Well, the geese have finally thinned out, ( remember my post on them awhile back?) So I'm on my dock the other evening at dusk and see an animal approach the lake on the other side.I think its a racoon but then it jumps in the water and swims out parallel to me .It was too dark to tell but it was either a otter or nutria.I can tell the difference if I get a good look at them.So I go out this morning and he's out there again.But he immediately went under and didn't come back up while I watched.I hope its not an otter because I had a big one clean out all my catfish a few years ago and now the fingerling cats have grown up and I'm getting nice ones again.Nutrias are bad enough.They've eaten 3 feet of my lake bank where my boat ramp is.Have trapped some of them but there seems to be an endless supply.Time to get my 22 fixed and get a new scope.!!!