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IMO it is a compliment to the Native Americans anyway, the team is named that because the reputation of Indians as brave and fearless warriors and is honoring that tradition, not as anything disrespecting or degrading them.


You might want to check the historical context of the word because that is incorrect. The term has historically been used as a descriptor of skin color. But, as with most other racial issues, those with enough privilege seem to think otherwise. Now, whether one wishes to take offense is obviously up to them and I am not saying I do, but that is because I am a privileged white guy.


It would be akin to having a team called the Yellowskins with a Chinese person as a mascot or the Blackskins with an African as a mascot (or, more apt, they would called the N******s (self censorship) since that was historically an acceptable name for African Americans).


Just because you don't find it offensive doesn't mean it isn't offensive. 

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You might want to check the historical context of the word because that is incorrect. The term has historically been used as a descriptor of skin color. But, as with most other racial issues, those with enough privilege seem to think otherwise. Now, whether one wishes to take offense is obviously up to them and I am not saying I do, but that is because I am a privileged white guy.


It would be akin to having a team called the Yellowskins with a Chinese person as a mascot or the Blackskins with an African as a mascot (or, more apt, they would called the N******s (self censorship) since that was historically an acceptable name for African Americans).


Just because you don't find it offensive doesn't mean it isn't offensive. 


Well there was a hint of sarcasim in the statement I made, but my point was I highly doubt the team is named as a direct insult to native americans.


And I am sure there are just as many or more people that is doesn't offend. The issue is bigger here, how much time and money are we going to waste censoring our brother. People need to get over it, and realize your gonna be offended at some point in time and well we just can't stop it all. Just the same old thing, people rather look at another mans life and control them, while they fail to tend to themselves first.....or at all in many cases.


I also don't nessecarily call being a christian white male a privileged life. Nothing is handed to people like that, jobs, money for school etc. we are last in line. Just because other groups tend sit back, pass up opportuinties and live off the glut of government, we are automatically catagorized as privleged. We tend to have to work twice as hard and under four times as much scrutiny as the race/sex/special interest groups try to tramp out our freedoms of speech, religon, morals and tradiontions that some people hold near and dear and were the fibers of this once great nation. Anyone esle see the corilation of the fall this great nation to the fall of the moral fiber and rise of the self indulgent anything goes type of life style? But hey what do I know.....Just a fool rambling on a forum please don't take offense to anything I say.


Sooo it looks like the Washington......Redtails :sad-012:






Man this is a little over the top. SMH........But hats off to RGIII he said "In a land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness" ......Well said!

I definately couldn't have said it better than RGIII.


im a member of the Haliwa-Saponi tribe from North Carolina. myself, i dont find it offensive at all. in fact many of my fellow natives are fans of the team. and i never actually heard another native american call the name racist in my presence. DC city council needs to worry about DC, they have enough problems in the city they should be focusing on. Theyre probably bitter that the Redskins are no longer part of DC other than in name, and maybe a few charity efforts...i could go on and on about this, but really i dont want to, i hate when this topic comes up honestly, but usually cant help but chime in with something. fact is, i would be more offended if they were forced to change the name...


also, just to point out, it was native americans who helped the redskins design their logo

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hail to the redtails!?!?!?! No way. just does'nt have that certain ring of "We're here to whip the cowgirls cowpies benchwarmers cowboys butts"



Hail to the Redskins.





[sarc on]

As a particularly tall person I find the team named the Giants to be offensive. You think it's easy being tall? Try shopping for clothes or trying to fit into a sports car and never mind counting the times you bump your head on low hanging objects. Just think of the outrage if a team was called the midgets.

In a seperate incident anyone who has a prison record and has the last name of White, Brown or Black will be required to change their name.

[sarc off]

I respect RGIII a little more for his comments.

However, I don't respect him for stealing Rex Grossman III's initials as a moniker.

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I'm offended by all schools that has a Rebel for a mascot. It reminds of barbarians and racisms during the Civil War. :cry3:


I think the dukes of hazzard might have a lawsuit there somewhere...

  • Super User

Ok, ok, as a die hard Redskins fan I will give you all a little history on the the skins.


First of all, we started in Boston, as the Boston Braves in 1932, we did not become the Redskins until 1933 when the team was moved to Fenway park, yes the same Fenway park that the Boston Red sox are famous for, we were owned at that time by Mr. Marshall, it was at this time we picked up the name, The Boston Redskins, we were named "IN HONOR" of a Native American who coached our team at that time for Lone Star Dietz.


What I dont get is where the racist card comes into play and why we need the name "Redtails" these were a group of African Americans that flew as fighter pilots in the war and did a country proud with their service, this is why I am confused, who is this racist against?


We moved to Washington D.C. in 1937 and won our first championship as The Washington Redskins, since then we have gone on to play over 1000 games with 5 professional championships, 2 NFL championships, 3 super bowl wins, 10 NFL division titles, 6 NFL conference championships, 22 post season apperances, only 4 teams have appeared in more super bowls that the Redskins.


That is some pretty proud history and me personally, I think we have represented a nation very well and have HONORED Mr.Dietz and his kind the best one team could.


I can only imagine what would happen should something like this actually come too light, think about the money it would take to get something like this accomplished, money that our American families are in desperate need of, money that could be used for a lot more important things than the changing of a football teams name, not that it will ever happen, but it seems people have their money tied up in all the wrong places. 


It's time we get our act together and act like Americans, stop this hatred and be united as we are supposed to be !!!


Dammit people this is not what our military and innocent have fought and died for, WAKE UP !!!!

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Just heard on the radio that the Washington Redskins will be changing their name after the third game of this season, and all future seasons, to the Deadskins!!!!!

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Just heard on the radio that the Washington Redskins will be changing their name after the third game of this season, and all future seasons, to the Deadskins!!!!!


LOL !!!


That name has been around for a long time bud !!

  • Super User

Ok, ok, as a die hard Redskins fan I will give you all a little history on the the skins.


First of all, we started in Boston, as the Boston Braves in 1932, we did not become the Redskins until 1933 when the team was moved to Fenway park, yes the same Fenway park that the Boston Red sox are famous for, we were owned at that time by Mr. Marshall, it was at this time we picked up the name, The Boston Redskins, we were named "IN HONOR" of a Native American who coached our team at that time for Lone Star Dietz.


What I dont get is where the racist card comes into play and why we need the name "Redtails" these were a group of African Americans that flew as fighter pilots in the war and did a country proud with their service, this is why I am confused, who is this racist against?


We moved to Washington D.C. in 1937 and won our first championship as The Washington Redskins, since then we have gone on to play over 1000 games with 5 professional championships, 2 NFL championships, 3 super bowl wins, 10 NFL division titles, 6 NFL conference championships, 22 post season apperances, only 4 teams have appeared in more super bowls that the Redskins.


That is some pretty proud history and me personally, I think we have represented a nation very well and have HONORED Mr.Dietz and his kind the best one team could.


I can only imagine what would happen should something like this actually come too light, think about the money it would take to get something like this accomplished, money that our American families are in desperate need of, money that could be used for a lot more important things than the changing of a football teams name, not that it will ever happen, but it seems people have their money tied up in all the wrong places. 


It's time we get our act together and act like Americans, stop this hatred and be united as we are supposed to be !!!


Dammit people this is not what our military and innocent have fought and died for, WAKE UP !!!!


Send this to that mayor in the article. People are just bored..I have never once thought any mascot names were racist, dishonorable, etc. I don't think anyone ever  intended of naming a masoct with racist intent. I guess the Cleveland Indian baseball team is steaming with racism..... Random question: I wonder if someone name a professional team the DoDo Bird, will PETA raise hell about it? Using the mayor's logic, it would be dishonorable to an extinct animal...

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One thing i think a lot of people are missing is that being offended by a racist term is not as easily understood unless you are the one it is being used against.  Bottom line is if people were as concerned with education in this country as they are about say sports or the name of a sport's team, we would be much better off....


And using the DoDo bird would not be dishonorable, it would be a tribute, much like the newly named New Orleans Pelicans.


Oh and the deadskins have been around for a looooong time, even when they were winning :)

  • Super User

Send this to that mayor in the article. People are just bored..I have never once thought any mascot names were racist, dishonorable, etc. I don't think anyone ever  intended of naming a masoct with racist intent. I guess the Cleveland Indian baseball team is steaming with racism..... Random question: I wonder if someone name a professional team the DoDo Bird, will PETA raise hell about it? Using the mayor's logic, it would be dishonorable to an extinct animal...



Trust me, there is a 22 page letter that should have been placed in his lap about this very thing, it's not just about the name of my beloved football team, it's about the way things are going in this country and what some people are getting away with and why we put people in office, I could keep going but I think I would be beating a dead horse.


If this happens, think of whats next, one could only imagine, and I don't think it will end with sports either.

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I guess really people shouldn't be upset because it isn't ike we just came over and kicked all the native americans out of their land so why not just leave a name that they may find offensive on the jerseys and even better profit from it too!!! that is the american way.....


I have no dog in this fight but human rights issues are important and if people think this is making america soft then so be it, there are a lot of things that were said and done 50 years ago that we don't say or do now and that is a very good thing. 


While it pains me to say that the Redskins have had a pretty successfull run in the NFL you cannot deny that the term Redskin was not created as a tearm of endearment.

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I guess really people shouldn't be upset because it isn't ike we just came over and kicked all the native americans out of their land so why not just leave a name that they may find offensive on the jerseys and even better profit from it too!!! that is the american way.....


I have no dog in this fight but human rights issues are important and if people think this is making america soft then so be it, there are a lot of things that were said and done 50 years ago that we don't say or do now and that is a very good thing. 


While it pains me to say that the Redskins have had a pretty successfull run in the NFL you cannot deny that the term Redskin was not created as a tearm of endearment.




You know, I did not mention exactly what I put in that letter, and yes I do feel America is very soft on a lot of issues we need to be really strong in, but this will turn into a political thread at that point, This is about a name, a team name, do I feel an injustice, NO ! but thats my opinion.


Were we there to know exactly why the team got renamed in the first place, NO!  am I against changing the name, HELL YES !!! as a fan I most certainly am, but at the same time No, and I mean that in the sense that everyone should have to follow suit, if it ends racism, if it ends hatred, then by all means change it !!!!!  but you tell me exactly what you think it will change.


I DO NOT see skin color, you are either an American who is willing to protect her freedoms or you can get the hell out, no other way to bread and butter it.


Are you really going to tell me that the money spent on getting this name changed is going to have more meaning than our starving families here in the states, or our parents who cant afford school lunch for their children, you think our education system could not use all that money, what about our health care, our senior's who can't afford heating costs, our military families who need much more than even you and I realise, this battle to change a footballs team name is POINTLESS in the scope of what America really needs from their leaders. 

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Well stated but unless the money they would be using to change the name is already allocated to the things you mentioned then really it is a moot point.

My point was more along the lines that we value the wrong things as a society, myself included, to the point of not helping when we could. I mean I made sure my son left the hospital when he was born had a phillies shirt on and a Westbrook jersey soon thereafter. :)

I also agree we have become to soft in certain areas and way to lenient in others to the detriment of a lot of good that could be done.

My thing with racism is many times people who perpetrate the stereotypes don't even realize it and that it is ok and maybe this is something to consider.

The other thing is we all know if they change the name it wouldn't matter anyways we would all still know them as the redskins :)

  • Super User

Well stated but unless the money they would be using to change the name is already allocated to the things you mentioned then really it is a moot point.

My point was more along the lines that we value the wrong things as a society, myself included, to the point of not helping when we could. I mean I made sure my son left the hospital when he was born had a phillies shirt on and a Westbrook jersey soon thereafter. :)

I also agree we have become to soft in certain areas and way to lenient in others to the detriment of a lot of good that could be done.

My thing with racism is many times people who perpetrate the stereotypes don't even realize it and that it is ok and maybe this is something to consider.

The other thing is we all know if they change the name it wouldn't matter anyways we would all still know them as the redskins :)


NASCAR has ruined it's racing, sports in general have gone down hill, including football, but it's really all I watch television for anymore,

If they were to truly succeed, I would no longer be a fan, I said it before, I am a die hard Redskins fan, anything else won't be the same to me.


I think I would have to take up a new hobbie....like fishing.....again...although I suck at that anymore too !!



Ah what the crap, I just hope that when they put me in the ground that they put me upside down, that way the whole world can kiss my a## !! LOL !!

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Well stated but unless the money they would be using to change the name is already allocated to the things you mentioned then really it is a moot point.

My point was more along the lines that we value the wrong things as a society, myself included, to the point of not helping when we could. I mean I made sure my son left the hospital when he was born had a phillies shirt on and a Westbrook jersey soon thereafter. :)

I also agree we have become to soft in certain areas and way to lenient in others to the detriment of a lot of good that could be done.

My thing with racism is many times people who perpetrate the stereotypes don't even realize it and that it is ok and maybe this is something to consider.

The other thing is we all know if they change the name it wouldn't matter anyways we would all still know them as the redskins :)


As for the first highlight in your post, You are correct in that statement for sure !!!!!


As for the second highlighted statement, consider this for a moment, The name that is being pushed is the "Red Tails" are we or are we not going from one ethnic group to another ethnic group of people here? would it not give more ground for the racism card to be played, or at least just as much?


If they want to change the name then it would have to be something on a level field that represents all in my opinion, so that it is not racist to anyone, as far as being derogatory, well, I don't think your going to please anyone with that one but non the less, I don't see the Redskins going anywhere anytime soon, or at least I hope not.  

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Well red tails is just dumb anyways.....and i agree that it is no better than the current name of the redskins.  I highly doubt anything will come out of this other than a 3 page thread on Bassresource :)  Seems like every few years this comes up and gets shut down.

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I'm a professor. I work in possibly the most liberal, politically correct environment imaginable. Allow me to define political correctness.

It's the idea that one can pick up a turd by the clean end.

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I'm a professor. I work in possibly the most liberal, politically correct environment imaginable. Allow me to define political correctness.

It's the idea that one can pick up a turd by the clean end.


You always have a way to make me laugh ghoti !!!!!!!!!

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