I think it was in the mid 1980s, when I first saw a plastic worm with glitter added. The first ones I saw were a medium blue color, with shiny glitter added to the mix. The tackle shop where I bought them called them " electric blue". Until then, the only plastic baits I had used were standard colors, worms in black, grape, purple, and blue shades. I was skeptical of these " electric" worms, and remember thinking they probably wouldn't work very well. Of course, that was wrong. They were a hot item, and sold very fast. One shop sold them out of shoe boxes, at .25 cents per worm. Guys would come in and buy handfuls, and talk about catching scores of fish with them. All this talk only fed the demand, and soon after came purple, grapes, greens, and other colors, with shiny glitter added. I'm not sure what company first sold the glitter plastic baits, and, they had probably been around before I first tried them. I've had good luck with them over the years, especially in grape and purple shades. Now of course we have glitter, " electric," plastic baits in every color under the sun. But when they first hit the shops here in Mo, they were a hot item for bass fisherman. Do you remember your first glitter plastic baits?