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NewAngler, you're probably rigging them wrong. Have you read the manual?

Yes. Specifically Section 2.4-1 yet I've had zippy success.

Tried the Toad again Saturday night and people were missing fish on frogs left and right.

"I'll prove myself wrong! I'll try my RageToad!"


Tied on my 8" swimbait and got 6 hits in a row in the same spot.

Swimbait, please.

Big- O- thanks for the words of inspiration. I may not count them out completely, but I will keep them in my bag for when I'm just catching too many fish and will try to gain confidence in something else.

NewAngler, I am familiar with you and your circle of friends, as I have kept up with many of your posts regarding fishing trips etc. And I can tell that each of you love to fish as much as the rest of us...But I am also aware that you are familiar with several other folks in your area that fish Rage Tail products and they are catching loads of fish and setting new PB's on a regular basis...hopefully this thread topic was not targeted to create controversy due to that groups good fortunes....lifes too short to intentionally initiate strife, enough of that comes our way by accident.

If I am wrong about the controversy factor and I hope that I am, as that seems rediculous and immature...we can focus on becoming the best angler we can be regardless of the baits we choose. If this is your interest, my offer is still open to assist you...

Because I am old and have fished extensively (my wife says excessively ;D) most of my life, I've had the opportunity to teach hundreds of young people like yourself, and many have become top notch tournament anglers as well as guides on a variety of lakes...

Also, the offer for you to be involved with me at the National Wounded Warrior Event on the Potomac next Spring is still open to you and all your friends as well....We all have something valuable to learn from these folks, and something valuable to offer them as well

We can discuss this further via PM's if you like, or we can continue on here ;)

Big O


Thanks, Big O. You just might see me out there next year.

In no way shape or form did I start this thread directed at any one individual, nor did I start it directed at a group of individuals. I didn't start this thread to start any controversy, but would be lying if I told you I didn't know it was going to happen. Like everything else in life, there are some people for certain thing, and there are people against certain things.

I am not, by any means, against Rage Tail products. I don't tie them on my line and say, "Ooo, I hope this doesn't work so I can log on to my fishing forum and stir the pot. I bet I could get 5 pages!" I just have no sucess stories stemming from my use. Its kind of like (a great anology coming, take a seat) a couple trying to conceve a child. It may not work, but it SURE IS FUN trying.

After recomendations I will pick up the craw and the fancy weight to boot. Hook that suminagun on a 4/0 EWG hook and pitch the little bugger at some laydowns this weekend. I truly hope a success story can be conceived from my months of planning.

Again, Big-O, you've never done anything less than impressive on this thread or any other response I've read.

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That is a great choice New, the rage craw is the bomb. In fact over the last 2 years my husband and I have caught many quality fish and most of them have been caught on any and all of the rage tail line up. Here is a couple of photo's from our latest outings and we were in fact using the rage craw. My husband was using his as a jig trailer. I hope you catch a new pb regardless of which bait you choose.

My husbands fish. Caught on the craw as a jig trailer


Mine on the craw


This is one that I got the other night. I caught this on the shad. The shad and the eeliminator are my favorites.


I hope you catch a new pb regardless of what bait or brand you choose.

  • Super User
ur posts regarding fishing trips etc. And I can tell that each of you love to fish as much as the rest of us...But I am also aware that you are familiar with several other folks in your area that fish Rage Tail products and they are catching loads of fish and setting new PB's on a regular basis...hopefully this thread topic was not targeted to create controversy due to that groups good fortunes....lifes too short to intentionally initiate strife, enough of that comes our way by accident.

You should also be aware that there are many of us that are not members of "Team RageTail" that use RT baits with great success. It definitely is NOT about "our bait vs. your bait" or anything of that nature.


Ragetails are awesome but like every other bait they aren't magic.

I always have luck catching fish with the shads when the topwater bite is on. The fish wouldn't touch them the other day but inhaled my Lucky Craft sammy. Go figure.


Well I had no problem this past weekend in Georgia with the Rage Tail product. I love the Eel and have loved it ever since i was introduced to it. Not only did we catch alot of fish but my son and i both caught our new PB's with it this weekend. We were dragging it carolina rigged over muddy bottom with scattered rock. We also caught several fish with a T-Rigged craw and carolina rigged anaconda. Here are a few pic's.



I switched all my jig trailers over to Rage Craws... my catch ratio went in the toilet...  ;) Considering that more than 70% of my fish caught in '09 were on a jig, that's not very reassuring so far.

i can't stand the hype about them and i don't use them for that reason alone.

Yo Dave, I hope that's a sarcastic comment. If it isn't, then I gotta ask why you would put yourself in a position to potentially miss out on a great fish catching bait just because other people are into them? I don't care if it's Rage, Rapala, Spro, or whatever else, why in the world would you rather not catch fish?

And for the rest of this thread, this is amazing. This place has turned into Republicans and Democrats. I have really enjoyed watching all the little cliques forming and feuding back and forth on the FISHING FORUM.....it's cute ;)

Matt - Is it possible that this year is a little different for the fish?  I know in 07' and 08' I destroyed them with a LC Sammy and a wacky rigged Trick Stick, but ever since then the bite has plummeted.  Sometimes the fish change.  They might not position on cover or structure the same as the year before therefore making your jig presentation not as effective.  Just a thought. 

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I switched all my jig trailers over to Rage Craws... my catch ratio went in the toilet... ;) Considering that more than 70% of my fish caught in '09 were on a jig, that's not very reassuring so far.

I had a similar experience in one night.  Ran out of Flappin' Hogs (was getting bit like crazy), switched to a Rage Craw.  Couldn't get bit to save my life.  Tore the boat apart, found a package of Flappin' Hogs hidden in a compartment.  Bite magically started again.


I'm shocked how long this thing a gone on I mean six pages! I bet we couldn't get that if someone said they couldn't catch fish on a senko.

Here is what I've gotten out of it.

1.  A lot of BassResource.com members fish RT baits and love them for the way they catch fish.

2. Big-O is a first class guy who is willing to help anyone catch fish, I think we should be thankful that he is a member here

3. Some guys just can't seem to catch fish on RT will others hate the amount of love they get here.

So what does all this information do for me. NOTHING!!!!!(Other than I'll start to pay more attention when Big-O post something)

This place has turned into Republicans and Democrats. 

Then consider me an independent.  ;) 

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I think my main problem is the size of some of those rage tail baits.They are quite large and beefy compared to some of the other baits i fish.From judging the quality of the fish caught with it in some of the pictures on here it's definitely seems like a big fish bait.I have enough problems trying to locate anything over 3# right now.

I had a similar experience in one night. Ran out of Flappin' Hogs (was getting bit like crazy), switched to a Rage Craw. Couldn't get bit to save my life. Tore the boat apart, found a package of Flappin' Hogs hidden in a compartment. Bite magically started again.

So this


and this


should be considered equal?  I guess I'm just trying to figure out what you're trying to prove by saying that one type of trailer worked one night (hog) while another didn't (craw), especially when they aren't all that similar.  Single night experiences don't really mean anything when it comes to judging a bait's effectiveness.

I had a similar experience in one night. Ran out of Flappin' Hogs (was getting bit like crazy), switched to a Rage Craw. Couldn't get bit to save my life. Tore the boat apart, found a package of Flappin' Hogs hidden in a compartment. Bite magically started again.

So this


and this


should be considered equal? I guess I'm just trying to figure out what you're trying to prove by saying that one type of trailer worked one night (hog) while another didn't (craw), especially when they aren't all that similar. Single night experiences don't really mean anything when it comes to judging a bait's effectiveness.

To me, it didn't seem like he was trying to prove anything. He was just sharing an experience he had.


You guys should give yourselves more credit. It isnt the bait, it is you that makes the difference.

Those of you that catch fish on RT have confidence in them and fish them with confidence. This gets you bit. Whether you realize it or not....you fish slower, paying more attention, working the bait as if you know you are going to get bit....... and as a result you are a more effective angler.

When you fish a bait you do not like you fish poorly. Its only natural because you already know you wont get bit.....and you dont.

95% of the time confidence is the difference. Not the bait.

I think my main problem is the size of some of those rage tail baits.They are quite large and beefy compared to some of the other baits i fish.From judging the quality of the fish caught with it in some of the pictures on here it's definitely seems like a big fish bait.I have enough problems trying to locate anything over 3# right now.

Grimlin I also live in Michigan and I can tell you that Rage baits are not too big for the bass in our waters. That said there is a time to downsize etc. but there are times when big sinkers and big baits will put plenty of fish in the boat and usually a better grade of bass. There are also plenty of 5# plus bass in our waters as I'm fortunate to land a few every season, stay patient the big ones will come.

Regarding the topic at hand I'm slowly getting around to using the Rage baits, like any product line they have some I like and some not so much but admitedly my expierence with these baits is limited as I have a ton of other soft plastics that I also do well with that I need to use up before I will start buying more. I can say that the Anaconda worm has made a favorable impression on me and I 'm going to start throwing the Smokin' Rooster and Space Monkey because they are different enough from my other plastics and even though I'm limiting my purchases of soft baits right now I couldn't resist these 2 offerings  ;)


3679 views.  90 responses.  over a brand of baits and a simple matter of opinion.  unbelievable. ;)  if the old saying that "there's no such thing as bad publicity" is true, then strike king and ragetail are sitting pretty right now.  i hope this thread helps Steve get a new truck.   ;D 

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3679 views. 90 responses. over a brand of baits and a simple matter of opinion. unbelievable. ;) if the old saying that "there's no such thing as bad publicity" is true, then strike king and ragetail are sitting pretty right now. i hope this thread helps Steve get a new truck. ;D

It will...

Anyone who hasn't fished Rage Tail Baits

will have to try them now!



Why do we go on so about Rage Tail products?


Rage Tail products are unique and create a lot of disturbance.  They will continue to have a place in my tackle boxes.  I just wish they were a little cheaper, but there's a lot of tackle I could say that about.

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I think NewAngler should try something simple. Replace a t-rigged Paca Craw with a Rage Craw, or a jig and Paca Chunk with a Rage Chunk. If you fish a 10" Power Worm with a 1/2 oz. weight, try an Anaconda in the same situation.

There are some unique baits in the line, and I think sometimes this uniqueness could be your downfall. You're fishing an unproductive spot, heard all the hype, and try a new bait, thinkin its the magic bullet. Problem is, you're already in "retie frequently" mode, and have little confidence that what's tied on will get bit, and really, there is no magic bullet. All this results in lack of focus, impatience, and fickle bait choices.

When you get to this point, your bait isn't in the water as much,and when it is, you don't give it a chance, often zipping it back in and retying or casting back to a new spot. I'd say pick a day when fishing is decent. Not great, and not poor. Decent. Rig up two rods, and fish some bread and butter designs side by side, slowly.

I think results will be different.


After all this, I'll add my .02. I have had MIXED success with RT baits. I, too, balk at the price some because I have found if a fish destroys the nose, it's pretty well shot. I have tried gluing and heating but it seems to make the bait too hard. So, new bait x fish slamming it = $1.00 lost. Now, I was fishing a frog the other day, being sure to rig it as straight as possible and I just couldn't keep that thing from turning over, unless I fished it real slow. I have no idea why I couldn't keep it right side up. I have yet to get even a bite on an anaconda. My most successful RT bait has been the space monkey, but only in green pumpkin.

The other colors have not worked for me.

I've been wanting to try the rooster but cannot find any in my local stores. I tried the shad and had some success with that after I boiled the baits to soften the tail. Initially he tail flopped to one side,causing it to spin like a corkscrew. This was before the clamshell packaging to keep the action correct. I just picked up another color of the anacondas, on sale, to try, figuring that may be why I haven't gotten a bite.

Anyway, like I said, mixed success. I know you have to be where the fish are, and being shore bound, that ain't always the case. I don't get out a lot and I'm sure not in areas where some of the fish shown in this thread are. I don't consider myself an experienced angler when compared to some of the guys on this forum. That may be part of my limited success as well. I'll keep some Rage Tails around, probably just the space monkey, since that's been my best producer. I'll try the Rooster, if I can ever find any.


Bought 8 packs of them three days ago,...going to try a few different riggings tonight.  By the look of them, they do seem like big fish baits, and i will be fishing big fish waters. 


RT Virgin   


I have mixed success also.  I enjoy using the Rage shad wherever I would have used a buzzbait, the frog works well also.

The Anaconda I can't get a bite on.  The spacemonkey rips if a bluegill nips at it.

I honestly do believe that they are overhyped and over priced, especially on these boards [of course the maker of these baits does frequent here so that might have something to do with it  :;)] .

They're just another bait in the arsenal not better, not worse than anything else I have.  Some situations call for them some don't.

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