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22 hours ago, Janderson45 said:

We figured out a pretty good pattern yesterday afternoon, and they were chomping.  Probably 15 smallmouth caught between my buddy and I, best 5 went 16lbs ?




Water temps were 46-49, and it was a slug fest on jerkbaits once we found em feeding in a little shallower water with bright high sun.  Only thing missing was a true kicker, two smallmouths pictured were both about 3.5lbs, two biggest on the day. 

Nice fish! Was this in MA?

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20 minutes ago, RyanDR said:

Nice fish! Was this in MA?


Thanks, and yes this was in MA, Mashpee Wakeby pond down the cape.  Will be down that way again next weekend weather permitting.


I got out for a few hours on the Nip yesterday afternoon (Mashpee was Saturday) - the largemouth were predictably located exactly where I thought they’d be, up tight to shallow heavy cover.  Went after them with a jig and got one to commit after just a few casts.  Nothing special, probably 15” 1.5lbs.. thought it was going to be a very productive afternoon, but I was wrong.  After the one bite the fish in shallow cover seemed to entirely disappear or shut off.  The sun went behind the clouds, winds picked up and the bite was gone.  Pulled out to some slightly deeper water and chucked a spinnerbait around for a bit before calling it a day.  Couple pickerel on the spinnerbait and that was it.  Felt like I got on the water just a tad too late and missed a good jig bite.


Fished from 2pm-5pm.  Water temps were 51-54, water was heavily stained, but that’s typical for the Nip.  Water level was up quite a ways, nearly submerging some problematic boulders in the northern end. If youre out there with a motor and don’t know where the hazards are located be extra careful this time of year, there’s a few real day ruiners lurking just underneath the surface.

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caught my first few night fish of the year last thursday. All on top. 5 bass 2-3lbs, was pretty stoked. 

Fished all weekend, Friday was slow. Fished 2 spots but didnt catch any bass. Caught some large pickerel. Fishing a 10 inch swimbait, felt a hit set the hook. Thinking it was a big bass. d**n PICKEREL!!!

Saturday, fished with some buddies. All new spots they got fish 5 fish, I caught one on a swimbait. few hits on topwater. All dink fish. 

Sunday, hit 2 news spots. Caught one 3lber. Slow weekend.  Saw fish up shallow at spot 1. Super shallow pond and very clear. No weeds or structure away from the shore line, it was tough getting fish here. Missed once dink on a jig way up shallow under a tree. Saw a few fish following my shellcracker cranked near some brush.  Fished a causeway at another spot I wanted to check out. Lot of people drowning worms and fishing shiners. They were shocked when I rolled up with a 7 inch swimbait. I caught one 3lber here. 


Hey guys been a while just hoppin back in trying to get more involved in the community. 


Do those Eastern Mass Get Togethers still happen? I had some of the most fun on those and wouldn't mind participating my boat for another one. 


Also--Saturday Monponsett in Halifax, 6 bass all small 2< but very active.

Sunday--local pond in Abington caught a whopper pickerel 


This past weekend was a struggle. Couple largie’s Saturday on a drop shot suspended in 14 feet of water; deep clear body of water 48 degr. One largemouth Sunday in a stained pond full of submerged veg on a Neko 51 degrees.

Yesterday however the chew was on. Two ponds one stained visibility 48 degrees. Second deep clear water temp 47. First pond 7 smallies and one largemouth biggest smallie around 2 lbs 8 oz, all on the jerkbait. All out of 5-12 feet.

Second pond 6 largies. 4 on a jerkbait one on a drop shot one on a Ned. Above around and in submerged brush piles on drop off in 15-20 feet of water. Biggest Larry 3 lbs 10 oz

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I second Salty's assessment of the Cape this week.  From Tuesday through this afternoon I fished Long Pond (with Fishing Rhino), Hinckley's (twice), Shubael, Bucks, Snake, and Hedges (Plymouth).  I managed two good fish just under three pounds: one SMB at Hinckley's on a Perch DT6 and one LMB at Bucks on a 5" black/blue Senko.  Today I got three SMB at Hedges on a bright red Rapala Shad Rap. 


A LOT of work for not a big return, though the fish were nearly 3 pounds each.  Looking back at the week, I should have fished more treble hooks .


Overall weather for the Cape was raw and WINDY, with ponds showing temps from 46.x - 49.x.  Hedges was 51.x.


Lastly, it was my first time at Shubaels.  It's a nice pond, but talking to a few locals, it appears to be a perch and trout pond, even though the sate website reports good SMB there.  Perhaps another try now that the weather's getting good.



6 hours ago, DogBone_384 said:

I second Salty's assessment of the Cape this week.  From Tuesday through this afternoon I fished Long Pond (with Fishing Rhino), Hinckley's (twice), Shubael, Bucks, Snake, and Hedges (Plymouth).  I managed two good fish just under three pounds: one SMB at Hinckley's on a Perch DT6 and one LMB at Bucks on a 5" black/blue Senko.  Today I got three SMB at Hedges on a bright red Rapala Shad Rap. 


A LOT of work for not a big return, though the fish were nearly 3 pounds each.  Looking back at the week, I should have fished more treble hooks .


Overall weather for the Cape was raw and WINDY, with ponds showing temps from 46.x - 49.x.  Hedges was 51.x.


Lastly, it was my first time at Shubaels.  It's a nice pond, but talking to a few locals, it appears to be a perch and trout pond, even though the sate website reports good SMB there.  Perhaps another try now that the weather's getting good.



Dogbone I’ve had good luck from the shoreline by the boat launch at shubaels. I’ve caught big largemouth and a 2.5 smallie out of there.

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1 hour ago, Saltysmalljaws said:

I’ve had good luck from the shoreline by the boat launch at shubaels

That doesn't surprise me .....  Thanks for the info.  It looks like a good pond, especially at the tall grass that's right of the launch....


Tomorrow looks a bit raw and very windy down on the south coast and cape.  Original plan was to hit the cape for some more prespawn small jaws but I may be calling an audible and heading north/west to escape the rain and harshest winds.  Interior mass looks to be very warm, with clouds giving way to afternoon sun and manageable winds.  Right now I’m leaning towards Webster, but won’t make a definite decision until later tonight.


We’re gonna make the most of it either way, that you can be sure of!  Will report back with results.  Tight lines to all those getting out this weekend.

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Got out on quinsig today. Water temps were all over the place, down around 45 on the main lake and as high as 55 in shallower areas. The males have definitely started their push shallow. Caught about 10 bass, all 1 and 2 lbers though. With the shallows up into the 50s I had hoped some pre-spawn females could be found just off the flats in the deeper channels but I didn't see or catch any.


Some of the males were starting to get aggressive though. Most came on a spinnerbait. They were liking a red craw color earlier and a white later on. I managed to get one to commit on a frog near a laydown but I missed the hookset...that frog came flying back at me and barely missed me. Good thing too because the hook went straight into the seat next to me. Wouldn't have wanted my first time getting hooked to be a 5/0 frog hook lol. 


I'm thinking about a night trip tomorrow before the storm son Monday. 


Hey guys, I moved out to Western NH and have been looking at the stuff in western MA.  Any advice for some decent lakes would’ve great.  The only place I know is the Quabbin, and I haven’t gotten there yet because my motor is too big.  Thanks! 


Derby Report: Silver Linings


First outing for the 2019 NEBassin Eastern MA trail was on Long Pond (Lakeville) this past Saturday. Weather was variable, to put it lightly. Launched at 7am to driving rain, 58f air, 12mph SW winds...this kept up for 3-4hrs before a sunny warm afternoon (66f, 10mph S). Water temps were 50-53, slightly warmer than a week prior, with perhaps a slight helping hand from a warm/rainy night Friday.        

With 22 teams competing, it was one of largest turnouts for the Eastern MA trail yet. Unsurprisingly (lol), my partner and I drew the 22nd start slot, which threw a wrench into our morning plans. We had planned on fishing the northern-most man-made "horse-shoe" canal, but having draw the shortest straw, we knew we'd be fishing behind at least 3 or 4 teams. Our back-up plan saw us fish a few main-lake points with reaction baits, before pushing shallow into a bay in the NW section of the mid-section of the lake.

We got a modest limit fairly quick throwing rattle-baits on the ML points, but by 1pm we were still sitting on <9lbs with little to show our shallow efforts. But as the sun shone out, a bit of patience paid off, with our last three bites all the right size. A 3.25, 4, and 4.25lber all came in 4-5ft off isolated rock-piles within 45-mins. Our  team's 15.5lb limit was good enough for 2nd place, still a ways from catching the winners at 18lbs and change (an impressive bag for anywhere in Mass). The winners noted that their two biggest bites (both around 5lbs) both came first thing in the morning, so its a decent guess that the overnight rain helped set the mood for those pre-spawn mommas.   


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Got down to Hedges yesterday with a friend's son.  Got three sallies to the kayak and missed one in short order using the same bright red Cotton Cordell . CC Shad I caught them with last Friday (thanks to Saltysmalljaws for the tip about color choice).  All three were good sized but skinny.


Evan hooked onto one but lost it.  There were two kids in waders that also caught a big smallie near where we were fishing.  


Shortly after that the bite shut off completely regardless of where and what we threw.  By the end of the day the sky clouded up and it started to rain.


Water temps were 52.x - 54.x and the BP was 29.9 after lunch.


There were Sucker beds on the S/SE shore.  


Since the bass fishin is a crap shoot, I decided to try for some new species! Friday night went out after some white cats! My very first ones. We caught 6 each! A big eel, small bullhead and a  yella perch!  Im very happy!

Saturday went to Rhode Island for some bass and to chase the ellusive stocked trout!  We fished one pond early! I caught some dink pickerel and a few perch! Chatters, jigs, Ned rig, small swimbaits, and rattle trap! No bass!  So we decided to hit a trout pond! I really wanted to catch my first golden rainbow trout!  I forget the other name for it!  We fished here for a bit. Tried for bass and trout! We got one golden trout each on chartreuse trout crack! I got 2 bows! 1 super small and another decent size one! My buddy  got a small bow!  Super pumped to catch a golden rainbow! Very happy!  We grabbed lunch! Then hit another pond for bass. I got a dink right off the bat on a spinner bait! My buddy got 2 dinks on a shell cracker.  Went for a night mission got skunked! 

Got out today on the yak to one of my favorites! 3 small 2lbs smallies! Lost a big fish! All on tubes fished along drop offs to spawning flats. Fished slow, they would pick it up off the bottom! Missed a few good fish! Tough bite!

Very happy to catch 2 new species. Cross these off the bucket list!  Now if the bass could start biting for me that would great 


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Put in a lot of time this weekend but unfortunately not much to show for it. After Quinsig on Saturday we decided to hit Whitehall on Sunday. There was a tournament going on when we launched so the lake was crowded. Started on the northern windblown shore outside of some coves we had seen them near the previous week. Hoping they might still be on those outside weed lines, before heading into the spawning areas. I think we were in the right area, but the size just wasn't there. Spent well over an hour in that area and had to downsize to some finesse underspins and reel quite slow to get bit, and the ones we did catch were dinks. Tiny pickerel as well but the fish wouldn't so much as look at a spinnerbait when I tried to upsize my presentation for some bigger fish. Did see a dead (?) bass on the bottom in that area that was probably nearing 5lbs. Sad to see. We moved around to try and find some size but not even a nibble anywhere else. Water temps were in the low to mid 50's. 


Went out from shore today at A1 with the swimbaits hoping for a little redemption. The levy there is almost always windblown and there are a couple spots along it I always seem to have a little interest. Tried a shellcracker and slammer for the most part. Tried slow waking it, fast waking it, adding pauses...nothing. Thinking they might not want it on top with all the waves I tried cranking them down but still nothing. My thumb slipped on the spool during a cast with the slammer and my spool blew up. Luck would have it the current going into the spillway today was quite strong. By the time I realized that my slammer had taken a plunge into the spillway. I was able to climb on top and get it out but that could have been bad lol. Had to trash about 1/3 of the spool of line but it was still enough to fish so I kept at it. Fished for about 2 hours in total....no even a sniff. 


Overall kind of a demotivating weekend. Has me feeling a bit clueless. One thing I wish I had tried was some worms. What are your guys' strategies for worm fishing this time of year? Straight tails and dropshotting mostly? 


Fished Webster from noon to six on Saturday afternoon.  Thought I was going to have another hot afternoon with the jerkbait but that didn’t wind up being the case.


Rain and clouds in the morning cleared and gave way to high bright sun and a light southwest breeze.  Air temps got over 70 between 2-3pm, I’ll take it!  


I didnt have a game plan other than to look shallow, and in hindsight my lack of strategy cost us.  We junk power fished chucking spinnerbaits, crankbaits and jerkbaits in 4-12 feet of water and after a few hours had nothing but trout, yellow perch and pickerel to show for it.  Day was salvaged in one 45 minute period in the late afternoon where I caught 3 largemouth and 3 good sized pickerel all from the same area and all on the same jerkbait.  I was rapidly gaining confidence thinking I’d be able to squeak out a limit after all, but the weather had other ideas. The sun went behind some upper atmosphere clouds and my jerkbait bite completely died.  I stuck with it for another 1.5 hours or so, mostly still chucking the jerkbait trying to force them to react but they weren’t having it.  


Two of the bass were 12-13” dinks and the other was a decent bass at around 2.5lbs perhaps.  Wasn’t what I had hoped to accomplish going into the day, but with a late start and no strategy going in I guess I can’t complain.  True milti species day (yellow perch, white perch, pickerel, rainbow trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass) in some beautiful early spring weather.


Water temps varied throughout the day and by location, saw as low as 47 and as high as 51.




I need to get back to using my electronics to properly break down a lake, find bait, figure out where the game fish are holding and plan my attack.  Lately I’ve been really trying to force reaction strikes while power fishing up shallow... it’s a lot of fun when it’s working, and has kept me from getting skunked so far this year, but some days it’s just not the answer.  I need to spend more time graphing to put some more pieces of the puzzle together, but I feel bad doing that when I’ve got a buddy fishing with me like I have in recent trips. I’ve hardly done any finesse fishing, which is one of my major strengths, so that needs to change.  Hoping I can make it all come together over the next few weekends.

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The weather was too nice to stay home and do house stuff so I dropped into Canton Reservior for a little while ...


I picked up one 1-11 LMB and a cute little yellow perch on a 'new money' Ned rig and three picks on various square bills and crank baits.  Water temps were 56.x - 57.x with a slight breeze that started from the south and changed to the east by the time I left.


There wasn't much for new weed growth, but it's coming ....


Wet and windy weather moving in for the weekend... anyone plan to brave the elements?


I’ll be out at Long Pond Harwich for our annual Easter Bunny Open tournament on Saturday. Forecast calls for an inch of rain, 25mph sustained winds with gusts to 40mph.  Bring it on Mother Nature!  

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I'll be down the Cape with the wife this weekend, but no fishing.


I’m going after work Thursday and Friday! I think these fronts will get the bass active 

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2 hours ago, Janderson45 said:

Wet and windy weather moving in for the weekend... anyone plan to brave the elements?

I'll probably get out one day at least, but that forecast is certainly rough. 


Had some time this afternoon so got out from shore for an hour at A1 again. Not a sniff. Bluegill were getting VERY active though. Surprised I couldn't get any takers on a shellcracker. 


It's getting personal now...

12 hours ago, Janderson45 said:

Wet and windy weather moving in for the weekend... anyone plan to brave the elements?


I’ll be out at Long Pond Harwich for our annual Easter Bunny Open tournament on Saturday. Forecast calls for an inch of rain, 25mph sustained winds with gusts to 40mph.  Bring it on Mother Nature!  

I'll see you at registration bud!

storm storming GIF

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Got out for a quick night session from the bank. Finally caught something lol. A modest 3.1lb fish but right now that's still my second biggest this year. Got it on a 9" slammer. The wind was killer and that was about the only thing I could cast lol. Got the fish cranking down the slammer just below the waves. 

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