, there are factual evidence as to whats polluting our fisheries, its run off from these super farms plain and simple, I encourage you to read a study done on the Chesapeake water shed. Okay, I hear you on this aspect. I just think they have been pretty good at keeping most of the pesticides off of / out of the produce we take home to eat. As for pollution of our waterways, whether it be from agricultural runoff, or any one of a million other things, that is a problem that will only continue to get worse, and all because of one simple fact.... 7 billion, and climbing Fish Quote
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