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My kids get choices. They get to make the choice. Make the wrong choice and there will be consequences. I try to always make the punishment fit the crime. They range from a stern warning to a full on spanking. They ALWAYS get love after a consequence. After the smoke has cleared, I talk to them to make them understand what was wrong with that choice and even though I spank them, I always will love them. My kids will hopefully be good decision makers when they're older.

Exactly what I do and I'll add one thing. Never spank in anger. Take a deep breath, calm down a little and decide then if their action warrants a spank or something different.

Note: In public, two good ones look better than four light ones. lol


I'm not a father, but I will share my views.

Hitting your children will not necessarily make them respect you. My mother use to discipline us (my siblings and I) with physical contact and we never respected her like we did our father. If she didn't hit us out of anger, she would sometimes give us a choice between an arse woopin' or a punishment. I would always take the arse woopins because her punishments were equivalent to solitary confinement in prison. No TV, no nintendo, no toys, no friends, etc. Sitting in your room all day staring at the ceiling is torture when your friends are outside playing.

I behaved as a child because I did not want to be punished; punishments were absolute torture. My friends parents use to punish them and then un-punish them 15min later when they begged for mercy. My mom never let us out of our punishments and would either tack on more days or woop your arse if you asked her to shorten/lighten the punishment. This is why punishing us worked. We knew there would be consequences for our actions, and these consequences were severe and non-negotiable.

The moral of the above story is this: Figure out what form of punishment you can do to make your kid miserable, and use it against them to make them aware that their are consequences for their actions. Next time they are considering doing something wrong, they will weigh the consequences in their decision. An arse woopin every now and then to let your child know that you can and will, if necessary, is ok by me. However, there are much better ways to punish your children imo, like solitary confinement. Inconsistency violence and "giving in" are not things you want to teach your children; stand your ground even if it is painful.

We respected our father because he respected us and treated us more like adults. He would talk about what we did, why it was wrong, and tell us he was disappointed in us. This hurt much more than a spanking, but not more than a few days in solitary confinement.

  • Super User

I'm not a father, but I will share my views.

Hitting your children will not necessarily make them respect you. My mother use to discipline us (my siblings and I) with physical contact and we never respected her like we did our father. If she didn't hit us out of anger, she would sometimes give us a choice between an arse woopin' or a punishment. I would always take the arse woopins because her punishments were equivalent to solitary confinement in prison. No TV, no nintendo, no toys, no friends, etc. Sitting in your room all day staring at the ceiling is torture when your friends are outside playing.

I behaved as a child because I did not want to be punished; punishments were absolute torture. My friends parents use to punish them and then un-punish them 15min later when they begged for mercy. My mom never let us out of our punishments and would either tack on more days or woop your arse if you asked her to shorten/lighten the punishment. This is why punishing us worked. We knew there would be consequences for our actions, and these consequences were severe and non-negotiable.

The moral of the above story is this: Figure out what form of punishment you can do to make your kid miserable, and use it against them to make them aware that their are consequences for their actions. Next time they are considering doing something wrong, they will weigh the consequences in their decision. An arse woopin every now and then to let your child know that you can and will, if necessary, is ok by me. However, there are much better ways to punish your children imo, like solitary confinement. Inconsistency violence and "giving in" are not things you want to teach your children; stand your ground even if it is painful.

We respected our father because he respected us and treated us more like adults. He would talk about what we did, why it was wrong, and tell us he was disappointed in us. This hurt much more than a spanking, but not more than a few days in solitary confinement.

thats what my dad did it was the worse then anything my mom ever dished out

  • Super User

Cattle prods work better than spanking and are easier to administer once you run after and catch the little bugger!!!!

  • Super User

I completely agree with J Franco. My daughter would be heart broken with a little tap on the rear. With her number two son, it does not really work. I think as long as it is done within reason and not in anger, a whipping is an important teaching tool for most kids. The most important thing, and the hardest thing to do IMO, is consistency. Kids have to know what the limits are. Too many parents let their kids run the show and that is a guarantied disaster just looking to happen. BB I understand that spanking your son is much harder on you than him. That is the way it should be.

One of my brothers was traveling a number of years ago with his family. His oldest boy, around 10 at the time, was misbehaving. After repeated warning, my brother made the classic promise, "I'm going to pull this car over and ...." His son continued, and my brother pulled into the next gas station. As he took his little angel out the car he was screaming at the top of his lungs that he didn't want a beating. Another meddling old women saw this and called the police. My brother spent several hours explaining why he should be allowed to discipline his kids, while they where being interviewed privately by the local Children Services agent. They finally let them go, only to have a local child Services agent show up at their door a couple weeks later to interview the kids again. That was the end of it, and my brother kept his cool through the whole thing, which was the right thing to do under circumstances that would have probably landed me in jail. Sometimes in an attempt to protect kids from real abuse the system is too intrusive. When a father can't swat his mouthy son on the rear without interference from a meddling old hag or anyone else, something is very wrong in my not so humble opinion.


The laws regarding disclipline/abuse vary from state to state, but GA law allows corporal punishment to control unruly children.

O.C.G.A. 16-5-20 (2010)

16-5-20. Simple assault

(a) A person commits the offense of simple assault when he or she either:

(1) Attempts to commit a violent injury to the person of another; or

(2) Commits an act which places another in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.

(b ) Except as provided in subsections © through (h) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of simple assault shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

© Any person who commits the offense of simple assault in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" means a bus, van, or rail car used for the transportation of passengers within a system which receives a subsidy from tax revenues or is operated under a franchise contract with a county or municipality of this state.

(d) If the offense of simple assault is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of simple assault against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to permit the prosecution of:

(1) Any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or person authorized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for which such consent is implied by law;

(2) Any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child; or

(3) Any woman with respect to her unborn child.

For the purposes of this subsection, the term "unborn child" means a member of the species **** sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.

  • Super User

I don't believe any state has a alaw prohibiting spanking your child.

The problem becomes in the interpretation of spanking/abuse.


I was spanked and I have no problems with it.

In all honesty I believe that kids who don't get spanked have more issues while they are growing up because they don't get spanked.

Any one who is a big enough of a D*** to call the cops on a parent spanking there child needs to have their head examined.


My 4 yr old never had the "terrible twos" or threes. He was a perfect angel and NEVER gave his mom and me any trouble. He is now 4 years old and lately has begun to be a real pain in the ars, which I'm almost certain I know why, but that's another story that has to do with my in-laws who like to spoil.

The wife and I go out to breakfast this morning. I park the truck and open the back doors. I tell our son to go ahead and unbuckle his seatbelt and get out. The little sht looked straight at me and said "I don't think so. I'm NOT going!" With a very calm, soft voice, I said "Don't talk to me like that. Come on, lets go." LOL, he crosses his arms and turns his head away from me. I bit my lip and said "Son, I'm going to count to 3 and you had better be out of this truck. If not, then I'm going to spank you." I counted to three and he completely ignored me. It broke my heart, but I reached in, unbuckled the seatbelt and snatched his ars out of his seat. I stood him up in the parkining lot and gave him four, fast swats on the ars with my hand.

He fought back the tears for about 5 seconds. Just as he started to cry from hurting his feelings (not from the ars pain, he was wearing a padded pull up.) I heard a voice from the next isle over. The voice was coming from a lady who said "I just saw you hit that kid and I'm calling the cops if you do it again." I replied "Mind your own business, you old hag."

LMAO, My wife looks at me and says "really babe, Old Hag?" LOL, the lady was about 45 yrs old and I didn't want to say what I really wanted to call her so, for some reason, Old Hag is the first thing that popped into my head.

Anyway, does anyone spank their kids? Is anyone dead set against corporal punishment?

By the way, my son was the most perfect gentleman for the rest of the day.

A woman of that age would have come from the "butt whoopin days" you would think. Maybe she didnt get spanked as a kid?

I only spank my girls for fun ;)

But when my kids were young we used mental torture; we put them on the couch in the living room for an hour, they had to set up straight on the center edge of the couch with nothing around to play with and they were told to think about what they had done. The important thing was they knew the rules and we stuck to them.


Growing up, I never got a spanking/belt i didn't deserve.......

Spanking takes place in my home. However, just as in coaching, hate the play, not the player.

  • Super User

I don't have kids by choice. If I had, I'd spank them if they got out of line.

What I hated as a kid was the dreaded ear pull from my mom. I think one of my ears is actually longer than the other.


In the SE Missouri hillbilly country where I used to spend part of my summers as a kid with my grandparents, the saying there was "If you don't behave I'm going to take a switch to you". A switch being a green, whippy, tree limb. That would probably get parents thrown in jail nowadays, but it was a common form of dscipline then.

  • Super User

If a spanking doesn't work you are not hitting them hard enough.


Yes, I do spank my children, when they deserve it and never out of anger. It works for them.


  • Super User

I don't have kids by choice. If I had, I'd spank them if they got out of line.

What I hated as a kid was the dreaded ear pull from my mom. I think one of my ears is actually longer than the other.

My father told me I was lucky because his father didn't use a belt. He used a razor strap. My grandmother used to tell us that my mother and father didn't beat us near enough. She would throw shoes at us from across the room.


I'm pretty sure I kept at least one yard stick manufacturer in business as kid as many as got broke on my behind. Thing is, the taste of soap left a far more lasting impression.

So here's the question, between yard sticks, belts and willow switches, which is most effective?

  • Global Moderator

Don't have any kids yet but when we have them we will spank them if they need it. I was usually a good kid growing up but when I got out of line I had 2 loving, caring parents to knock me back in line. I got spanked, slapped, switched, and even a plate broke over my head, and I deserved it ever time. I was mid teens with the plate thing and I was being mouthy to my mom using some grown up words with her and my dad just happened to have a dinner plate in his hands. It wasn't really a hard hit, just in the right spot I guess. They always gave everyone involved a cool down and then we had a talk about why it happened. Most of the times just the threat of it was enough to keep me in check but once I got older I guess I got to the age where I thought my parents wouldn't do it anymore and I was wrong.

Kids have to know the boundaries and they have to know there are going to be problems if they go past those boundaries. They'll test and see how far they can go because they don't know. Problem is when they never hit the boundary line because their parents don't discipline them they feel there are no limits to what they can get away with. That's how you end up with a group of punks harassing and threatening a bus moniter.

As for the lady going to call the cops, like others have said she needs mind her own buisness. There is a fine line between abuse and discipline and while she may have had your son's safety in mind she has to understand that you're his father and you're allowed to discipline your son as you chose as long as it's within scope of the law.

  • Super User

I'm pretty sure I kept at least one yard stick manufacturer in business as kid as many as got broke on my behind. Thing is, the taste of soap left a far more lasting impression.

So here's the question, between yard sticks, belts and willow switches, which is most effective?

my mother used a push/pull stick from the boy scouts that was after the paddle ball paddles had no lingering affect. once she didn't have her stick and used my grandmothers cane, and broke it.

my kids are lucky, I use my hand, I doubt I will ever use a stick but I do d**n sure make sure it gets its message across. after 3 wacks they look like little baboons with the red ****e$ running to their mommy.


I applaud you sir. I never got spanked, I didn't need to be spanked. But I think If more people spanked there kids, well kids wouldn't be the jack wagons they are today. I wish I could spank other people's kids.

Kudos on the old hag comeback.

I got spanked 4-6 I don't see anything wrong with it.
  • Super User

I have seen a lot of parents that do not hold their kids accountable for anything they do. The kids grow up thinking that they can do whatever they want when ever they want to, and they don't show respect to anyone.

I got spanked and it taught me that actions had consequences.

I have only had to spank my oldest daughter once. When she was about 4 she wanted to watch something on tv that we thought was inappropriate. She got mad and threw the remote down into the basement. I gave her one swap and never had to give another one. I have never had to spank my youngest daughter. I can pretty much raise my voice and scare her.

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