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  • Super User

I think there is a group trying to follow after Shimano much like the ones who follow blindly after Apple and buy everything that comes out with an "i" in front of the name. That's the group most upset by the changes.


The upset is from having a good lineup then Lews coming in and took the market away, when that happened everyone looked at shimano for a change and they got lower grade models instead of enhancements



Some people say the curado e was a $200 reel which shimano under-priced, so cutting the the curado g down a notch and making the chronarch e shine as a $200 reel would make sense


I don't think anyone looked at Shimano for a change. People liked the way it was, as evidenced by what a used E model goes for now. I think they did it for cost reasons, irregardless of the reels' popularity. That tells me they don't fully understand this market. A slight price hike on the older models would have been better received. The Curado might have risen beyond my range but I'd have still bought Citica E models at $129, but not G models.

  • Super User

I'll take every G series Curado off any ones hands. That was the model that made me cross over to the dark side. I have two now. I haven't had two more smoother, reliable great all around reels.

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The supply of new D reels hasn't even dried up yet. My Walmart still has several new in box. No price drop though, can't believe it either.


 Where do you live, I have yet to see any Walmart carry anymore "d" or "e" series reels.


I went to walmart.com and apparently they have 200e5's at $179 if anyone is interested. They had dealers on ebay seeling them at $145 when i bought mines. Also, the "g" series are like $141-$159 at walmart.com

  • Super User

 Right! Could the "g" be used 15 years from now like "b" and "d" have been used.


Guess we may have to wait 15 yrs to find out, huh......lol




The Curado E and Chronarch E are very similar, I would say the Chronarch is better and I have both. Also, the curado E was also $200 unless you got it on sale.

No it wasn't, MSRP $179.99 from the get go.
  • Super User

The 50E & 51E...... $199.99

The 200E's,....$179.99

The300 E's.......$249.99

You're welcome.


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  • Super User

So "bro", do share why you think the G is inferior to the B-series. I am very quick to get rid of reels I don't like; but I still got the 201G's I bought 4 months back, but I'm not a re el me chanic, just a fisherman..


P.S. Why is "re_el me_chanic" getting censored?


I'm using 6 CU201's and 2 CU101B's (lefties) that are 8 years old and I would'nt part with them for any reel out there. IMO these were the best Curado's made.


Where do you live, I have yet to see any Walmart carry anymore "d" or "e" series reels.

They aren't carrying them, more like forgot they had them. They're behind the glass of the gun case behind the counter. There's a Curado 200 DHSV with a red $200 sticker on it, and several more behind it that I can't see the model numbers on. One of them is a Citica D though. There's at least 4 D boxes there. I've posted before about them and even offered the store location and phone number. 606-929-9510. Cannonsburg, KY, near Ashland. Call them up and remind them what letter Shimano is on now and how many years each one runs, maybe they'll clearance them to near nothing and ship them to you.


I will start by asking who will buy a brand new G if they have a chance to buy a brand new E, for the same price, that will be around $175.00, as that is as cheap as you will find an E for, Brand New in the box today?? If you won't that means you admit it the G is a better buy, not a better reel, as no one buys a worse reel for the same price they can a better reel in the same model regardless of series!! For all those that are so proud of those "FINE" Curado "G" series reels, I think if you really do grab them and love em as much as the E's you own, you should trade those worn or used Curado E's you keep comparing the G's you also own, for new G series reels!!! Then you would have brand new reels you think are as good as the used E's, which would put money in your pocket, and have brand new, which is better than used!!! plenty easy to do, there are people who would jump all over that trade!! even up with cash to boot!! BUT!!! That won't happen because inside their heart, they know their is a difference, better parts, more metal, necessary probably not, desirable yes to most, more durable yes, but like Shimano themselves, the their brain won't admit it, a little fanboy some might say, or they would sell them for more and buy brand new G's if they really thought the G was better, or the same, that would be the only thing to do that made sense. I had the G, I do service reels in my shop, I do see the inferior difference in quality. I am not saying the don't work as good, at 65mph an F150 goes down the road as good as a F250, and for 200,000 miles should be as trouble free, until you hook your Tournament bass boat to both and do the same thing. These guy's buying used E's for more than they sold for new are also in for a heart breaker, because Shimano has a huge ego and they will figure a way back on top with the Curado or phase it out. If they they come back with a reel as good or better than to the E, the price people are willing to pay for them E's today will be fall big time, so be willing to sell cheap or plan on keeping them when a better Curado comes out, and I really think that is going to happen, Shimano has been the big dog to long to get in the back seat!!!! Buy the way for all those willing to buy that G for the same price, I have as many as you want for $175.00, cause that is what you will have to pay or more if you want a brand new E in the box!!

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If I had my way, Shimano would simply re-issue the E series Curados in gunmetal gray at the same price. I still regret missing out on the $80-100 E-series Curados that flooded the market for a week or two.  


On that note, the G-series isn't all that bad, especially at bargain hunter prices. Had I never owned the D- or E-series, I would be quite happy with the G-series Curados.

  • Super User

I will start by asking who will buy a brand new G if they have a chance to buy a brand new E, for the same price, that will be around $175.00, as that is as cheap as you will find an E for, Brand New in the box today?? If you won't that means you admit it the G is a better buy, not a better reel, as no one buys a worse reel for the same price they can a better reel in the same model regardless of series!! For all those that are so proud of those "FINE" Curado "G" series reels, I think if you really do grab them and love em as much as the E's you own, you should trade those worn or used Curado E's you keep comparing the G's you also own, for new G series reels!!! Then you would have brand new reels you think are as good as the used E's, which would put money in your pocket, and have brand new, which is better than used!!! plenty easy to do, there are people who would jump all over that trade!! even up with cash to boot!! BUT!!! That won't happen because inside their heart, they know their is a difference, better parts, more metal, necessary probably not, desirable yes to most, more durable yes, but like Shimano themselves, the their brain won't admit it, a little fanboy some might say, or they would sell them for more and buy brand new G's if they really thought the G was better, or the same, that would be the only thing to do that made sense. I had the G, I do service reels in my shop, I do see the inferior difference in quality. I am not saying the don't work as good, at 65mph an F150 goes down the road as good as a F250, and for 200,000 miles should be as trouble free, until you hook your Tournament bass boat to both and do the same thing. These guy's buying used E's for more than they sold for new are also in for a heart breaker, because Shimano has a huge ego and they will figure a way back on top with the Curado or phase it out. If they they come back with a reel as good or better than to the E, the price people are willing to pay for them E's today will be fall big time, so be willing to sell cheap or plan on keeping them when a better Curado comes out, and I really think that is going to happen, Shimano has been the big dog to long to get in the back seat!!!! Buy the way for all those willing to buy that G for the same price, I have as many as you want for $175.00, cause that is what you will have to pay or more if you want a brand new E in the box!!



Why is it with some guys, if you like something that they don't like, it really pi****&% them off....lol




All I know is if Shimano builds another Curado that is a hit with the customers those G series will be a bargain on closeout sales. :respect-059:


I'll still be using my Es until they wear out, which might take awhile.


Why is it with some guys, if you like something that they don't like, it really pi****&% them off....lol



Reality sir, just trying to make sense out of some of these comments! No body would be ^^%$^&&^%% if there was no grit in my comment, sorry but I did not mean to upset you, if there is no difference in quality as some said, why not make the money, makes no sense to me, but a lot of what I read on the internet makes no sense to me!  

There is as I said a difference between being as good and being as good for the money! As for liking something I loved the the Curado, B, D, E, every one was a upgrade and cost about the same to slightly more, I gladly paid it,  the G was slightly less, so I glady bought one, I didn't like what I got and I didn't think I was fishing a better reel, I am sorry but that tells me I am going to give up something, when it cost me less to upgrade any product from the same manufacturer, and in 58 years, when I bought new gear I never went in thinking I would like a new model so I can give up anything. I always went in knowing if I wanted a little more I needed to be ready to spend a little more, again sorry I didn't think it is as good PERIOD, I simply asked, why someone would not make money and own brand new equipment at the same time, especially when they say they  reach for the cheaper priced reel most often? it usually means they prefer using it, and most people I know prefer using there best for any situation!  As far as liking Shimano, I like owning the best my dollar will buy, That is why 15 reels out of 23 that I own are Shimanos. I will not be buying any more Curados, OR Symetre's Saros, either, I do know the difference. But I will anxiously wait for someone to explain this to me, again sorry, I am a little thick in my older age.    


All I know is if Shimano builds another Curado that is a hit with the customers those G series will be a bargain on closeout sales. :respect-059:

 Absolutely. I'm looking forward to it.


 Absolutely. I'm looking forward to it.

If they don't the next favorite baitcater poll will be owned by Lew's, for a company that is only about three years old with Mr. Reeves resurrection they almost were #1 the way it is, or have some forgot.  http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/113499-baitcasting-reels/page-4?hl=%2Bpoll#entry1242002tg  


This was a post by roadwarrior before this last poll after the "G" was introduced and the latest poll taken. 


Quote) These "What's Best" threads always get bogged down in brand loyalty,

but a big part of that is experiece with a brand over time. To put this in

perspective, whenever we have a "Favorites" poll, the results are always

+/- 60% Shimano vs. the field. You can argue that these polls are not

scientific and usually only have a hundred votes or so vs. our 38,000

members. So, judge that as you like. (Quote


If they come out with a "H" with the same improvements the "G" incorporated I will assure Lew's will run away with that poll!! No one said they were junk, but Brand Loyal or not people don't stay with a company that keeps moving backwards!


I wish they come up with the CU100B series with CI4 material.  That would the great.  I still have my CU100B and it's casting better than my CU200E5,  and  working smoothly.


So "bro", do share why you think the G is inferior to the B-series. I am very quick to get rid of reels I don't like; but I still got the 201G's I bought 4 months back, but I'm not a re el me chanic, just a fisherman..

P.S. Why is "re_el me_chanic" getting censored?

Personally I can't speak for the B, since i no longer own one. they are inferior to the E, the E to me was a reel that was Chronarch with inferior bearings. With boca bearing the E Curado was better or the same as a chronarch.

The gripe with the G is the cheap materials all around. Read about the reviews comparing them and buy one, I did.i Feel like if Shimano keeps down this path, Shimano cut cost with everything they make. Hello lews or revo's if this continue.


When you pick up a reel for the first time and you get that initial impression, that sort of sticks with you. Some reels you pick up and you're amazed at how light they are. Some you're amazed at how smooth they are. Some you might pick up and they feel built like a brick outhouse. Some might just look flashy or have a cool looking finish to them. The curado line seems like it was a solid choice because of the name. You remember when you had one years ago or you've read a million other people online say how great their curado is. I know the name and I trust the reel. I would be happy with one...even the G series. But one thing about them is that I've tried out the G series and it didn't really impress me I guess you could say. I don't think there's anything wrong with it but it didn't blow me away either. For $160, I can think of other reels that have at least 1 or 2 more impressive features. I'm not bashing Shimano by any means....I like the Curado well enough, it just doesn't have any of that wow factor to it. I still almost bought one a few times anyways though.

  • Super User

Why are people constantly saying the g is made with lesser materials? Malaysian 6000 series aluminum is the same as Japanese and American ... likewise NOWHERE is there any data saying they use different or lesser quality brass, polymer, or steel between e and g reels... bearings are the same as the e series, just fewer which is understandable for the lower price. for $160 ($130-$150 often) there are few reels that compare.

Shimano knows what it's doing, and if they drop the ball the just fix and move on (speaking with nearly 20 years of working with Shimano and their products in cycling, snowboarding, and fishing) .

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