Looking to enter the friends of fishing winter rebellion lake michigan fishing tournament this weekend with a couple friends. Ive never caught salmon or steelhead and have a few questions.
I plan on bringing 3 rod and reel combos. 2x 7' MH slip bobber rigs and one long steelhead rod i plan to buy at the local baitshop in michigan city. The bait shop said to use 10 lb mono with an 8 lb fluoro leader on the long pole but should i do the same on my 7' bobber rigs or go a little heavier?
Also, about the leaders...a 2 or 3' leader attached via a swivel, or should i use a double uni knot to attach a longer (25') fluoro leader to the swivel?
Also, what hook size and baits and lures?
Thanks in advance for your help!