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Driverless cars and delivery vehicles will create a field day for criminals and other dishonest people..

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Or it will create more jobs because someone needs to build and repair them. I don't see it happening though.

I did work in a warehouse for a few months that had all of the forklifts basically run on electric tracks in the concrete floor so all we had to do was use the gas and brake pretty much. You didn't have more than about a foot on each side of you and apparently it enabled them to almost double the usable space.

  • Super User
Driverless cars and delivery vehicles will create a field day for criminals and other dishonest people..

So negative.

Yeah it probably will. Unless the were to arm them. Which very well could lead to the "Rise of the Machines".

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Or it will create more jobs because someone needs to build and repair them. I don't see it happening though.

I did work in a warehouse for a few months that had all of the forklifts basically run on electric tracks in the concrete floor so all we had to do was use the gas and brake pretty much. You didn't have more than about a foot on each side of you and apparently it enabled them to almost double the usable space.

Thats cool how the warehouse was set up. Ive heard of stuff like that but havent seen it yet. I was doing a retrofit on the lights in a steel supply house. They had all the plates stacked on shelves and the fork lifts would run between the asiles which had rubber bumpers surrounding them that were just wide enough for the lift tobrun down. However the lifts could drive all over the warehouse.

  • Super User

Well, I am in the automotive industry and have been most all of my life, this day is coming, this will eliminate the need for many techs, traffic officers etc... the cars will actually tell us whats wrong, that info will be sent to a field engineer and a part will be issued to an individule dealer and a parts changer will exchange the part and make the necessary updates to the vehicle, in short a part swapper.


We already have cars that no longer have camshafts, lifters, pushrods and rocker arms, the valves are opened by solinoids and valve timing is controled by a computer, although this technology is not on the market yet,  it is coming.


If one of these cars are used in a bank robbery or a criminal offense, the car can be controlled remotely and shut down or slowed down or both, there is much more coming down the pike, you won't believe what is coming.


I don't see this as a good thing, I see a lot of humans loosing their careers to a computer controlled world, gasoline will be a thing of the past, we all know it's not happining tomorrow but it is happening, it's already begun.

  • Super User

Yep, I can see it now, bunch of driverless cars impeding traffic because they are following the speed limit. Every human knows 55mph really means 80mph :whistle:

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A number of years ago I had a wholesale grocery distributor as one of my clients in Virginia Beach.


They set up the forklifts via their computer to seek out and load the delivery trucks via the warehouse path the computer selected.


All the driver had to do is make sure the forklift's load was proper and just sit there and smile.


The computer loaded the truck in the reverse order of the delivery pattern for the next day.


It was fasenating to watch.

  • Super User

I've been involved with heavy trucking for 35 years, I don't see drivers being replaced by technology any time soon, not that the trucks themselves are not equipped the latest tech.   A drivers responsibility is more than just driving from point A to point B, his or her supervision of loading is of paramount concern.  There are weight restrictions by law of how much can weight can be loaded on each of the axles.  Drivers must make sure a load can't shift, quite often they will nail 2x2's to the floor or use some other means for a loads to be secured in place.  In the case of a flatbed, straps or chains are used for securing the objects, I've never seen anyone other than the driver doing this.  A driver is like the Captain of the ship, their responsibility to have a safe truck, good tires, loaded and secured properly within state regulations pertaining to weights.

  • Global Moderator

I couldn't read the article, couldn't get past that sweet mustache the guy in the picture was rocking!  :jaw-drop:

  • Super User

From the article: "Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz of Columbia University. 'You know the old story we tell about (how) the car destroyed blacksmiths and created the auto industry.'" He forgot to mention that the auto industry employs less people today with automation robots. *whistling* Advanced technology can destroy jobs for good, the people who once work those jobs cannot get job in future due to no skills. They may not have the resource to acquire new skills, since such spending does not guaranteed a job as younger people fresh out of trade school will be favored over someone in their 40s and up. The job market and the future looks sad. Sorry to be a downer, but just the way I see it in my mind.

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There will always be a need for qualified technicians to create and repair the new technology. The equipment I work on has changed from mechanical controls to circuit boards and electronic sensors. Some have self diagnostics which lead you in the direction of the fault., some do not. Service guys need to change with the times. Simple as that.


Root Beer, Unskilled jobs have been leaving the U.S. for decades. The unskilled labor force is no different than the skilled labor force. Adapt or fail. The issue we have is people think someone owes them a job. Because a 22yo spent 4 years in college, they deserve to start at the top. Or the kid who barely graduated H.S. who feels he is worth more than minimum wage. The immigrants have taken many of the low paying jobs because some have a different work ethic. (There are also those who bleed off the system but that's not what I'm getting to) Starting pay in my trade with a trade school education,  an associates degree, or first year union apprentice, ranges from $10-$14 an hour depending where you're located.  AND its hard work. Not very attractive to many kids nowadays. Funny story: Our company hired a parts driver last spring which is where most guys start fresh out of trade school who are trying to get sponsored into the union. His trade school said he would get a new van to drive around in. He demanded a new van from our fleet manager first day on the job. Apparently trade school failed to teach him how to interact with his superiors. Take what we give you or take a walk. Because of his disrespect, they gave him a van that had a burned out compressor fall over in the van and the oil spilled everywhere. (A compressor that has had an electrical burnout has an odor that will make your nostrils flare and your eyes water.)   

We've lost the hard work mentality, whether it be physical or mental. We have lost respect for where we get the food for our table and the clothes on our backs. Or should I say where we get our smartphones and video games. Our schools are not teaching the kids honestly. Giving them misinformation about the real world because, let's face it schools are a business trying to make a profit like everyone else. I hate to say it but people get what they deserve. I'm curious to see how things will pan out over the next 20 years. 

IMO There are other contributing factors to why things are the way they are. They are not allowed on this forum.

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  • Super User
There will always be a need for qualified technicians to create and repair the new technology. The equipment I work on has changed from mechanical controls to circuit boards and electronic sensors. Some have self diagnostics which lead you in the direction of the fault., some do not. Service guys need to change with the times. Simple as that.


Root Beer, Unskilled jobs have been leaving the U.S. for decades. The unskilled labor force is no different than the skilled labor force. Adapt or fail. The issue we have is people think someone owes them a job. Because a 22yo spent 4 years in college, they deserve to start at the top. Or the kid who barely graduated H.S. who feels he is worth more than minimum wage. The immigrants have taken many of the low paying jobs because some have a different work ethic. (There are also those who bleed off the system but that's not what I'm getting to) Starting pay in my trade with a trade school education,  an associates degree, or first year union apprentice, ranges from $10-$14 an hour depending where you're located.  AND its hard work. Not very attractive to many kids nowadays. Funny story: Our company hired a parts driver last spring which is where most guys start fresh out of trade school who are trying to get sponsored into the union. His trade school said he would get a new van to drive around in. He demanded a new van from our fleet manager first day on the job. Apparently trade school failed to teach him how to interact with his superiors. Take what we give you or take a walk. Because of his disrespect, they gave him a van that had a burned out compressor fall over in the van and the oil spilled everywhere. (A compressor that has had an electrical burnout has an odor that will make your nostrils flare and your eyes water.)   

We've lost the hard work mentality, whether it be physical or mental. We have lost respect for where we get the food for our table and the clothes on our backs. Or should I say where we get our smartphones and video games. Our schools are not teaching the kids honestly. Giving them misinformation about the real world because, let's face it schools are a business trying to make a profit like everyone else. I hate to say it but people get what they deserve. I'm curious to see how things will pan out over the next 20 years. 

IMO There are other contributing factors to why things are the way they are. They are not allowed on this forum.

I agree, the every kid gets a trophy mentality, its crap.

  • Like 2
  • Super User
There will always be a need for qualified technicians to create and repair the new technology. The equipment I work on has changed from mechanical controls to circuit boards and electronic sensors. Some have self diagnostics which lead you in the direction of the fault., some do not. Service guys need to change with the times. Simple as that.


Root Beer, Unskilled jobs have been leaving the U.S. for decades. The unskilled labor force is no different than the skilled labor force. Adapt or fail. The issue we have is people think someone owes them a job. Because a 22yo spent 4 years in college, they deserve to start at the top. Or the kid who barely graduated H.S. who feels he is worth more than minimum wage. The immigrants have taken many of the low paying jobs because some have a different work ethic. (There are also those who bleed off the system but that's not what I'm getting to) Starting pay in my trade with a trade school education,  an associates degree, or first year union apprentice, ranges from $10-$14 an hour depending where you're located.  AND its hard work. Not very attractive to many kids nowadays. Funny story: Our company hired a parts driver last spring which is where most guys start fresh out of trade school who are trying to get sponsored into the union. His trade school said he would get a new van to drive around in. He demanded a new van from our fleet manager first day on the job. Apparently trade school failed to teach him how to interact with his superiors. Take what we give you or take a walk. Because of his disrespect, they gave him a van that had a burned out compressor fall over in the van and the oil spilled everywhere. (A compressor that has had an electrical burnout has an odor that will make your nostrils flare and your eyes water.)   

We've lost the hard work mentality, whether it be physical or mental. We have lost respect for where we get the food for our table and the clothes on our backs. Or should I say where we get our smartphones and video games. Our schools are not teaching the kids honestly. Giving them misinformation about the real world because, let's face it schools are a business trying to make a profit like everyone else. I hate to say it but people get what they deserve. I'm curious to see how things will pan out over the next 20 years. 

IMO There are other contributing factors to why things are the way they are. They are not allowed on this forum.


My point has nothing to do with work ethics. My point is that automation has a lot of potential to destroy more jobs than it creates. And the jobs that gets destroyed, those people create a high unemployment statistics. For example: Wal-Mart doesn't have bookkeepers anymore, their bookkeepers is that scanner. That scanners automatically decrease their asset account and increase revenue account. Therefore, there is no need for large amount of bookkeepers doing this. Some of those bookkeepers may find employment at smaller and mid-size firms and some may never be able find work again due to competition or lack of resources to move to another area. This computer system may have created jobs in technology, but decrease in unemployment is potentially offset by displaced bookkeepers. Now, use this example in other industries where automation can replace jobs. This is the point I'm getting at. Worth ethics and attitude is another discussion.

  • Super User

I agree with Rootbeer's assessment.  Technology has eliminated jobs thru computerization and in some manufacturing the use of robotics.  There will always be a need for qualified service people, but how many in comparison to the total population.  I don't really believe this is an issue of work ethic, the objective of any company is to make money for them and their stockholders.  Whether it's thru offshore labor or getting more production with less people right here, that's what they are going to do.  We may think technology is for the mass population, it's really for business to make more money.  I don't how many younger people remember going to the market, quite a few checkout registers open, now just a 2 or 3, scanners have reduced the labor force. Banks used to have 6-8 tellers, now just a few and many people don't even go inside anymore, use of their atm card which does almost everything or doing their banking on line in the comfort of the home, bet that put a lot of people out of work.

  • Super User
 Therefore, there is no need for large amount of bookkeepers doing this. Some of those bookkeepers may find employment at smaller and mid-size firms and some may never be able find work again due to competition or lack of resources to move to another area. 

Or they can adapt and change. Maybe they need to learn there is more to life than bookkeeping, educate themselves and change careers. For someone to blame their lack of employment on external influences temporarily is fine. If the unemployment lasts a year or two or three or longer, then it is their own fault and it is because of lack of work ethic and or values. If my industry was replaced by automation, it is then time for me to change, not sit and feel sorry for myself. I am very fortunate to be where I am at career wise with only a H.S. education. I didn't enter my trade until I was 30. At that time I realized I must be doing something wrong. I wanted more than to live paycheck to paycheck.

  • Super User
Or they can adapt and change. Maybe they need to learn there is more to life than bookkeeping, educate themselves and change careers. For someone to blame their lack of employment on external influences temporarily is fine. If the unemployment lasts a year or two or three or longer, then it is their own fault and it is because of lack of work ethic and or values. If my industry was replaced by automation, it is then time for me to change, not sit and feel sorry for myself. I am very fortunate to be where I am at career wise with only a H.S. education. I didn't enter my trade until I was 30. At that time I realized I must be doing something wrong. I wanted more than to live paycheck to paycheck.


The population is getting bigger and job openings are getting smaller. It's getting harder and harder to get experience and jobs. Things are evolving in ways that has never happen before. You'll see.

  • Super User
The population is getting bigger and job openings are getting smaller. It's getting harder and harder to get experience and jobs. Things are evolving in ways that has never happen before. You'll see.

With any luck I'll be dead by the time it affects me

  • Super User
The population is getting bigger and job openings are getting smaller. It's getting harder and harder to get experience and jobs. Things are evolving in ways that has never happen before. You'll see.

Im going to have to disagree with you on this one. There are plenty of jobs. People are too lazy or to proud to want to work them. Which is worse? Attempting to support your family by working a menial job or sponging off others? I see no work ethic in the up and coming generation. There are plenty of trade jobs available. In fact there is a shortage in the trades. Yet the college graduate that cant find a job or has been let go of wont look to the trades for work. Why is that? Because the work is more physically demanding and you have to earn your pay.

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Raider, If entitlements continue the way they are, than Root Beer is correct in his last statement. If, by some miracle they don't, I believe new economies will create themselves. Just think, If society as a whole had to work, they'd be working. Back to what I mentioned earlier.People don't respect where the food on their table or clothes on their backs came from. 

  • Super User
Im going to have to disagree with you on this one. There are plenty of jobs. People are too lazy or to proud to want to work them. Which is worse? Attempting to support your family by working a menial job or sponging off others? I see no work ethic in the up and coming generation. There are plenty of trade jobs available. In fact there is a shortage in the trades. Yet the college graduate that cant find a job or has been let go of wont look to the trades for work. Why is that? Because the work is more physically demanding and you have to earn your pay.


False. Guidance counselors and high school educators are telling them they're better off going to college. I wish I was smart enough to call them out on their lies when I was in high school. (That would have been a lot of fun. :)) Nobody is telling kids or helping kids go to trade school compare to the supports that universities has at their disposal. It a sad world.


Well, okay, maybe you are right. "Educators" at local schools has played a big role in it this shortage as well. I may have believed in this propaganda, if you want to call it that, but something tells me this is my destiny. I have no regret in my accounting degree, and I even know it's not worth anything. A B.A. in accounting isn't worth a thing. A CPA license, yeah, it has some value. I got to take the long road to get that license if destiny keeps leading me toward it.(If it still is..) I do feel bad for a lot of people who don't see this coming. It going to be a massive headache and problem for society one day... Oh, well.

  • Super User
Raider, If entitlements continue the way they are, than Root Beer is correct in his last statement. If, by some miracle they don't, I believe new economies will create themselves. Just think, If society as a whole had to work, they'd be working. Back to what I mentioned earlier.People don't respect where the food on their table or clothes on their backs came from. 

I know that in Germany for sure, and possibly in the other european countries. If you can work then you work. Even if they have to find the job for you. They dont have entitlements. If you are an addict, an alcoholic, or just plain lazy. Then you are on your own the government does not and will not help you. Only the disabled and unemployed (for legitimate reasons) get benefits from the government.

Now back on topic. Either the work force diversifies or the unemployment rate will soar. If the safety net of Big Brother will support me and my family for extended periods goes away. Then I can gurantee people will find a way to diversify what they know how to do.

  • Super User
False. Guidance counselors and high school educators are telling them they're better off going to college. I wish I was smart enough to call them out on their lies when I was in high school. (That would have been a lot of fun. :)) Nobody is telling kids or helping kids go to trade school compare to the supports that universities has at their disposal. It a sad world.


Well, okay, maybe you are right. "Educators" at local schools has played a big role in it this shortage as well. I may have believed in this propaganda, if you want to call it that, but something tells me this is my destiny. I have no regret in my accounting degree, and I even know it's not worth anything. A B.A. in accounting isn't worth a thing. A CPA license, yeah, it has some value. I got to take the long road to get that license if destiny keeps leading me toward it.(If it still is..) I do feel bad for a lot of people who don't see this coming. It going to be a massive headache and problem for society one day... Oh, well.

I wish I would have known about the trades right out of high school. It would have had me furthur along then I am now. The schools and society in general are to blame. People seem to have the impression sometimes that tradesmen are poor uneducated hicks. That could have a lot to do with some of the tradesmen out there too. Im not knocking a college education. If that is what you want. Then by all means go for it. I sincerly do wish you the best in pursuing your CPA.

  • Super User

Root Beer, Nothing wrong with your accounting degree. If you're going to do anything with it you need to...wait for it...expand on it. Find a specialty in the accounting industry and learn it. I come from a family of very successful CPA's. My father is/was well known in the coporate world and my sister is in the top 100 most financially influential people of 2012, whatever the hell that means.

  • Super User

Right before I graduated from college, I had an interview for an intern audit position at Ernst & Young. My entire college career I dreamed of working for one of those Big 4 accounting firms right out of college and earn my CPA license and do the Master of Accountancy program while working for them. I went in for the interview, the man that was interviewing me was from Tuscaloosa. I told him I lived there at one time in my life since my parents graduated from Tuscaloosa County High. We spent 20-30 minutes discussing Alabama football, and things from Tuscaloosa. Then we talked about the position and all of that stuff. Long short story I get the news they chose to pursue someone else.


None of the other accounting firms at all three levels gave me an offer. (local, regional, Big 4.) I ended up getting an interview at a company my dad worked for 32 years for a Cost Accountant position. After two different times I had to go meet with them the three top guys that had all the pulls sat there and told me in the end, they couldn't put me anywhere because it would result in letting someone go. I understood. I didn't know where else to turn after that.


You all don't need know what happen after that, but here I am. No where near where I wish and planned to be, but I'm still inching towards it while others got luckier. I think what bothered me the most is when I worked harder than a classmate and they got it easier than me. Ha. Ah, well. I've made peace with it and still trucking forward.

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