Fish Chris Posted March 21, 2010 Posted March 21, 2010 ......not necessarily this brand. I just did a quick search, to find some similar to mine. I got mine at the local Home Depo (HK Porter brand) for like $14.99 But anyway, here's why YOU HAVE TO HAVE a set of these.... 1) Sometimes, you will have a fish inhale a lure, and get hooked way back, next to that throat tissue (this happened to the 8.5 lb'er I got last Tuesday... with 2 of the 3 hooks, on an Owner 2/0 treble ! Ouch !) Well, with a pair of these, you can easily clip off any hook you need to, so you can easily pull the point end all the way through, and out, with minimal damage to the fish. No if's and's or but's about it... This tool has saved the lives of several big fish for me ! 2) Should you ever get a hook, especially a large one, buried in you, you will sure be glad that you were able to easily cut it off, and back it out of your hand, arm, head, or wherever ! In fact, it was a good fishing buddy of mine, who turned me onto these things after he buried a large treble hook into his hand, and had to twist the lure out of the split ring, with that giant treble still buried in his hand, then go to the hospital to have it removed. Owwww ! With one of these tools in your tackle bag, you probably won't have to go to the hospital, and if your tough enough, it might not even cost you the rest of your trip If you think that old, cheapie pair of dikes are okay, think again ! Try cutting through a larger, tempered steel hook with those.... ahead of time... then imagine that hook buried in you, while your doing it ! Again, these are just a MUST HAVE for every serious angler ! Don't put it off until after you really needed them ! As with so many other aspects of fishing, always be prepared ! Peace, Fish Quote
Jay_G Posted March 21, 2010 Posted March 21, 2010 Very good recommendation. They would be like fire insurance, hope you never have to use it, but thankful you had it if it does happen. Quote
Super User Dwight Hottle Posted March 21, 2010 Super User Posted March 21, 2010 Thats a good heads up Fish Chris. I carry a pair of knipex in my boat for toothy critters. They are also great insurance in case you ever get hooked while unhooking a fish. They should be standard fair in hospital emergency rooms. The musky pike community endorses them as the best. Shop around for price. Quote
brushhoggin Posted March 21, 2010 Posted March 21, 2010 weird. really coulda used those yesterday. biggest fish i caught, i gut hooked her. i felt remarkably ****ty. took four or five min to get it out with my hands. had to keep moving her around in the water between tries (forgot the pliars cause i was just walkin around a neighborhood's lake without my full tacklebox. just a handfull of brushogs, 2 hooks, 2 bullet weights, and some tiny snippers) I eventually got her off after i put my whole hand down her throat. She bled a little but swam away fine. I'm gettin me a pair of those Quote
CJ Posted March 21, 2010 Posted March 21, 2010 I'm glad you posted this Chris. It is a reminder and was just what I was looking for. I needed a pair of these last year when a 5 lber inhaled my crankbait in a tournament. I cut the line and threw her in the livewell after the catch. After I got checked in and trailered my boat I had to operate. Many of the anglers said I didn't have to remove the crankbait but I wasn't gonna let the bass go like that. All I had was some small side cutters. I got it done and was confident she survived but those cutters would have made it a lot easier. Quote
bass or bass ? Posted March 22, 2010 Posted March 22, 2010 I've had a similar tool made by Snap On for 25 years that I used when I was tying rebar on construction sites. Never thought about keeping them in the boat until now. Thanks. Quote
Super User Big Bait Fishing Posted March 22, 2010 Super User Posted March 22, 2010 wouldn't a heavy duty pair of side cutters be sufficent ?? those things look like bolt cutters . how about these , alot cheaper . Quote
Fish Chris Posted March 22, 2010 Author Posted March 22, 2010 Well, about the side cutters.... I have this special mod I do to 2/0 treble hooks for live bait Striper fishing, that requires 2 of the 3 hooks to be cut off in the curve. I tried using a big, heavy duty pair of sidecutters for those Owner 2/0's, and yes, I made it happen, but it took both hands, and 98% of all my strength ! While these cam-lever action, mini-bolt cutters take one hand, and about 1/4 the force. WAY better if you are using 1 hand already, to hold a fish.... Or worse yet, have a hook ripped into 1 hand. And honestly, like I said, mine only cost $14.99 at Home Depo. But I dunno'.... those $40+ ones I posted the link to, might be better yet. Peace, Fish Quote
Retrofan Posted March 22, 2010 Posted March 22, 2010 I picked up a pair of Lowe's house brand for $9.98 tonight and will keep them in my tackle box. Thanks for the suggestion! Quote
Fish Chris Posted March 22, 2010 Author Posted March 22, 2010 There you go ! $9.98 ! Sold ! Fish Quote
Super User Crestliner2008 Posted March 22, 2010 Super User Posted March 22, 2010 Great tip Chris! Question: is the model you got stainless? Obviously I'm asking because of the environment they'll be kept in. Quote
Super User SPEEDBEAD. Posted March 22, 2010 Super User Posted March 22, 2010 Standard issue for those who pursue muskies and big pike. They inhale most of the baits when they hit from behind. Most of your musky retailers have these for sale. The Lowe's ones look like a real bargain. Great tip for bass anglers as well. Side cutters do a TERRIBLE job on 1x and larger trebles. Just too much effort required. Quote
Super User Sam Posted March 22, 2010 Super User Posted March 22, 2010 Hey Chris, Great idea. Will have to look into getting one. I tell everyone to be sure to take their needle nose pliers with them at all times. I guess we will have to add this tool to the list. Quote
Super User MALTESE FALCON Posted March 22, 2010 Super User Posted March 22, 2010 Speedbead hit the nail on the head. They are standard issue for us "Muskie Hunters", but a great tip for ALL fishermen. Falcon Quote
Super User SPEEDBEAD. Posted March 22, 2010 Super User Posted March 22, 2010 You want another reason to have them on the boat? Try using side cutters with two hands when one of the hands has a 3/0 treble sticking out of it. Believe me, you will then appreciate the ease in which the bolt cutters go through a hook. They are not solely for use on fish. Quote
Super User grimlin Posted March 22, 2010 Super User Posted March 22, 2010 I guess I'm going to have to run to my local hardware store this weekend.This will probably save the one fish i lose every year to deep hooking.Not to mention if i ever hook myself onto a fish.*knocks on wood* Great Idea! Quote
Super User Fishes in trees Posted March 24, 2010 Super User Posted March 24, 2010 Mini Bolt cutters - ten bucks at Lowes? Really? Huh. I'm a sucker for tools and those look like a good idea. I'll buy some. Quote
I.rar Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 good idea. ive been using side cutters (klein) and havnt had ANY issue with straining myself to cut hooks/split rings. i would imagine , any set of good side cutters will do the job, but those may be easier ... and heavier. Quote
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