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Brand loyalty is an interesting topic, a dynamic that borders on tribal behavior.

Some folks are loyal to Chevy's, others to Fords without any logic involved....same for bass anglers.

It may not matter what performs best or catches more bass, it all about the brand used.

I fully realize it's important support the advertisers on a forum site, but if you are not sponsored by a company and receive nothing for supporting it, you got wonder why anyone is brand dependent.

The only reel worth owning is a Shimano, nothing wrong with Shimano reels, they are a good quality manufacturer, but not the only good reel on the market. Same thing with rods; St Croix are the best!, yes St Croix are a good quality rod maker, their are other very good choices out there!

Can you start to her the drums beating, the tribal war is about to start.

If anyone looks in my boats stowage lockers you will see a collection of rods and reels of several brands.

ALX, Dobyn's Lamiglas, Loomis, Fenwhick, Lew's, Okuma rods along with Ardent, Daiwa, Lew's and Shinamo reels. No brand loyalty because each rod and reel were selected for specific application that work best for me. Same with line, hooks and lures are a vast collection of specific brands that I have confidence in using the product without obligation to any manufacturer or supplier.


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a lot of men are creatures of habit.  i definitely am.  my first expensive reel was abu garcia.  it was extremely smooth, casted far, & i never had an issue with it.   so, about 80 % of the reels i own are abu.  i have a few okumas & a couple of lew's.  both of those are pretty good.  i had bad luck years ago with ford company vehicles, so i've stuck with chevy.  my driveway & garage is full of nothing but GM.  when i go to caraba's  i order the pork chop marsala, because it is incredible & always is....i'm never let down.  it just boils down to being creatures of habit and what you have had good experiences with.  why try something new when what you typically use/get is top notch?

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Good stuff Tom.

I will agree with Wakeeaters opening line "men are creatures of habit"

I think alot of it boils down to comfort. I found a brand and model of reels that I really like that i think is a great value for what i pay (lews tourney pro) so to save me alot of time and money, i just buy them. I guess that is loyalty, however, it doesnt stop me from buying another quality reel if i find a deal that is at the price or less than i pay for them. My loyalty only runs so deep, id love to find a Shimano Core or another Daiwa Zillion for a steal.

The same with rods, i buy Powell rods because i feel they are the best for my money and i am Comfortable with what i get, thats not to say if i see a deal on a Dobyns Champ, Loomis, Cumara, St.croix, ect...that i wont jump on it. (I actually bought a cumara recently)

I guess i have a majority of two certains rods and reels but my Loyalty is to my money and to my family. I am in the group of guys that is manily looking out for their dollars and i find comfort in a couple companies price point and value.

...but i cant speak for everyone.

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I like things that I know will work for me, that have given me the most bang for my buck, and can take some abuse.........because quite honestly every dime I spend on ANYTHING, not just fishing tackle, has to be spent wisely. My disposable income is pretty modest compaired to alot of people. I have to use the things I buy, and use them enough to justify having them. I don't have the good fortune, or luxury to be able to just accumulate "stuff". So I stick with what I know/trust,be it cars, phones, rods, reels, guns, etc..... And it's not all about bottom line price either.

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Agree with ww2farmer. Most of us who have an "arsenal" of rods and reels of a small amount of brands do so for a reason. We have complete confidence in their performance and how they work. It doesn't matter the brand. If you can honestly say to yourself that you enjoy casting each and every one of your specific brand of reels and using it then that's more than enough reason to be brand loyal. You by no means have to though. Having a wide variety of rods and reels is fun. That's what it's all about anyway. I do tinker with rods here and there but my reels I don't even bother. Aside from one that was given to me as a gift and is a different brand than what I use, I can honestly say I love casting and retrieving each one of my reels based on how it palms, casts and retrieves.


However, I don't agree with "pushing" brands on people because (insert rod here) is American made or (insert reel here) is the only thing that works and nothing else compares to it. There's way too many good products out there for different levels of fisherman.

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I'll say this too......even though I am a brand loyal kind of guy, to the brands I like/know/trust, not a single one of them has ever put a penny back into my pocket (directly), and as such, I don't feel the need to go blabbering on and on about why they are the best things under the sun that have ever been made. When some one asks a question..............I tell them what I use, and like. If I don't like something, I'll tell you why, does it mean it's garbage? No, it means I don't like it. Same if I do like it. Is it the best? Highly doubtfull, but I like it.....so what, maybe you will like it and try it  based on what I said about it, maybe you won't.........I for sure won't lose any sleep over it either way. Rarely if ever do I go on and on about how great anything I have is. It is what it is in my hands, and in my situations, and every ones results and opinions will be different. The BS filter has to be set pretty high when ever brand names start getting tossed back and forth.............go look at any " Whats the best $100 rod?" thread almost ever posted here to see what I mean. Alot of people lose sight of all that really matters is the end results, and that those results can be achieved with brand X, Y, or Z, reguardless of names on the tag/package/box............I choose brand X, you choose brand Y..........I'll go fishing, and leave the brand wars to the "experts".

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I'm always looking for the next best thing, but it has to be substantially better than what I own to get my money. I own mainly Abu gear, but that's only because they've never failed me and are priced reasonably well. I have no issue with buying an Okuma/Daiwa/Pflueger though if something catches my eye. Shimano I do have an issue with, since members of this board are like Jehovahs Witness when it comes to their reels. :dazed-7:

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For me theres really no reason to be brand loyal.  I haven't been fishing long enough.  For example, I really like fishing KVD 1.5's but I don't plan on fishing them exclusively.  I know theres a ton of other squarebills out there.  I still have many years of fishing ahead of me and I wouldn't want to deprive myself of anything by sticking with a single brand.  On the other hand, my fishing funds are pretty slim so usually when Im buying gear I have a specific price range I need to stay in and that sort of limits me.  I'd like to try some of the higher end stuff but right now thats just not feasible.  I only own two combos and one of them is a 40 dollar Shakespeare 'Catch More Bass' combo from WalMart.  I know theres probably some people out there that wouldn't be caught dead with it but it works for me.  Caught fish on it all last summer and fall and Ill probably keep on fishing it til it breaks.  Like ww2farmer said, peoples oppinions are always going to differ and pretty much any rod/reel can catch fish..

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Always willing to take a chance on something different, it's only a rod or reel.  Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised and other times I've been disappointed, the reputation of the manufacturer may not coincide with my findings.  Value can play a part, I won't spend in excess of $100 for a rod or reel when to catch 5 or 6# fish, I can't see the point to that.  I will spend over $200 for each if I'm targeting fish that have a good possibility to run over 50#, that said I've been disappointed in that price range too.

As far as just catching them, I could use a barbie rod with my mother's old garter belt, probably catch as many and be as happy.

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I use what works for me. Whether its rods, reels, lures, line, hooks, etc. I have tried many of products in the 20 years that I have been fishing, and have seen many different brands evolutions, but only certain ones have proven themselves to ME. Some people hate what I like, and I dont care. Hate me for praising what I like, again, I dont care. I know what works for ME. I will tell you why I dont care for something if you really want to know. Im sure I would get criticized for praising my Chug Bugs that I have had since they first came out and still fish today. I am proud to say I am brand loyal for certain things, because they made what works for ME.

  • Super User
I use what works for me. Whether its rods, reels, lures, line, hooks, etc. I have tried many of products in the 20 years that I have been fishing, and have seen many different brands evolutions, but only certain ones have proven themselves to ME. Some people hate what I like, and I dont care. Hate me for praising what I like, again, I dont care. I know what works for ME. I will tell you why I dont care for something if you really want to know. Im sure I would get criticized for praising my Chug Bugs that I have had since they first came out and still fish today. I am proud to say I am brand loyal for certain things, because they made what works for ME.

So what your trying to say is what works for you right lol

  • Super User

Brand loyalty starts at an early age no matter the product.


From the locker room to the grocery store to your vehicle and up into the board room, your brand loyalty can stay with you your entire life.


For fishing I have confidence in Shimano reels.


I also have many different brand rods but most are Shimano or Loomis.


As I have posted in the past, when you read or listen to the pros please delete the product brands.


If VanDam says to use a Quantum Tour 7:3:1 Baitcaster paired with a Quantum KVD 7-foot medium heavy graphite rod you just read a 7:3:1 baitcaster reel and a 7-foot medium heavy grahite rod.


What is interesting is when the guys and gals on this Forum suggest brand names I give those more crediance then what any pro says.

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I am loyal to ONLY one thing...... ME..... when it comes to spending my play money. I don't care what anyone thinks, all I care about is what I like and want. I know I tease LMG about converting me to Shimano, but truth is, working at BPS, and being behind the counter a lot, when we are slow I can pull different reels out of the display case and play with them. The more I messed with those Chronarchs, the more I liked them. Same for the Curados. I still use my Lews, my Revos, and my PQ'S. Variety is the splice, { yes, I said splice}, of life. It's what holds me together. I have also been known to tire of stuff very quickly. Last week I gave away 2 Duckett Micro magic rods, with Johnny Morris sig reels mounted on them. I had used them maybe 4 or 5 times. The cork wasn't even dirty, and the reels never had a scratch. I have a great retirement, and an extremely understanding wife. I buy whatever I want. I am very fortunate to be that blessed and I know it. So to all you brand loyal guys out there, ENJOY it.

It's all fun!!!


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       I am loyal to ONLY one thing...... ME..... when it comes to spending my play money. I don't care what anyone thinks, all I care about is what I like and want. I know I tease LMG about converting me to Shimano, but truth is, working at BPS, and being behind the counter a lot, when we are slow I can pull different reels out of the display case and play with them. The more I messed with those Chronarchs, the more I liked them. Same for the Curados. I still use my Lews, my Revos, and my PQ'S. Variety is the splice, { yes, I said splice}, of life. It's what holds me together. I have also been known to tire of stuff very quickly. Last week I gave away 2 Duckett Micro magic rods, with Johnny Morris sig rods mounted on them. I had used them maybe 4 or 5 times. The cork wasn't even dirty, and the reels never had a scratch. I have a great retirement, and an extremely understanding wife. I buy whatever I want. I am very fortunate to be that blessed and I know it. So to all you brand loyal guys out there, ENJOY it.

It's all fun!!!



Do you have to be able to mount a rod on a rod to work there?...

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"What is the best..." is the most popular topic on the Forum by a large margin. Generally, but not always,

the question comes from a new member and often someone who is also new to fishing. The easiest response,

especially from Moderators, is to direct the inquiry to one of the other 100 threads addressing the same topic

that have been posted this month!  For some of our seasoned members it seems pretty redundant, so what

happens is that those that are most enthusiastic tend to respond. For the fisherman asking the question, it's

important and fresh information. Does anyone want to know what line I might recommend for spinning tackle?


The fishing industry is very competitive which leads to constant innovation and product improvement. Although

we don't seem to be generating a big following for Pinnacle, their upper end rods and reels are comparable to

any of the top brands. My Optimus XLT ($199.99) performs every bit as well as the Curado E series. Give that

a try if you want to Start a new posse!


Which brings up the Shimano Posse. In "unscientific polls" here at BassResource.com, Shimano reels generally

are favored by +/-60% of the respondents vs. the field. As a result, responses to "What is the best reel" are going

to be  slanted that way. The biggest issue, I think, is butting into a unrelated thread. I have specifically asked members

of The Posse to stay away from other peoples threads. If the topic Is Abu Garcia only or Abu verses Lew's, comments

suggesting a Shimano alternative are not wanted. 


Back on point...Many people are loyal to their brand because of their positive experience with the product or a

combination of issues with competing companies. I wish someone would have helped me years ago rather than

experimenting through trial and error. I hope the advice on this forum helps all fisherman, new and "used", save

some precious money and catch bigger fish. I like to think we all can gain from the experience of others. 

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Well, I have some brand loyalty, of course. We all do in one way or another.


I became a Shimano guy a number of years back, but when I tried the Daiwa Lexa last fall, I realized the other Japanese maker was pretty darn good, too. So maybe it's country of origin I'm loyal to, LOL. Or at least country where reel was engineered....


As far as rods, the main, if not only reason I went with Shimano Compres was for the warranty. Yes it felt good in the hand (the older cork models). It was between the Compre or the Avid, and the Compre won. sometimes I wish I went with the Avid just because. I liked plenty of other rod brands, especially St. Croix. Now I've got a Premier for my Lexa and am pretty stoked at how it performs all around.


S'pose, at least for me, that when I've found a brand I like that feels right, works right, I'll look to that brand first in the future. So in that respect, yeah, I'll be loyal. But as in the case of my Daiwa, I have found another I really like and will investigate in the future, should I need yet another reel.


No brand loyalty here I have shimanos,abus,lews, and quantums reels a diawa of some sort is next. I also have several brands of rods powells,falcons,dobyns,all stars and gloomis. They are all good just some are better then others in certain areas and worse in others.

  • Super User

Do you have to be able to mount a rod on a rod to work there?...

Yes absolutely. I flunked twice before I could do it right...... lol..

Thank you for pointing that out. I'll go correct that right now. Must have had a brain fart hung.

Be patient, I'm old.....lol



I'm not sure what the manifesto that opened this thread is supposed to be arguing.


The reason I use Pflueger spinning reels, Shimano baitcasters and rods is because they have a proven track record for me. Over, in some cases, several decades they've just worked. Am I supposed to go out and buy an Abu or Quantum reel because -- for some reason -- it's dubious to have a homogeneous collection of reels or to just take a chance on some other brand? Brand loyalty isn't always unthinking acceptance, it's a reaction to having a history with something that meets a consumer's needs.


I don't see the issue. I'm loyal to TONS of things. Ariat boots, papa johns pizza, Nike athletic clothes and footwear, dodge trucks, abu garcia, bps, yo zuri, wrangler Jeans, Texas Rangers baseball, strike king, zoom etc. I could go on forever. The things I invest in, I do so because they give me what I want in return. Call it loyal or whatever you want. why would I buy something, absolutely love it, then try something else? Makes no sense to me.

Now telling people that what I am loyal too is what's best for them, that's ridiculous. I just suggest trying what has worked for me along with similar options in the same category.

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One of the problems with brand loyalty is the brand may no longer be a company, just a trade name owned by another company in the never ending world of acquisition.

When I started fishing in the 50's Pfluger reels were made in Ohio and the Pfluger supreme was the top of the line in bait casting reels and came out with a good spinning reel. Shakespeare was another reel amd rod manufacturer that eventually bought the Pfluger name and marketed the trade name to BPS and Cabelas and had the reels manufactured in China and Korea. Being loyal to the once prominate fishing lure company in Ohio with it's wonderful tradition in the industry, now is just a trade name isn't for me.

Garcia Abu is similar, however Abu still makes a limited number of reels in Sweden, the vast majority are made in China.

My first bait casting reel was a Langley Lure Cast, wonderful small light weight reel that doesn't exist today, the company was bought by Zebco who know makes Quantum reels in Korea. My first rod ws a Conolion make in California, bought by Garcia. My next rod was a Fenwick, also made in California with a Abu Ambassuer 500 red reel, Garcia bought Abu and Fenwick moved their rod business off shore. Next rod was a Lamiglas and Lew Childre BB1 reel made in Oregon by the Shimano bicycle parts company. Childre sold his patents to Shimano and they came out with the Batom series reels. Next reel was Daiwa, made in Califirnia before moving to Japan, still fish with TD103HTSA, excellent reels. Loomis gets into bass rods so my next rod is a Loomis swimbait rod and don't see any advantage over Lamiglas. Gary Loomis sells the rod business to Shimano and Loomis becomes a trade name only.

It' hard to be loyal to a trade name, no bricks and motar. Today I still try to buy made in America if possible or at least assembled in the USA. If a product is made in China, I refuse to buy it, got to draw the line somewhere.


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I have always been a brand loyal kind of guy.  More because if something works for me then why change it.  My first real experience fishing for bass seriously was on a chartered tour with an FLW pro.  He used Abu Garcia stuff and Power Pro braid.  I started my set with Abu's because of that and have not looked back.  When money permits I experiment with lures, lines, hooks etc. but with the more expensive stuff I have "stuck" to Abu.  


It works for me.

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