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I was out on the kayak tonight when I was on my way back in there were some kids maybe 15-17years old fishing on the wall behind the library in town. Now I could hear these kids yelling and hollering probably a good 1/2 mile back in the creek where I was. As I got closer I could see a pile of dead fish on the grass.

Now I don't care if ya keep fish if they are in season but what I seen next floored me I wanted to paddle over and kick there little *****. First the one asks me what iv been catching and I told him and he gets all cocky shows me a branch with line tied to it and says that's what he has to fish with and he can out fish me as he's saying this he catches a small bass maybe 8" and he yanks it out of the water in one motion and slams it on the cement. After he does this his buddy takes it off and spikes it on the cement wall like its a football they all laugh and joke about its guts coming out and tossed it on the pile.

I was livid I said some choice words and they said some back at me and I paddled over to my truck and called the DEC tip line and reported them. The dispatcher gave me the local officers number to call him directly. I called the guy he lives just outside of town a few miles but it went right to voicemail I left him message with my name and number and told him what they were doing and gave a description of the kids. I haven't heard anything back from him but after I got my dinner I drove by again and the kids were walking out no fish in hand and looked like the pile was still on the bank. They probably are gonna get away with it but hopefully the dec will patrol more in te area it's been packed with bucket fisherman more then iv ever seen and I'm not saying they all keep fish out of season but iv seen a few do it one kept a nice smallmouth the other day but I didn't say anything I watch him try and release it but it was gut hooked bad and died and he said he'd take his chances taking it home and eating it rather then letting it waste.

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I didn't know there was such a thing as fish seasons. That's definitely a new one on me.

I would beat the breaks off those kids. Spike the mouthy one into the concrete and show him how funny it is. I know I would laugh. Worried about stomping a minor? Hire some highschool goons. Let them do your dirty work.

People disgust me. This **** hole would be better off if everyone was dead.


That's why I have the code enforcements number in my phone. He will come if be is not busy. There are many live bait fishermen. Kids/adults leave trash everywhere. It disgusts me. You could have taken a picture or video of them, that probably would have helped. Good to hear you said something though, not many people will say anything because the feel uncomfortable about it.

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What's wrong with kids these days?  A lot.  I know I'm only 28 but over the last 10 or 15 years, it seems like its really been going downhill.  Or maybe I just got older/more mature and started to notice it more.  At any rate I never acted the way I see a lot of kids acting today.  I guess their parents just didn't raise them right.  That's messed up what happened with the fish.  Completely pointless and uncalled for.  Hopefully the DEC guy calls you back and something gets done about it.


What a terrible experience. I'd keep trying to reach the guy and have something done. I normally mind my business when it comes to what other people do but when its that out of control something seriously needs to be done.

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You did the right thing by calling the authorities, getting personal with them is not the way to go.


What's wrong with kids these days?


Over the last decade or so kids have been taught that they are all winners, everyone gets a medal no matter how bad they are at whatever they are doing. They have also been taught that there are no consequences to their actions by parents who are too busy or lazy to teach their children right from wrong. Spanking a child is now "child abuse" so kids go unpunished for their bad behavior. Kids today are all about "give me" and have no empathy for other living things. SELFISHNESS, that's whats wrong with kids today.


At the ripe old age of 28 I can see the difference in the way I was raised and the way children today are raised. Maybe it's because I was raised in a military family, I honestly cant say, but children today seem spoiled rotten and show no remorse for their actions. /rant.


While beating these punks into the pavement would have been well deserved, you did the right thing by reporting them. Hopefully they try this stunt again and get caught. I've been on the wrong end of a conservation ticket (fishing too close to a dam) and the prices are significantly higher than mere traffic tickets. 

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I think it would be real easy to call the local police in that situation also, at least around here they'll come for cases of animal cruelty. It's pretty much just a DNR officer issue until you start torturing your catch also. Most places have a catchall law that almost anything can fall under like criminal mischief. I know I wouldn't have been shy about calling them for something like that. If there is such a thing as disturbing the peace law in your area usually one of the ways it's described as is "anything that will cause shock or alarm in the general public." As long as you would be willing to sign as the complaintant and possibly go to court and explain how it caused you shock or alarm anyways. 

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  On 5/15/2013 at 5:51 AM, fadetoblack21 said:

What's wrong with kids these days?

Over the last decade or so kids have been taught that they are all winners, everyone gets a medal no matter how bad they are at whatever they are doing. They have also been taught that there are no consequences to their actions by parents who are too busy or lazy to teach their children right from wrong. Spanking a child is now "child abuse" so kids go unpunished for their bad behavior. Kids today are all about "give me" and have no empathy for other living things. SELFISHNESS, that's whats wrong with kids today.

At the ripe old age of 28 I can see the difference in the way I was raised and the way children today are raised. Maybe it's because I was raised in a military family, I honestly cant say, but children today seem spoiled rotten and show no remorse for their actions. /rant.

While beating these punks into the pavement would have been well deserved, you did the right thing by reporting them. Hopefully they try this stunt again and get caught. I've been on the wrong end of a conservation ticket (fishing too close to a dam) and the prices are significantly higher than mere traffic tickets.

I'm only 26 and notice same thing I never acted or said the stuff kids say today I sure as hell never ran my mouth to a stranger I the water or any where. This spot where the kids were is where iv been fishing since I was in diapers I know every rock, stick and hole in that water I see kids there every time I go now and 9/10 times they are being loud and rowdy trashing the place.

Ill be calling the officer again tomorrow on lunch to see if anything had been done. If at the very least let him know I see these kids there often so he could easily swing by on his way home some days and probably catch them. I know the officer have for a good 15 years probably he busted me when I was 11 for snagging carp I guess I was a bad kid to lol I didn't mutilate them I always tossed em back I remember it like yesterday he took me home to my mom and explained why and then talked fishing I see him a few times a year usually checking licenses or in town off duty.

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This is still bothering me.

I mean I was a horrible 18 to 21 year old. I never listened to anyone, raised hell like I was in a MC, and was just a generally all around jerk. Never went and smashed fish though. These younguns ttoday just have no morals or compassion. I mean I'm no saint by any means. I despise humanity with a passion. I see no use for most people. Yet torturing and killing animals for no purpose is just wrong. At least eat what you kill, or utilize it for a purpose other than cruel fun. I have no faith left in humanity anymore.

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  On 5/15/2013 at 12:08 PM, Raider Nation Fisher said:

This is still bothering me.

I mean I was a horrible 18 to 21 year old. I never listened to anyone, raised hell like I was in a MC, and was just a generally all around jerk. Never went and smashed fish though. These younguns ttoday just have no morals or compassion. I mean I'm no saint by any means. I despise humanity with a passion. I see no use for most people. Yet torturing and killing animals for no purpose is just wrong. At least eat what you kill, or utilize it for a purpose other than cruel fun. I have no faith left in humanity anymore.

That's why the guy last week that I seen keep that big smallie I mean it was nice it was bigger then the 4-12# fatty I got last month. Yes it was out of season but it was hooked bad bled all over he tried to release it un harmed but it went belly up motionless so he got it back in and took it home to eat.

Kids in general as of lately just blow my mind my nephew for one does. He doesn't mutilate fish but some of the stuff he does and says and with out a care in the world.

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These teens today seem to lack emotion and empathy. I have seen and hear stories of them doing horrific acts, like this 12 yr old that stabbed his sister and blamed and intruder, hurting animals. Society in general has seemed to have taken to a ME type attitude, less interaction with other, more with tv and games. Makes me feel like there is no hope for my kids growing up in a world with these type of folks.

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  On 5/15/2013 at 12:08 PM, Raider Nation Fisher said:

This is still bothering me.

I mean I was a horrible 18 to 21 year old. I never listened to anyone, raised hell like I was in a MC, and was just a generally all around jerk. Never went and smashed fish though. These younguns ttoday just have no morals or compassion. I mean I'm no saint by any means. I despise humanity with a passion. I see no use for most people. Yet torturing and killing animals for no purpose is just wrong. At least eat what you kill, or utilize it for a purpose other than cruel fun. I have no faith left in humanity anymore.

Amen brother.  I'm with you 100% on that one.

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Called the dec officer again and got voicemail again.

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Its a complete breakdown of morals discipline as a whole. Why work when someone else will provide for you? Why respect your elders, they can't lay a finger on you. Why behave like a civil person? The worst that will happen is you get set in time out. Can't spank them no more, that's abuse. Well then I'm an abuser. I will be damned if my son acts like a heathen. My great grandma had a saying. "Spare the rod, and you'll get the knife." My son says please, thank you, yes and no sir or mam. He doesnt act like a brat. He knows he will get the fire knocked out of his rear if he does.

I would have gotten beat with the razor strap or worse if I had done something like that.

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I was just wondering, what age group are you guys referring to? I'm not trying to be rude but I say yes sir/mam, no sir/mam. I do notice that a lot of kids my age do not respect anyone these days. It apauls(I think I spelled it wrong) me to be honest. Kids at my school curse like crazy and have no respect for anything. I'm in highschool, I thought the seniors here would at least have some sense of respect but they don't either. I was raised to respect anyone and everyone. Even if they are an a**hole. If an adult tells me to do something I do it. I understand why you guys would be mad and I think everything you guys have said is true, but not every kid these days is raised that way. Again, I was not trying to be rude. It's also the parenting.

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  On 5/16/2013 at 1:49 PM, GoneFishi said:

I was just wondering, what age group are you guys referring to? I'm not trying to be rude but I say yes sir/mam, no sir/mam. I do notice that a lot of kids my age do not respect anyone these days. It apauls(I think I spelled it wrong) me to be honest. Kids at my school curse like crazy and have no respect for anything. I'm in highschool, I thought the seniors here would at least have some sense of respect but they don't either. I was raised to respect anyone and everyone. Even if they are an a**hole. If an adult tells me to do something I do it. I understand why you guys would be mad and I think everything you guys have said is true, but not every kid these days is raised that way. Again, I was not trying to be rude. It's also the parenting.

The kids I seen doing this were probably 15ish. It's definitely a lot to do with parenting my nephew for instance had been caught red handed doing wrong and his mother just says "oh it's ok" he had never been punished for anything. I drill into both my boys to say please and thank you and te both do they are 4 and 2.


I totally agree on the butt whooping thing though. I was still beat as a child and that wasn't that long ago. My dad still did it haha.

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I don't get it either but kids do dumb stuff when nobody is looking, well nobody they know is looking.


And you never get respect by "beating" a kid, what you get is fear which are completley different animals.


I was spanked growing up but not beaten and i respected my dad for reasons that had nothing to do with the fear of being spanked.  My soon to be 3 year old is learning how to respect people and things and above all else himself. 

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Respect also starts by leading as an example, it will trickle down to all facets, other people, animals etc. When I tell my kids to do something I use please and thank you. I usually used mam and sir at work but after seeing the profound affect this type of addressing one another had in bjj on my son I began addressing all my kids like this. It is amazing how willing to obey when there is a little respect. Cuts down on arguments. Respect is a two way street. A lot of people require it but fail in respecting others, this especially holds true with ones children(especially the way I was raised lol). I know I was guilty of it. I think this is a common thing with these kids, their parents fail to set an appropriate example

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  On 5/16/2013 at 3:55 PM, flyfisher said:

I don't get it either but kids do dumb stuff when nobody is looking, well nobody they know is looking.

And you never get respect by "beating" a kid, what you get is fear which are completley different animals.

I was spanked growing up but not beaten and i respected my dad for reasons that had nothing to do with the fear of being spanked. My soon to be 3 year old is learning how to respect people and things and above all else himself.

When I say beaten, I mean spanked. I could see how someone could misinterpret that.
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My mom used to beat me senseless at least that's how I remembered it lol. Her class ring and hair brush I feared both lol. My dad has never laid a finger on me in 26 years I don't even remember him yelling at me granted my mom raised me and I only seen my dad on weekends but I had more respect for my dad then my mom behaved better for him also.

My mother and I had this discussion last night actually about which of her three kids was the best behaved me or my two sisters she said me hands down which is scary cuz I was a devil child from like 15-20 lol. The topic came up when she made the comment about how good my boys are and I said they get it from me. Ill be damned if my kids grow up to be brats one thing I'm happy about having custody because there mother gave in and never disciplined or said no to either kid about a month of living with me they changed now they are little sweet hearts that love to hunt and fish an last night got them hooked on going to the races.

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  On 5/16/2013 at 4:11 PM, MCS said:

Respect also starts by leading as an example, it will trickle down to all facets, other people, animals etc. When I tell my kids to do something I use please and thank you. I usually used mam and sir but after seeing the profound affect this type of addressing one another had in bjj on my son I began addressing all my kids like this. It is amazing how willing to obey when there is a little respect. Cuts down on arguments. Respect is a two way street. A lot of people require it but fail in respecting others, this especially holds true with ones children(especially the way I was raised lol). I know I was guilty of it. I think this is a common thing with these kids, their parents fail to set an appropriate example

Agree totally and will add that just because you are a parent/adult doesn't mean you get respect.  Sure there are certain aspects of respect that are garnered by being in authority but in general i don't ask my son to do anything i wouldn't do or in a manner i wouldn't do it myself.


I just hope my parenting works out like i want :)

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Give everybody trophies, dont keep score of games, this is where it gets us. You guys might have seen the small town that banned dogeball a month or 2 ago, well, that is the town I live and grew up in. The ban was affected by the vote of a 5 person school board, no public input. Within days a petition was started, by school kids, to get the ban reversed. The school board is now going to revisit the subject, and hopefully enough people show up to voice their opinions, and a revote will overturn the silly decision. If you want to change something, you have to do it 1 person at a time. I think the practices our society is using with children is going in the wrong direction, and I am glad to have a sensible, logical conversation with anyone I encounter.

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