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  • Super User

This is how I see the Shimano Posse.

Fishing is wrong because being vegan is the only way to go. I've been a vegan for 27 years and I'm doing just fine, therefore you are wrong for fishing. I consider you lowlife scum for even considering going fishing. Vegetables are always readily available at your supermarket and fishing is hit or miss. The simple fact is that I'm better than you for eating only vegetables.

(is the same as)

Using reels other than Shimano is wrong because Shimano is the only brand worth buying. I've been using Shimano reels for 27 years and they've worked good for me, therefore you are wrong for even thinking about using another brand. I consider you lowlife scum for even considering buying a brand other than Shimano. Parts for a Shimano are always available and good luck finding the other brands parts. It's a fact that I'm better than you for only using Shimano reels.

And that is why I refuse to buy Shimano. Same-same

It's great to believe in something but when you start to push your beliefs on others there is a problem.

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  • Super User

I look at it like this- I take good care of my reels, I maintain them VERY well. If they need a DEEP DEEP DEEP cleaning and/or bearings I send them to a mechanic. I have Shimano reels that are 20+ years old and work like the day I bought them. I have Daiwa reels that are 15. I have had seven premiers that have had a multitude of issues in short amounts of time, four of which have been rebuilt at least five times in a four year period. The only thing that is original is the frame.

That's why I'm hardcore on shimano reels.

  • Super User

Just need to switch to Daiwa :P

Yup. Daiwas are some of the most under-rated reels on these boards.


Early on ABU gave us reliability and later they were innovative with their "ultra cast" which is now commonly known as super free. Diawa gave us magnetic controls. Shimano gave us excessively extreme space age tolerances. And what has Bass Pro Shops given us? Lowest cost producer reels. They are the Chinamart of reels. Well Koreamart. There's nothing wrong with that if that suits your fancy. I go to Chinamart and Bass Pro Shops regularly. They carry Shimano too.


  • Super User

I like Shimanos for two reasons:

Because all the Abus I've owned have crapped out or been outperformed by every comparable Shimano I've owned.

Because I prefer centrifugal brakes to magnetic brakes.

But beyond that,

I see four times as many posts complaining about a "shimano bias" or the "posse" as I do posts made by Shimano owners that are above and beyond what any of the Daiwa/Quantum/Abu guys say.

For example:

i used to have core, curadoe 200-e, i traded them all for daiwas, my all reels are daiwas now. daiwa for life

I see **** like this all the time..ALL THE TIME...but no one has claimed a "Daiwa posse"

Why? I don't know, but I think it's more than a little myopic.

It's the internet people...you know the saying about buttholes and opinions...

  • Super User

Im the OP, and noone had a clear cut answer why SOME Shimano owners are tools. But it is very entertaining reading all the posts. I was showing my wife, and she cant understand how us grown men can argue about fishing reels. I told her its like ice fishing, some people would never understand.

Probably because people call them tools for liking a certain brand.

Please post examples of Shimano owners being "tools" and I'll show you just as many similar posts about Daiwas and Abus.


If you look at the reel mechanics who make their entire living off of reel maintenance, every single one that I have seen works on SHIMANO. Most all will work on Swedish ABU's. That is the only thing they have in common. Some work on SHIMANO exclusively, some work on SHIMANO and a few other brands, and a few work on anything, taking a chance that if they lose a part, or if one is missing, they will be buying the owner a new reel, because they can't get the part. But again, they all work on SHIMANO. I've never read about one who didn't like SHIMANO, many of whom claim the Curado B or SF or Chronarch is their favorite reel. They are in the know. That says everything.

  • Super User

Ok, so to put it in simple terms why I like Shimano soo much is this......If you take the Chronarch, Curado, and Citica apart, you will see that they are pretty much the same reel. By that I mean that they look almost identical internally. There are minor differences like bearings or bushings, and types of material for parts, but they are contructed the same. Shimanos to me are like the 1911 of fishing reels. They are simple, time proven design, that are easily modified if wanting to. I can disassemble them with my eyes closed, clean, and reassemble with relative ease. I personally do like other brands of reels too, and have owned some good ones throughout the years, but have ended up with sticking with just Shimanos in the end. For me they work, and everyone has their preference on what feels good to them. Every company has their good, better, best lines. I think us Shimano guys just like to get a rise out of all the others. The fish could care less what is reeling them in. Fish what you want, see you in 20 years when im still using my E series lineup.

  • Super User

Fish what you want, see you in 20 years when im still using my E series lineup.

And we will still be using our Revos and Daiwas.

You see, I could take your post and replace all the Shimano brands and models with a Abu or Daiwa brand or model and I would still be telling the truth. The fact is that if you take care of what you got it will last you a long time.

The "I'm a step above" attitude is such a deal breaker for me. I loose all respect for someone who puts themselves above someone else because of something they own.

  • Like 5

I used nothing but Abu 40 years ago then I bought a diawa 30 years ago and found out how much smoother and more refined a reel could be, then 20 years ago I bought a couple, well, I won't say because I don't want stoned. But I have found nothing to replace that brand, with as good a performance as I have become accustom to, till this year when, If I can say it without being persecuted, the new Lews reels. Is there a "Lews Posse"??? Sorry but in time the other models of reels I found to outperform the competition may get a new manufacturer's model, to outperform them, when they do, that is what I will use, till then I will spend my money on what performs the best, in whatever style reel I use. I don't believe it is cheaper to buy a product because it is not as good but will reel in fish!! I find it better to buy as good a quality and performance as you can and consider that a bargain, it will probably loose less fish. Hope that was politically correct? and still don't see the Shimano owners any more arrogant that users of other brands, they all have extremest!

  • Super User

This is how I see the Shimano Posse.

Fishing is wrong because being vegan is the only way to go. I've been a vegan for 27 years and I'm doing just fine, therefore you are wrong for fishing. I consider you lowlife scum for even considering going fishing. Vegetables are always readily available at your supermarket and fishing is hit or miss. The simple fact is that I'm better than you for eating only vegetables.

(is the same as)

Using reels other than Shimano is wrong because Shimano is the only brand worth buying. I've been using Shimano reels for 27 years and they've worked good for me, therefore you are wrong for even thinking about using another brand. I consider you lowlife scum for even considering buying a brand other than Shimano. Parts for a Shimano are always available and good luck finding the other brands parts. It's a fact that I'm better than you for only using Shimano reels.

And that is why I refuse to buy Shimano. Same-same

It's great to believe in something but when you start to push your beliefs on others there is a problem.

Gene, truer words have never been spoken. Well said!

  • Super User

Well said Fluke. I completely understand a preference for a given brand. I do not understand, or have any use for those who think that they are superior based on their tackle purchase decisions. Really? And while I'm at it, this idea that if a product is made in ????? it is inferior, is also offensive. Are you kidding me? Junk is made in every country, including this one.

Tell me why you like your stuff: I'm interested. Tell me why you don't care for mine: I'm good with that. Tell me my stuff is inferior and imply that any serious, intelligent person would not own it and I don't care what else you have to say, I'm not interested. Life is too short to suffer fools those who can't treat others with respect.

  • Like 1

And we will still be using our Revos and Daiwas.

Diawa yes. However, you will pay dearly for the replacement parts. Way more than what they should cost. Revos? No. They will be in "Reel Trash Heaven" with their BPS cousins while the SHIMANOS and Daiwas are still running smooth. Revos will be fun while they last, but when they are done they are done, being the throwaway that they are.

To be sure, I would take and use a Revo if someone gave me one. But I would expect to S*^& can it when it broke. There are no parts available, from what I read.

  • Super User

Diawa yes. However, you will pay dearly for the replacement parts. Way more than what they should cost. Revos? No. They will be in "Reel Trash Heaven" with their BPS cousins while the SHIMANOS and Daiwas are still running smooth. Revos will be fun while they last, but when they are done they are done, being the throwaway that they are.

To be sure, I would take and use a Revo if someone gave me one. But I would expect to S*^& can it when it broke. There are no parts available, from what I read.

See what I mean.

I fish hard for more than 100 days a year. Probably more like 150. I've had the same Revo reels for five years. That's a minimum of 500 days of use out of those reels and I've never.... and I mean never had a problem with any of them. I haven't had to replace a single part so I don't know where you get by thinking that they are throw away reels. I also use Daiwa HST's and I've had to have the main drive and nut replaced on three of the six I own and a fourth is about to have to go in the shop for same repair.

  • Super User

One more thing needs clearing up, here, too. UltraCast and Superfree are two entirely different things with mechanically different processes and parts. It could be said they don't even act on the spool the same way... But I digress.

Fish what you like, like what you fish. I'm a complete Shimano snob, and there is no way I would rub someone with it, it's ridiculous to do so. Who, in my opinion makes the best reel out there? Ardent, period. The edge elite is the best reel I've ever owned.

  • Like 1

If you look at the reel mechanics who make their entire living off of reel maintenance, every single one that I have seen works on SHIMANO. Most all will work on Swedish ABU's. That is the only thing they have in common. Some work on SHIMANO exclusively, some work on SHIMANO and a few other brands, and a few work on anything, taking a chance that if they lose a part, or if one is missing, they will be buying the owner a new reel, because they can't get the part. But again, they all work on SHIMANO. I've never read about one who didn't like SHIMANO, many of whom claim the Curado B or SF or Chronarch is their favorite reel. They are in the know. That says everything.

I used to race cars. I spent $14,000 for my 2004 GTO. I put 6 grand into it and ran a 10 second quarter mile. Everyone talked down to me because i had a Pontiac and not a Chevy, Dodge, Ford (yet i had a chevy motor). In the end, my car ran faster for less than most fords, corvettes and dodges. Thats how i look at me Revo Ss'. I spent $99 on all 6 of them, and they do just as good as the Shimano Core. I just find it wierd that someone would pay $370 for a Core, that a $100 Revo can do. Thats like saying "im going to buy a $40,000 corvette because its a Corvette, yet this 2005 Mustang GT with a blower is twice as fast and fun for $14,000." I guess it comes down to the fact I dont like the entitlement that i feel Shimano owners ask for because they own Shimanos. I just love seeing the Shimano lovers on this thread trying to defend themselves to the fact they spent twice as much for a reel that does exactly what a Revo S does. Not that i care about reels, im just tired of hearing about how i am a low life because i own a superior, yet cheaper priced product. Can i have another Revo S and Veritas rod for $200 please? Still $150 cheaper than a Core 50.



Diawa yes. However, you will pay dearly for the replacement parts. Way more than what they should cost. Revos? No. They will be in "Reel Trash Heaven" with their BPS cousins while the SHIMANOS and Daiwas are still running smooth. Revos will be fun while they last, but when they are done they are done, being the throwaway that they are.

To be sure, I would take and use a Revo if someone gave me one. But I would expect to S*^& can it when it broke. There are no parts available, from what I read.

Who are you?... Like really who are you? You show up 2 weeks ago and now you are telling us what reels are trash and what arent. is this just what you have read or do you have expereince with the newer stuff thats not Shimano? Have you used a revo? Road warrior, and a lot of the other guys that are pushing shimano have a great reputation and you can almost always take them seriously. They don't say something unless they have first hand experience. You though, get your rep up!


Who are you?... Like really who are you? You show up 2 weeks ago and now you are telling us what reels are trash and what arent. is this just what you have read or do you have expereince with the newer stuff thats not Shimano? Have you used a revo? Road warrior, and a lot of the other guys that are pushing shimano have a great reputation and you can almost always take them seriously. They don't say something unless they have first hand experience. You though, get your rep up!

That was a bit harsh. I should have said I don't think it is a good idea to be new to the boards and begin a crusade for Shimano agianst all other reel manufacturers. It just doesn't go over well or sound very smart.

My nicer .02

  • Super User

Ok, my first comment was a joke. But I've got to put my opinion in on this thread.

Why do I fish with Shimano reels? I've used them for 30 years and have never had a reason to change. I've still got some of the first Baitrunner spinning reels mounted on rods out in the garage. I've owned other reels in the past, I still do. They all see use. I use what I use because I like it and am familiar with it. Plain and simple. I'll never bash somebody because they choose to use a different brand. Honestly, who gives a d**n? It's a grossly immature argument. Buy what you want to buy and can afford. Then have fun catching fish with it. I fish with plenty of people who use different brands of equipment. In the end, it all boils down to one thing. Having fun fishing.

/end thread

  • Super User

I basically see all of basswhippa's post so far as anti Korean from reels to cars he doesn't like anything unless its Japanese. Almost all of his replies bring up how horrible Korean products are.

  • Super User

I'm on my second Genesis sedan, it compares in every way to any of the MB's, BMW's and Lexus' I've had. Next time it will be something else for variety, be nice if Hyundai came out with a ragtop.

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  • Super User

When you talk about brand names some of us are stuck on only one or two for different products.

We use these specific manufacturers as we have had good results with their products.

I think in every industry the brands that advertise the most or are used by high schools, colleges, the pros, chefs, NASCAR, your favorit bass pros, your parents, your friends, etc. are the ones that we generate towards during our lifetime.

I know that my son would have a fit if he had anything "Wal Mart" while in high school. All of his clothes had to be one name brand as that was what the other kids were wearing. If even trickled down to his gym clothes!!!

Shimano has been good to me. Of course I agree that their quality has gone down due to their changes in their reels, but their reels and rods have served me well over the years and I will stick with them.

So when someone asks which brand to purchase I know that if I replay "Shimano" I will not be giving them false information.

I have Abu's and love them. But I use Shimano 90% of the time and so far, so good.

  • Like 1

I used to race cars. I spent $14,000 for my 2004 GTO. I put 6 grand into it and ran a 10 second quarter mile. Everyone talked down to me because i had a Pontiac and not a Chevy, Dodge, Ford (yet i had a chevy motor). In the end, my car ran faster for less than most fords, corvettes and dodges. Thats how i look at me Revo Ss'. I spent $99 on all 6 of them, and they do just as good as the Shimano Core. I just find it wierd that someone would pay $370 for a Core, that a $100 Revo can do. Thats like saying "im going to buy a $40,000 corvette because its a Corvette, yet this 2005 Mustang GT with a blower is twice as fast and fun for $14,000." I guess it comes down to the fact I dont like the entitlement that i feel Shimano owners ask for because they own Shimanos. I just love seeing the Shimano lovers on this thread trying to defend themselves to the fact they spent twice as much for a reel that does exactly what a Revo S does. Not that i care about reels, im just tired of hearing about how i am a low life because i own a superior, yet cheaper priced product. Can i have another Revo S and Veritas rod for $200 please? Still $150 cheaper than a Core 50.


This made me laugh... Its pointless to argue with you because you have a mindset that makes what you are saying logical... Corvettes vs mustangs? GTO the same as a 10 second vette? Revo S same as the Core? considering the STX is the curado competition that would mean a core is not as good as a curado.... lol comical

  • Super User

Booo, no sense of adventure, LOL.

LMG has no lack of stamina when it comes to his shimanos, (small s).



That was a bit harsh. I should have said I don't think it is a good idea to be new to the boards and begin a crusade for Shimano agianst all other reel manufacturers. It just doesn't go over well or sound very smart.

My nicer .02

I'm not new here but the title of the thread made me post more than I normally do. Gee, nobody would have known that I was a "tool" or part of the SHIMANO "posse" had I not posted on this thread, because I've rarely said a single word about them until this thread. I did not crusade for Shimano against all others and explain that I own others, one Quantum, tons of ABU's including some(5500CS Mag Elite and 5 size Ultra Mag Plus) that tourny casters toss 200 yards, a Morrum and tons of Shimano. I've stated that Daiwa and Okuma make some great reels and will service them as need dictates. Even the Korean reels can be good, but you will have trouble getting parts on most of them and you are messed over if it is out of warranty. About me "not sounding smart", well, one must remember that half the population falls to the left side of the IQ chart.

All that said, regarding the OP, Shimanos are well engineered, they last, the reel maintenance guys appear to love them because of the ease of working on them and you can get parts for Shimanos for decades through no more than a phone call. I don't consider myself a tool for liking these fearures.

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