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Answer: YES YOU SHOULD! Ok. Here comes my rant about work. So as you might guess from the title, I deliver pizzas. Had a horrible night tonight. Don't get me wrong. I like my job. But I also like making money to pay my bills and as a delivery driver, most of that money comes from tips. Took 10 deliveries and out of those 10, 6 of them stiffed me and the other 4 only gave me a dollar or 2 each. Now I understand that Im not gonna make 50 bucks every single night but sometimes its just ridiculous. I mean, its one thing if your food takes way too long to get there or if your order is really messed up or if the driver is rude to you, but Im good at what I do and tonight I was on point with it. Every order I took was at the house within 25 minutes and Im always polite and respectful to the customers. One ladys total was 17.99. Most people would give me the 20 and if they werent going to tip, they'd get theyre 2 bucks back and be good with it. This lady actually went back inside to find 99 cents so she could get 3 back. For real? You can't even let that penny slide? Went to another house and knocked on the door. This guy who sounds really angry about something yells "who is it?" What do you mean who is it? You just ordered pizza! Who do you think is knocking on your door 20 minutes later? And what are you so angry about? Im bring you your dinner. Piping hot and fresh. You should be happy to see me! No tip there. Big surprise. I tell ya, I just don't get people. Ive always taken care of my delivery drivers. Ever since I was old enough to have my own job/money. 5 dollars is my standard tip. It doesn't matter if I only order 8 dollars worth of food. Dudes getting 5 bucks. Ill give more if its a big order or if the guy has to drive far to get to me. I've driven 10 miles to someones house to take an 85 dollar order. They paid with a hundred dollar bill and didn't give me a dime. Seriously? You have 85 dollars to drop on pizza but you can't kick me 4 or 5 bucks to cover the gas I used to get to your house? ARGH! It's so frustrating sometimes. You don't have to give 5 dollars everytime if you dont want to but at least give something. Theres been times Ive wanted to order food but decided not to because I didn't have enough money to give the driver a decent tip. Most delivery people only make minimum wage and when they're on the road they make less than that.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Needed to get it off my chest. So remember to tip your delivery drivers and if you have kids, make sure you encourage them to tip too because in my expierience, teenagers are really bad about not tipping.

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That's rough man. I always kick the delivery guy a 5 when we order pizza. I know the guy isn't doing his dream job, and if my pizzas run 17 or 18 bucks then whats a couple more bucks to make it his night a little better? Now if the guy is a jerk or acts like having to delivery my pizza was a hassle then yeah I might not be so generous but if the guy shows up in a reasonable amount of time and isn't rude that's all I'm really hoping for in the first place. I know times are tough but if someone is so hard up they can't afford a tip then they shouldn't be spending money for a delivery pizza when they could make their own for under $5, just my .02.

  • Super User

I know times are tough but if someone is so hard up they can't afford a tip then they shouldn't be spending money for a delivery pizza when they could make their own for under $5

Thank You! I don't know how many times I've said the exact same thing.

  • Super User

A tip is optional, that said I always give one. The problem lies with the employer not the customer, waitpeople, delivers, just to name a couple occupations, rely on tips because the employer is paying them a low wage without benefits. True, if wages went up the cost of the product would too, but if we are tipping already it may be a wash to the consumer. As long as many of these occupations are kept as part time, wages will never keep pace.

Tip is an acronym for "to insure promptness", what goes if the service isn't prompt, should I tip then?

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that sucks man I always give a tip even if it was slow 9 out a 10 times it probably wasn't at fault of the driver or waitress/waiter. If the waiter is rude or very forget full I cut the tip down but always leave at least something. Pizza guys usually get 5 regardless of the order or if its dead of winter and snow storm I usually bump to 10 I rarely have it delivered though I live 3 miles from the only 4 pizza places in my area so I usually pick up but if the kids are in bed or in PJ's I have it delivered. Now if I get a discount I usually give the money saved as a tip Iv gotten a lot of free food eating out in uniform so its my way of thanking them for thanking me with free food.

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I have found that jobs that don't pay worth a hoot, are not worth my time waisted on idot customers.

That being said, I am a lousy tipper. I get paid a lousy wage myself, but I love my job and that extra 5 bucks or so is a lot to me. I have worked as a delivery driver, waiter etc and know the value of good service. I only tip, if they impress me. If I spend half the meal chasing down a waiter or waiting for a refill on my beer, they aint getting a dime from me.

That being said, for pizza delivery drivers, when you do tip them, that pizza does get to my house much quicker.

  • Super User

And if that last post didn't make any sense, I appoligize, Ive been up for 47 hours and have 3.5 left to go before my weekend starts. I'm starting to get a bit crazy.


I have no problem tipping drivers. I am standard for 3 bucks on a 15 -20 dollar order. However, one thing that may be hurting you ...is in this area, the pizza companies are now charging a 2 dollar delivery fee. I am not sure what this covers, but I suspect many think that goes to pay the driver.

  • Super User

I have no problem tipping drivers. I am standard for 3 bucks on a 15 -20 dollar order. However, one thing that may be hurting you ...is in this area, the pizza companies are now charging a 2 dollar delivery fee. I am not sure what this covers, but I suspect many think that goes to pay the driver.

2 dollars extra is cheap all the 4 pizza places by me all charge 4-7 extra! and I know the scum bag owners to all 4 places I know that "Delivery Fee" doesn't go to the drivers so I still tip but its also one of the reasons why I will just pick it up my self because my favorite place charges 5.99 for delivery and my wife's favorite place charges 7.50 so its cheaper for me to drive the 4 miles if that into town and pick it up my self many times I'm still left waiting at the shop.

Now I'm with Rockchalk with chasing waiters or waitresses down. If I'm stuck waiting for refills or something I asked for they get usually 1-2 dollars I never stiff them completely but where I normally would leave like 5-15 depending on the order they get 1-2 dollars tops iv been known to take a pen or marker and write "TIP" across the bill if it was really bad service so they kinda get the hint.

  • Super User

I have no problem tipping drivers. I am standard for 3 bucks on a 15 -20 dollar order. However, one thing that may be hurting you ...is in this area, the pizza companies are now charging a 2 dollar delivery fee. I am not sure what this covers, but I suspect many think that goes to pay the driver.

Nailed it. $2.50-$4 around here

  • Super User

Who gets the delivery fee that so many places charge? I asked this once the manager said its to cover the cost of gas. To which I replied that the pizza place didn't own a delivery vehicle and had no additional cost due to gas prices. I then asked if the delivery guy was paid that fee, he said no. so the delivery guy gets tipped at least 5 bucks at my house.

  • Super User

all this talk and now I want a pizza!!!!


ouch. sorry to hear you ran into so many cheapskates in one day. i hated getting stiffed when waiting tables and bartending. go put in an application at ur local catering company. its a MUCH better area of the hospitality industry. the hourly money is great no matter what position you start in. and after working enough weddings..and people calling in sick...you eventually get offered to work behind the bar, which great money.

  • Super User

Tip is an acronym for "to insure promptness"

Thats kind of interesting. I never knew that. Guess I never really thought about it either.

That being said, for pizza delivery drivers, when you do tip them, that pizza does get to my house much quicker.

Very true. If I take a double run and I know one address has never tipped me and I know the other one has, the guys who's tipped me before is getting his food first.

However, one thing that may be hurting you ...is in this area, the pizza companies are now charging a 2 dollar delivery fee. I am not sure what this covers, but I suspect many think that goes to pay the driver.

I don't know about other places but here the delivery charge is not paid to the driver. We even print that on the front of all our pizza boxes.

2 dollars extra is cheap all the 4 pizza places by me all charge 4-7 extra!

Dude, thats insane! It that were the case around here, I would never have it delivered.

As far as waiters/waitresses go, I always tip something and its ususlly 15-20% of the bill. However, me and my girlfriend have both waited tables before and we know what good service should be so if the service is sub-par, the tip definitly suffers. They still get something but not nearly as much. If the service is either exceptionally good or exceptionally bad, we make it a point to say something to the manager.

  • Super User

I once had a driver tell me a story about when he delivered, it was a 30 something dollar order, and when he asked if there was a tip the lady yelled I can't afford a tip, I'm on welfare! Well then, you probably shouldn't order pizza.


i would say something politically correct to them like "Can I ask if there was a problem with my service? I only ask b/c you didn't tip". that will rattle them and i'm sure they will buck up

  • Super User

I try hard to make sure I always tip the delivery guy. I don't order out all that often anymore, but when I do, I make a good effort to send them away with some extra cash. Most of the time, those guys are pretty strapped for cash. I can only imagine the beating those cars take.

If you're a waiter in a restaurant and give me crap service and an attitude, don't be surprised with what's left on the table. I've left a pair of pennies behind once or twice. Do an average job, get an average tip. Go above and beyond, and I'll make sure I treat you well. Some of my best waiters have straight up SUCKED. But they tried d**n hard. Effort goes a long way in my book.

  • Super User

I tip the pizza guy, chinese food delivery guy and even my lawn guy (his tips are usually watermelon and/or water/beer). I also tip the waitress when I pick up my food on a "to go order." Heck, I even tip the furniture delivery guy.

I delivered flowers for my high school ex-girlfriends mom during the holidays many, many years ago. Most of my tips and biggest tips came from middle to lower income people. The least amount of tips I got came from the wealthy (multi millionaires). i'm not saying they're arsholes, just saying they didn't tip good, hahaha.

People I don't tip

Mailman, not even at Christmas either.

Dog groomer. The lady charges too dang much as it is.


I am a more than generous tipper but I won't tip on booze that the wife orders during dinner. A glass of wine runs 8-10 bucks a glass. The waiter carries it from the bar to the table. Heck, he didn't even pour it. I'll tip on the booze as if it was a 2 dollar pepsi/tea.

I also hate forced tips, such as gratuity included with 6 or more persons. The waiter usually would have made more from me without the tip added. (sometimes i'll give more but not always).

  • Super User

I once had a driver tell me a story about when he delivered, it was a 30 something dollar order, and when he asked if there was a tip the lady yelled I can't afford a tip, I'm on welfare! Well then, you probably shouldn't order pizza.

Amen brother. I feel the same way.

i would say something politically correct to them like "Can I ask if there was a problem with my service? I only ask b/c you didn't tip". that will rattle them and i'm sure they will buck up

Believe me, I'd love to say something like that. But if it got back to the manager, I could end up without a job. Asking for tips is a big no-no.

I can only imagine the beating those cars take.

Your telling me man. Just put a new fuel pump on my car. 500 dollar repair.

Most of my tips and biggest tips came from middle to lower income people. The least amount of tips I got came from the wealthy (multi millionaires).

Thats often very true. Looks can be decieving. Theres this one house I go to. Huge piece of property, 4 car garage, giant house, bmw always parked in the driveway. You know they got money. Dude never tips. Theres this other guy that lives in a rundown trailerpark. Always 5 bucks.

Had myself a better night tonight. Took less deliveries but made more money cuz every gave a nice tip.

  • Super User

As this is a fishing forum, it's normal for captains and mates of party boats to get a tip, for the most part I always give one. Party boats derive a good portion of their income from snowbirds and vacationers, most with little or no fishing experience, they need help.

One boat in our area is known for the mates having a rather gruff attitude, and the captain is always fishing off the back of the boat, they sell what they catch. One outing in particular didn't go all that well, not only were the mates rude to all, the Captain kept getting his line tangled with mine. I'm known for not taking crap from anyone, I displayed my anger and told the captain, your job is to find me fish, not compete with me. As we disembarked the boat the mates are standing their hands open expecting a tip, this trip I give zero, the mates gives me a look, and I tell him...........I just gave you 2 kingfish, 20 pounds of fish is worth over $40, is that not a tip?

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I always tip because I understand how hard it is for those who rely on tip to make their income and it sucks being stiffed. If you can't afford to tip then you shouldn't be eating out or ordering in.

The only time I can see myself not giving a tip is if the waiter gives me an attitude. Honestly, there is no reason not to give a tip, even with bad service, I will still tip, but probably less. Sometimes people are just having a bad day and a tip can make them feel better.

  • Super User

I usually tip my delivery guy in college about 2-4 bucks depending on how much cash I have on me. Restaurants and tip employees is one of the most fascinated thing to understand from businesses and consumers' perspective. I remember about a year ago, a buddy of mine from my finance class decided go out for a beer at a local restaurant. He overheard this guy next to us talking how he tipping is excessive since he assumed the people serving him makes 7.25 an hour. (federal minimum wage) My friend laughed a little after the person said that then told me what he said and I chuckled too. Apparently we caught the guy's attention, and I politely said, "servers in this area probably only makes 2.17 plus tips." Long short story the guy tried prove me wrong, but it was funny to me and I was feeling relaxed from the beers, so I didn't care and wasn't going to get angry over it.

In my opinion, it all started because restaurants needed a way for people keep coming back, and they thought if servers really gave such a prompt and great services people would tip them well and come back. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but 98% of the consumers don't understand that concept. (Just throwing a random statistic out, but you get the idea.) So, when I go out I prepare to tip a little extra if the service was great, if it wasn't great I'll tip low. If I can't afford to tip, I don't go out.

  • Super User

one thing the wife and I always do also is tip in cash even when paying the bill by card. We use our atm/debit card for everything usually little cash on us but if we go out to eat we always make sure we have bills to leave a tip. I don't like leaving it on the card because I don't trust owners that they will put that into the servers check or how ever that whole system works.

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Many ppl in my family have waited tables its hard work. My son told me about a guy who laid some money on the table told him it was his tip. The customer then went on to explain in a condescending way that any time he had to wait for something it would cost my son a dollar. He then told me he got the entire amount. I could never wait tables as I would have explained to the customer where he could stick his tip! He would have been the last person to receive anything.


one thing the wife and I always do also is tip in cash even when paying the bill by card. We use our atm/debit card for everything usually little cash on us but if we go out to eat we always make sure we have bills to leave a tip. I don't like leaving it on the card because I don't trust owners that they will put that into the servers check or how ever that whole system works.

this is a great thing. i do the same b/c i worked in the industry. servers do get the credit card tips however they are taxed. cash tips are not taxed so you do them a huge service (it is up to the waiter to report his/her cash tips).

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