I have been cleaning & lubing my casting reels for several days. All have stock bearings. All the reels are Shimano's & are on 6 1/2 & 7 ft. custom rods built on Shikari blanks which are fast action & very on line weight from 8-15 to 12 to 20 on the 6 1/2 rods with lure weights from 3/16 to 3/8 oz. Those reels are Chronarch D, Curado-7e, Antras-AR, Metanium MGL & MG 7, Scorpion 1001, Mg 1001, 71 XG, DC 101 (having a problem setting that one up). Line used on these reels is Flor (shooter) or Copoly (Gamma or Yo-Zuri). Now the 7 FT. ones. Again all blanks are Shikari which are fast action which vary on line weight from 10 to 17 to 15 t0 30 with lure weights from 1/4 to 2 oz. (max weight used was 3/4 oz). The reels on these reels are, Antras AR, DC & DC-7, Calais DC, 201-A 201-5, 71 XG, Chronarch D 101. Line used was the same. Yesterday I took 29 set-ups to the pier to see if I put the reels back together right & check casting distance. The supports for the pier are 8 ft. on center & I was to the side on the bulkhead about a foot or two back from the 1st support. My distance was 70+ to 85+. Except for the Scorpion DC, the directions are Japanese & I have not figured out how to set the line I am using. I am going to town tomorrow with reel & directions to a Chinese restaurant that I go to often, They have a Japanese cook That helped me with the Antras DC's. I hope I gave you a nuff info to give me your thoughts on the distance. Thank you very much, sorry for the long post.