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Give everybody trophies, dont keep score of games, this is where it gets us. You guys might have seen the small town that banned dogeball a month or 2 ago, well, that is the town I live and grew up in. The ban was affected by the vote of a 5 person school board, no public input. Within days a petition was started, by school kids, to get the ban reversed. The school board is now going to revisit the subject, and hopefully enough people show up to voice their opinions, and a revote will overturn the silly decision. If you want to change something, you have to do it 1 person at a time. I think the practices our society is using with children is going in the wrong direction, and I am glad to have a sensible, logical conversation with anyone I encounter.


Sounds like the IRS better start looking into their phone records.....Just saying.

  • Super User

Sounds like the IRS better start looking into their phone records.....Just saying.

I'm sure they're on a list somewhere, but we all are, so speak what you believe in. 

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Sorry, but blaming this kind of stuff on giving everyone trophies and no winners/loosers is pathetic. I would bet none of those kids from original post play sports or are involved in any extra-curricular activities. The point of no winners/loosers is so kids have FUN. The more fun the have at an early age, the more likely it is they will stick with the sport or activity when they get older.

  • Super User

Sorry, but blaming this kind of stuff on giving everyone trophies and no winners/loosers is pathetic. I would bet none of those kids from original post play sports or are involved in any extra-curricular activities. The point of no winners/loosers is so kids have FUN. The more fun the have at an early age, the more likely it is they will stick with the sport or activity when they get older.

I know the 2 of em play JV baseball that or they stole the jerseys..........lol

  • Super User

What is scary is that I see the same thing with the kids being hired where I work.  They come in thinking they are owed the corner office.

  • Super User

What is scary is that I see the same thing with the kids being hired where I work. They come in thinking they are owed the corner office.

Yeah cuz they are used to being handed everything and never having to put in the hard work.

The foreman at m job site today kept apologizing to me for making me do "dirty work" I guess you can call it. Picking up trash weighing insulation down pulling countless pales, tanks, pipes, rubber, glue ect up the wall 60' because we didn't have a crane. He felt he needed to apologize idk why I kept saying its fine I'm an apprentice been there for 3 weeks working with all journeymen of course I'm gonna get the crap jobs I don't mind.

They said they actually said they have law suits against the company because new guys sue for not being treated like the journeymen that have years and years there!!!! Sad part is they win the law suits. Iv seen new guys on other sites walk off because they wernt allowed to do things and they thought it wasn't fare I mean really?!?

  • Super User

Yeah cuz they are used to being handed everything and never having to put in the hard work.

The foreman at m job site today kept apologizing to me for making me do "dirty work" I guess you can call it. Picking up trash weighing insulation down pulling countless pales, tanks, pipes, rubber, glue ect up the wall 60' because we didn't have a crane. He felt he needed to apologize idk why I kept saying its fine I'm an apprentice been there for 3 weeks working with all journeymen of course I'm gonna get the crap jobs I don't mind.

They said they actually said they have law suits against the company because new guys sue for not being treated like the journeymen that have years and years there!!!! Sad part is they win the law suits. Iv seen new guys on other sites walk off because they wernt allowed to do things and they thought it wasn't fare I mean really?!?

They should walk off. If not for their on safety, then for yours. I'll be damned if I have an entitled apprentice on my job, my crew, or under me. I can and WILL send you either A back to the shop or B work you until you quit. I worked one until he puked. He quit the next morning. I made a mouthy apprentice cry like a baby. He was moved off my crew an hour later, and laid off a month later. I busted my butt to get where I am today. Ain't no spoiled rotten, self absorbed, Gods gift to the freaking world apprentice gonna tell me they are my equal. I worked the miserable jobs. I worked in the nasty disgusting places humans shouldn't even venture into. Ive had my teeth rattled more times then I can count. I had 277 volts blow a chunk out of my left knee. I've bled and killed my body to get to the place I am today. Did I enjoy it? HELL YEAH!! No punk hired off the street, or prissy school boy with a trade school diploma is gonna tell me what I'm supposed to LET them do. That boils my blood more than anything else. Drill Sargent's have nothing on me.

I commend you on your attitude. Your gonna go far if you stick with it. Keep up the hard work homie. Pay your dues and pay your blood and sweat, and you'll get there in no time. Hell, Homie I'm down right proud of ya.

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  • Super User

They should walk off. If not for their on safety, then for yours. I'll be damned if I have an entitled apprentice on my job, my crew, or under me. I can and WILL send you either A back to the shop or B work you until you quit. I worked one until he puked. He quit the next morning. I made a mouthy apprentice cry like a baby. He was moved off my crew an hour later, and laid off a month later. I busted my butt to get where I am today. Ain't no spoiled rotten, self absorbed, Gods gift to the freaking world apprentice gonna tell me they are my equal. I worked the miserable jobs. I worked in the nasty disgusting places humans shouldn't even venture into. Ive had my teeth rattled more times then I can count. I had 277 volts blow a chunk out of my left knee. I've bled and killed my body to get to the place I am today. Did I enjoy it? HELL YEAH!! No punk hired off the street, or prissy school boy with a trade school diploma is gonna tell me what I'm supposed to LET them do. That boils my blood more than anything else. Drill Sargent's have nothing on me.

I commend you on your attitude. Your gonna go far if you stick with it. Keep up the hard work homie. Pay your dues and pay your blood and sweat, and you'll get there in no time. Hell, Homie I'm down right proud of ya.

Oh I bled today banged my shin off a exhaust pipe sticking up out the roof when carrying some insulation big ole blood stain on my boot and sock didnt notice I bled till I got home.

We are trying to get my nephew to work for the company by he would rather make minimum wage at a redemption center under the table countin and sorting beer cans when ever he feels like with out set hours. My first week I got 49 hrs in 4 days I was beat lol.

  • Super User

Oh I bled today banged my shin off a exhaust pipe sticking up out the roof when carrying some insulation big ole blood stain on my boot and sock didnt notice I bled till I got home.

We are trying to get my nephew to work for the company by he would rather make minimum wage at a redemption center under the table countin and sorting beer cans when ever he feels like with out set hours. My first week I got 49 hrs in 4 days I was beat lol.

See your already on the right track. :D Oh, and them pipes sticking out the roof tend to hurt.

Dang, I could deal with some hours like that.


Yeah cuz they are used to being handed everything and never having to put in the hard work.

The foreman at m job site today kept apologizing to me for making me do "dirty work" I guess you can call it. Picking up trash weighing insulation down pulling countless pales, tanks, pipes, rubber, glue ect up the wall 60' because we didn't have a crane. He felt he needed to apologize idk why I kept saying its fine I'm an apprentice been there for 3 weeks working with all journeymen of course I'm gonna get the crap jobs I don't mind.

They said they actually said they have law suits against the company because new guys sue for not being treated like the journeymen that have years and years there!!!! Sad part is they win the law suits. Iv seen new guys on other sites walk off because they wernt allowed to do things and they thought it wasn't fare I mean really?!?


I don't work in a trade so I can't comment on that directly, but as for new hires, most of these kids were given everything they ever wanted and then some. They have no work ethic because they never had to work a day in their lives for what they wanted. 


In high school I had a car, that I bought and paid for mowing lawns. The car was a piece of crap but it was actually mine, something that I sweat gallons for. First cell phone, I walked into that store and paid my hard earned cash for it and the plan. I paid insurance on my car and paid for repairs when they were needed.


Flash forward to today, my 9 year old daughter wants a tablet and cell phone and a bunch of other crap that her 9 year old friends have. I told her she can have them when she is working for them, whether that be a true job or doing the dishes in the sink. I REFUSE to give my daughter the handouts that here peers are getting because it will only make her weak. People appreciate what they have more if they actually work for it.


Some new hire acting like they own the place and should be given everything, they don't appreciate their job, they feel it was owed to them. Our society is headed down a dangerous path, and I'm afraid that the "give me's" far out number us hard working folks. . . 

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  • Super User

I can just hear my parent's comments from 50 years ago " What's wrong with kids these days? ".  The fact is some of these kids have become captains of industry and professionals and are now old and grey...like me.  My parents grew up in the depression, work ethics were different than mine, I in fact was a delinquent in trouble. Time and a bit of maturity cured that, found myself, became a businessman and raised a family.  One of my daughters walked around with red hair on one side and blue on the other, wound up in rehab, then in AA.  Got married to her AA sweetheart and both he and she became lawyers, and she has written and published 3 books on child adoption, both of them are pillars of their Indiana community, I couldn't have a better daughter.  I wouldn't be too harsh to criticize people with standards other than your own, time and maturity has it's way of making positive things happen.

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I can just hear my parent's comments from 50 years ago " What's wrong with kids these days? ".  The fact is some of these kids have become captains of industry and professionals and are now old and grey...like me.  My parents grew up in the depression, work ethics were different than mine, I in fact was a delinquent in trouble. Time and a bit of maturity cured that, found myself, became a businessman and raised a family.  One of my daughters walked around with red hair on one side and blue on the other, wound up in rehab, then in AA.  Got married to her AA sweetheart and both he and she became lawyers, and she has written and published 3 books on child adoption, both of them are pillars of their Indiana community, I couldn't have a better daughter.  I wouldn't be too harsh to criticize people with standards other than your own, time and maturity has it's way of making positive things happen.


No doubt that people can change. I was just as much of a hell raiser as the next guy when I was younger, and I still am from time to time. My point is that when you don't teach your kids value and worth then they grow up expecting everything to be given to them. All kids act like this, but the poorly raised ones never get over it and expect everything to be handed to them no matter how poorly they perform. 

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  • Super User

I was just wondering, what age group are you guys referring to? I'm not trying to be rude but I say yes sir/mam, no sir/mam. I do notice that a lot of kids my age do not respect anyone these days. It apauls(I think I spelled it wrong) me to be honest. Kids at my school curse like crazy and have no respect for anything. I'm in highschool, I thought the seniors here would at least have some sense of respect but they don't either. I was raised to respect anyone and everyone. Even if they are an a**hole. If an adult tells me to do something I do it. I understand why you guys would be mad and I think everything you guys have said is true, but not every kid these days is raised that way. Again, I was not trying to be rude. It's also the parenting.

I don't know about the age kids everyone else is talking about but I've had problems with kids from as young as 12 all the way up to people well into their 30's who I still wouldn't consider adults.  Judging from your posts that I've read on this forum, you seem like a stand up guy.


One time I was driving through my neighborhood at like 10:30 pm on a Monday night and pulled up to a stop sign.  I looked in my mirror, saw 2 little 12 year old kids (at 10:30 on a school night), and one gives his friend a look like 'hey watch this' and proceeds to bounce a football off the back window of my car.  I got out and the kids took off so I took their ball and put it in my back seat.  A couple days later, I see the kid walking with his dad so I pull over, give the dad the ball and told him what happened.  The kid's dad basically just brushes me off like its no big deal, shrugs his shoulders and hands the ball back to the kid and all the while the kid is looking right at me with a smartass smirk on his face.  I just shook my head in disbelief, got back in my car, and drove away.  It's been said time and again in this thread.  The problem lies with the parents.

  • Super User


The problem lies with the parents.



The problem is more form peer pressure, being taught values is one thing, but kids easily are influenced by who they associate with.

  • Super User

The problem is more form peer pressure, being taught values is one thing, but kids easily are influenced by who they associate with.

Good point and very true.  Peer pressure is a large contributing factor in many cases.  But IMHO, kids are more likely to be susceptible to negative peer pressure when they are shown (through poor parenting or lack of parenting altogether) that there are no negative consequences to their actions.  Ill use myself as an example.  I won't say my parents were strict but they made sure I knew right from wrong and if I got out of line, I was grounded/corrected/whatever and as far as school, anything less than A's and B's was just unacceptable and I wasn't allowed to miss a day unless I needed to be hospitalized.  My brother is 6 years younger than me and for whatever reason, when he came along, my parents pretty much just let him do what he pleased.  Any rules or guidelines were more or less thrown out the window and grades/attendance no longer mattered.  Basically, I was properly disciplined and he wasn't.  We grew up in the same neighborhood, hung around the same groups of people, and were exposed to the same sorts of delinquent behaviors.  Without going into details, Ill just say that I went one way and he went the other.  I strove to rise above it and he just laid back and accepted it.  He's my little brother and I love him and all but I don't particularly care for the person he's become and I believe a lot of that has to do with the way he was raised.


That football would have been returned in pieces! Do juveniles act the fool, yes, can you change that, probably not. Growing up has its challenges. Away from parents and guiding forces, kids tend to be influenced by their peers. Trying to be a big shot to their friends like someone mentioned earlier. You just hope they don't end up serial killers!! I don't have kids but I would think parents would try to instill a strong sense of right and wrong early and often. Things have a way of righting themselves thru life, you just have to hope it happens sooner rather than later!!


What's wrong with kids these days?


Over the last decade or so kids have been taught that they are all winners, everyone gets a medal no matter how bad they are at whatever they are doing. They have also been taught that there are no consequences to their actions by parents who are too busy or lazy to teach their children right from wrong. Spanking a child is now "child abuse" so kids go unpunished for their bad behavior. Kids today are all about "give me" and have no empathy for other living things. SELFISHNESS, that's whats wrong with kids today.


At the ripe old age of 28 I can see the difference in the way I was raised and the way children today are raised. Maybe it's because I was raised in a military family, I honestly cant say, but children today seem spoiled rotten and show no remorse for their actions. /rant.


While beating these punks into the pavement would have been well deserved, you did the right thing by reporting them. Hopefully they try this stunt again and get caught. I've been on the wrong end of a conservation ticket (fishing too close to a dam) and the prices are significantly higher than mere traffic tickets. 


Im 28 as well and couldnt have said it better myself. These kids have been pampered and told their special and all winners. Theyre entitled little craps. They think the world owes them something and they deserve it. You only deserve what you earn, they have earned nothing. Its ok though, the universe has a way of righting itself. Theyll get whats coming to them.


There seems to have been a drastic change in parenting styles in the past 20 yrs or so. Parents want to be friends with their kids instead of teaching them the difference between right and wrong. When I was a kid, if my teacher or one of the neighbors called my folks and told them I did something wrong, my parents believed them and I was punished accordingly. Now it seems like parents will always side with their children or make excuses for their actions. Either the teacher doesn't like their kid, or the teacher is just picking on their precious little child because little Johnny would never do something like that, or little Johnny is just expressing himself and the teacher just doesn't understand his creativity. There's nothing wrong with being friends with your kids, but when it's time to be a parent, that friendship has to be put aside for the moment so you can teach them that there are consequences for their actions. When my son was young I reserved spankings for more serious offences. Other punishments were also used but he knew that if he did something that resulted in a spanking, he really did something wrong.

  • Super User

Sorry, but blaming this kind of stuff on giving everyone trophies and no winners/loosers is pathetic. I would bet none of those kids from original post play sports or are involved in any extra-curricular activities. The point of no winners/loosers is so kids have FUN. The more fun the have at an early age, the more likely it is they will stick with the sport or activity when they get older.

One of the bleeding hearts, lol. I coached girls softball and basketball in this age of no scores, the kids didn't play hard at all, no winner so they didn't care and it wasn't fun. I started keeping unofficial scores, their performance went way up, they were smiling and having a good time. Suddenly they cared, they paid attention during practice, it was great. My girls picked up the fundamentals, later when they were old enough to play on the school's team, the ones I had coached started; Why? Because I let them compete early. They were far above their peers because the had the fundamentals mastered. The only ppl who feel good about them not competing were the parents. When no score was kept the kids were not having any fun.

  • Like 4

One of the bleeding hearts, lol. I coached girls softball and basketball in this age of no scores, the kids didn't play hard at all, no winner so they didn't care and it wasn't fun. I started keeping unofficial scores, their performance went way up, they were smiling and having a good time. Suddenly they cared, they paid attention during practice, it was great. My girls picked up the fundamentals, later when they were old enough to play on the school's team, the ones I had coached started; Why? Because I let them compete early. They were far above their peers because the had the fundamentals mastered. The only ppl who feel good about them not competing were the parents. When no score was kept the kids were not having any fun.

That's odd. When I coached my sons summer league inline hockey team there was no official score kept but every kid on both teams knew exactly what the score was at any given time. They knew who won and who lost at the end of the game. The only reason my son played in that league was to keep his skills up during the off season from the competitive league he played in where scores and stats were kept and they had playoffs at the end of the season. Only the top 3 teams in that league got trophies/medals (like it should be). Playing competitive sports is a good way to teach kids that not everyone is a winner and if you want to be rewarded, it takes real effort and team play. It's also a good lesson in being a gracious loser and an even more gracious winner.

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I don't mean to hijack the thread but how do you play, softball, basketball, hockey or anything like that without keeping score?  That just seems incredibly pointless regardless of what is trying to be accomplished.  In that case, why even have teams?  Why not just shoot a few hoops by yourself at the local park or toss a ball around with your dad?  I'm personally not even into sports but if I were to play some team sport without keeping score, it would just feel like a complete waste of time.


Im only 16 but was raised up right. Had to pick my own switches when i did something wrong. Not all kids these days are like that. I was raised to only respect those that deserve it and i have disrespected adults that did not deserve it. Call it wrong but thats how i am. But i know one thing, I would be more than happy to whoop those kids for you. People like that disgust me


My girls picked up the fundamentals, later when they were old enough to play on the school's team, the ones I had coached started; Why? Because I let them compete early.


Way to attribute their success on you. Pat yourself on the back while you're at it.

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