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    Last season I was fishing with a club that was very well managed & organized, had some great anglers, and a busy schedule (at least 2 tournamets per month all over the state). Toward the end of the summer my Mother was diagnosed with breat cancer, so naturally I turned all of my attention and time toward my family. Between my mother being sick, and work, there wasn't much time left for fishing. I made it to the tourneys that were close to home, and ended up in 5th with Lunker of the year. I qualified to fish the Bass Bowl, a regional tournament that includes the top 6 anglers from 20 clubs in the South Jersey area, but I couldnt afford to leave my Mother & work for 4 days at that time, so the next angler in line took my place and they won the event. That was a catalyst for them to become B.A.S.S affiliated. Their schedule this year was over 25 tourneys, with 4 out of state, and the rest spread out all over NJ. It was just not feasable financially or time wise for me to do another season with them.  

  Thank the good Lord my Mother has made a full recovery, and in March I was able to sell my old trihull and finally buy a 96 Tracker Pro Team 17 in excellent condition, something I've been wanting for years. I wanted to replace the bow mount motor with a newer, more powerful one, replace the batteries & on board charger, add a newer fishfinder to the deck, and a kicker bracket for a transom mount trolling motor. So far I've done everything except get a kicker bracket. I was going to take the season off just to fun fish w/my family and work on my new boat, However, I had a fishing buddy hounding me all winter to join his local club. They had a much more relaxed schedule than the last club I fished with, one tournament per month, all within an hour of home, and you fish with a partner all season. I decided to join last minute as my mother was doing extremely well, and my partner offered to have us fish on his boat until mine was ready to go.

   We fished the first tournament together. I missed the second because my family and I decided to take a vacation in celebration of my Mothers good health. The third tournament is coming up next week and things aren't looking so great. A couple of weeks ago my partner let a racial slur slip out in front of me, I expressed my resentment toward his comment, kept my cool, but put some distance between us. 

   Last week my partner called me saying that we wouldn't be fishing on the same boat for the next tournament. He said that apparently the club president decided to fish on a new members Nitro (who I brought into the club), while he fished with the club presidents partner, who doesn't have his boaters license.

   Leaving me as the only one fishing by myself for 8 hours on a 760 acre electric only reservior that gets REALLY windy (3' whitecaps & strong current) with one 55lb motor and 1 optima blue top pushing a 17' boat. I expressed to him that I wasn't really comfortable bringing my boat out on that lake just yet, and he had no answer, he kind of pushed the blame on the club president. I contacted the club president who only has a 12' V-Hull and doesn't want to take it out on this lake, and also was questioning whether my partner and I were even partners anymore?? He said I could either fish with the new member, or fish with him on his "little boat". In the end I agreed to fish solo, since it seemed like everyone had already decided this was how it was going to be. My partner called me shortly after and asked me if I was going to fish the next open buddy with anyone else because he wanted to invite a friend of his to fish on his boat.

  I'm seriously considering just taking the rest of the season off, there are only 5 tournaments left after this next one. I have to take off  Saturdays to make it to these events, which costs me about $300 everytime. I've NEVER been the type to commit to something then back out, and I don't like people that do that either. However I'm really feeling like I'm being left high and dry by my partner. Sorry for the long post, but I wanted you guys to get an idea of why im at this point...What do you guys think??

  • Super User

That would be an easy decision for me... 



  • Super User

Sometimes you outgrow the club, sometimes the club outgrows you.  Find another club.  Doesn't sound like that particular club is the brotherhood it once was, and doesn't have your back.


I'd look for another club and some new friends.


If the club is as laid back as you say it is, if the money is not an issue, if you have other friends in the club that you enjoy being around, I might stay and put the word out among other members you are looking for a "new" partner and continue fishing in the club. Just an option. Seems a shame to burn a bridge just because of one person! But if its no longer fun, move on to another club that is!

  • Like 1

If the club is as laid back as you say it is, if the money is not an issue, if you have other friends in the club that you enjoy being around, I might stay and put the word out among other members you are looking for a "new" partner and continue fishing in the club. Just an option. Seems a shame to burn a bridge just because of one person! But if its no longer fun, move on to another club that is!


The club is laid back, but I feel that there is a serious lack of organization. There are no meetings, no votes, no website, no club fund or bank account to pay for tournament permits etc..Basically all we get is group text messages.

As far as money goes, its not gonna make or break me. At the same time, if Im not having fun, why miss out on a few hundred bucks at work, or time on the water with my family & friends. My partner is the only person I know in the club, and another issue is that the point system is by team, not by indivudual angler. That means If I catch a 3 fish limit for 15lbs and my partner goes skunked, he gets the points that I earned, and vice versa. I don't think it makes sense, I told my partner and the club president how I felt about the point system, but I guess they don't want to do the extra work.

All that aside, Im not worried about points and stats. I just want to have fun fishing, and right now its more stressful than fun, so I think it may be time to step aside.

  • Super User

If hte competition side isn't fun then by all means stop competing and use the tourney entry fees to buy more stuff :)

  • Like 1

If the competition side isn't fun then by all means stop competing and use the tourney entry fees to buy more stuff :)

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking. I figure if I work all 6 Saturdays that I would have missed, I'm looking at a couple grand. With that I can buy some nice stuff!

  • Super User

Fishing Partner problems. Worse than a husband and wife who don't get along.


This happens all the time. We have had it happen in our club and in the Region 3 tournaments.


One of the guys who pulls this stunt is a fanatastic fisherman but he is not reliable and he will go with someone else and not tell his partner of his plans. Or he will say he will meet you at your house or the ramp and never show up.


It has happened to me. One of my partners just decided to fish a Region 3 event with an old buddy and never told me his intentions until the Wednesday of the week of the tournament which left me high and dry. So I quit fishing the Region 3 tournaments. If I want to fish them I will show up by myself and PO a lot of guys who would love to fish with me.


Advice - What is stated above. It is time for you to go in another direction.


Join another club. Fish the tournaments by yourself if possible. Don't call the other club members and when you see them you smile and be polite but that is it. You do not owe anyone an explanation of what you are doing.


And 25 tournaments is over kill. Who ever scheduled 25 tournaments does not have 1) a wife; 2) a family or 3) a girlfriend. I can think of a number of things to do on a Saturday morning in lieu of having to fishing 25 tournaments. Ten tournaments are enough unless you are in the deep south where the temperatures will allow you to fish more than one a month.


There are lots of bass clubs around and with a boat you will be a welcome member.


If they ask you why you left their club you just tell them to understand why they have to put their heads between their legs and kiss their a$$ goodbye.

  • Super User

..... If I want to fish them I will show up by myself and PO a lot of guys who would love to fish with me....

I'll fish with you on short notice if you want :)  But i can't promise i will help you win but i sure will try  :respect-059:  :respect-059:


I think I would show up and fish anyhow till the end of season and then I would leave

  • BassResource.com Administrator

   I've NEVER been the type to commit to something then back out, and I don't like people that do that either. However I'm really feeling like I'm being left high and dry by my partner.


Biggest mistake you can make is to set aside your gut instincts in an attempt to appease others.  Trust me, it never turns out good. 


You're gut is telling you that you don't feel comfortable about this and don't want to be a part of it.  Trust it. 

  • Like 2

Biggest mistake you can make is to set aside your gut instincts in an attempt to appease others.  Trust me, it never turns out good. 


You're gut is telling you that you don't feel comfortable about this and don't want to be a part of it.  Trust it. 


Thanks Glenn! I needed to hear that from an objective point of view, and thanks everyone else for the input. Since I was young my Mother always told me to "follow my gut instinct" in those exact words. I feel much better about the decision now. There are a ton of clubs around the area that are much more organized, and there are a ton of open events that I dont have to miss work to compete in. I have a great tournament boat, so why not fish this season on my time and my own terms!


Fishing Partner problems. Worse than a husband and wife who don't get along.


This happens all the time. We have had it happen in our club and in the Region 3 tournaments.


One of the guys who pulls this stunt is a fanatastic fisherman but he is not reliable and he will go with someone else and not tell his partner of his plans. Or he will say he will meet you at your house or the ramp and never show up.


It has happened to me. One of my partners just decided to fish a Region 3 event with an old buddy and never told me his intentions until the Wednesday of the week of the tournament which left me high and dry. So I quit fishing the Region 3 tournaments. If I want to fish them I will show up by myself and PO a lot of guys who would love to fish with me.


Advice - What is stated above. It is time for you to go in another direction.


Join another club. Fish the tournaments by yourself if possible. Don't call the other club members and when you see them you smile and be polite but that is it. You do not owe anyone an explanation of what you are doing.


And 25 tournaments is over kill. Who ever scheduled 25 tournaments does not have 1) a wife; 2) a family or 3) a girlfriend. I can think of a number of things to do on a Saturday morning in lieu of having to fishing 25 tournaments. Ten tournaments are enough unless you are in the deep south where the temperatures will allow you to fish more than one a month.


There are lots of bass clubs around and with a boat you will be a welcome member.


If they ask you why you left their club you just tell them to understand why they have to put their heads between their legs and kiss their **** goodbye.

Thanks for the advice, I really needed the voice of experience on this one, I'm decided, time to move on.


As for my last club that has 25 tournaments, I agree, its an insane amount of time, money, and travel for an 8 month season. However, the club president, director, and a couple of other members have sponsors and are fully committed to a life of tournament fishing. The rest of the members are either retired, and/or have very deep pockets, and not much of a life outside of fishing.


I cant take anything away from those guys, as a club they're organized, well managed, and focused. Three of the guys that placed above me last year can fish circles around me any day of the week, I should have taken fourth, but I missed tournaments due to my mothers illness, causing me to miss out on points.


Thats not the case in this new club, they came to me asking to join!


First never put your safety at risk if you cant find another partner don't go, especially on a new large lake.  Second in our club we do a random drawling for boaters and riders now granted we are not competing in high level tournys but it works.  Third go with your gut, in NJ I would imagine there are other clubs never hurts to take another look at one.


First never put your safety at risk if you cant find another partner don't go, especially on a new large lake.  Second in our club we do a random drawling for boaters and riders now granted we are not competing in high level tournys but it works.  Third go with your gut, in NJ I would imagine there are other clubs never hurts to take another look at one.

This is a paper tournament due to the spawn, which means everyone should be paired at random or with someone they dont know. Thats how my last club did paper tourneys too. Its the only way to keep things honest and fair. Its beyond me why they are not doing this.

I actually know this lake like the back of my hand. In the last two years I've logged over 100 days. However that was when I had a 14' trihull with 5 deep cycle batteries, & Two 55lb motors (bow & transom). That setup would keep me fishing all day with no problem.

My Tracker is a whole different story, its almost 4 feet longer, much wider and heavier, with only 55lbs pulling it at the bow.

I've been on the lake and had the wind go from completely dead to 20mph within a few casts, this could leave me stuck in the standing timber, or even worse, washed into the boulders. I would fire up my engine before that happened, but that would disqualify me and earn me $1000+ in fines, and what if my engine doesnt want to start!


All in all, not worthit by a long shot




Last night I got a text from the club president...


CLUB PRESIDENT :  Are you definitely going to make it on Saturday Christian? Your partner hurt his ankle and can't make it...my partner needs to jump on your boat because he doesn't have his boaters certificate... 




I also texted my partner and simply said "I wont make it on Saturday and honestly I am stepping aside for the remainder of the season, I hope your ankle is ok".

Case closed. I hope my partner didn't hurt his ankle badly and I truly wish him a speedy recovery.

Seems like Karma may have stepped in on my behalf.

time to start looking for a new club

  • 4 weeks later...

Your Optima is a good battery, but one thing you must know.  If it is the blue top, then it is an rating of 24, where

many other boaters are using full batteries rated at 29 and 31.  They will have a lot longer endurance than your battery

even if it is an Optima.  If you can jump to a 24v system, and two 27/29/31 batteries you will have power left over

at the end of the day.  Seven hundred acres with a trolling motor only sounds pretty ridiculous to me. 


Yeah, I agree with the other guys, dump that club, and get some new friends.

  • Super User

Optima also makes group 27 and 31 batteries.

  • Super User

Trust your instincts.  Maybe stepping back and fishing non-competitively is the way to go for a while.  Rekindle the love for the sport and when/if the burning desire to compete comes back join another league.  The biggest mistake you can make is force yourself into something that does not feel right for the sake of others.


I will not bore you with the details (PM if you really want them) but I took a passion of mine and forced it past the point of "fun" to please others.  Now I absolutely resent the fact that I didn't leave when I felt I should have.  While not exactly the same situation the feelings are comparable.  


Trust your feelings young Jedi.


I faced a simalar situation last year fishing for a new club and all. They were well orginized , an on point in most aspects of the club... an very tight nit.. TO TIGHT nit for my own comfort.

Its started out with a meeting with club prez n vice prez an a local applebees, it was almost as if they were pre screening me to see if I was good enough to meet the rest of the club, that should have been my first warning, as well as I didnt feel comfortable with the line of ?ing they were giving me. My love for bass fishing, an the thought of fishing off the back of a nice big boat on a big lake over rules my instaincs of not joining. I fished the first tourny on kerr lake without a hitch.. caught a limit of fish an placed 5th in the tournament, and all was well. they to did drawings at the club meeting for the riders an such an I was pared with the club pres for the second tournament on lake gaston. About an hour into the tournament, I realized that he was being very hush hush, wasnt talking hardly at all... had no idea what was going on with him, come to find out, my previous partner said I was a good fisherman and was more of a problem then anything on the back of his boat, which was very suprising to me , considering we shook hands after the tournament ended, an he even made mention of taking me out again sometime. Now Im not one to complain... but it all sounded a bit childesh to me, and I recieved the same kinda treatment over the course of the next year with all except one person ( now a close friend an no longer fishes for them either). I chose to finish out the year because come hell or high water, I try NOT to leave anything in my life un finished, an it was a personl satisfaction to me to complete the year despite the oppositions I recieved through out... I just personal didnt want to give them the satisfaction of getting the better of me... I finished 7th for  the year... out of 36 poeple, not bad considering.


this all seems like a bit of rambling from me but my point is this... You are your own person, If you choose to carry on an complete the year.. good on you.. let them see your who you are for a reason.. be polite.. and roll with the punches till the end... if you choose to leave now.. thats ok to as you have to do whats best for you, and anyone on here would tell you the same., no one should think less of you either way you choose.... I chose my path for different reasons... as you will have to choose yours ... In the end.. if you can look in the mirror an say to self... Im doing well... then your are DOING well!


Tight lines all!



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