On vacation one summer I was browsing a antique shop and seen my French D.A.M. Quick Spinning Reels from the early '70's for sale there. I was still using this stuff off and on. It's still in new condition.
I browse for old fishing lures too not the really expensive ones but the old ones that catch my eye that
are affordable and unique. The ones that no true collector would want. Afterall there still a part of fishing history. I even collect the first plastic lures too. I do not spend lots of money doing this. It's fun while the wife looks at antiques, I look for old fishing stuff. I also have the old baitcasters, with the very old wooden spools of the very old black braided original line too. I have a section for old fishing stuff in my tackle room. I collect the bamboo fly rods and the old telescopic fly rods. I have some of the old
steel baitcaster rods too. I know most of this stuff has no real value but someone has to save it from the scrap pile. I can't believe they fished with steel fishing rods.
I don't go out of my way looking for it, but I do look at flea markets and tag sales too.
Overall it adds a fun twist to this sport.
What gave me the idea to post this is I been browsing to replace a south bend black
beauty 6' med action rod that I wore out fishing for bass. I bought it new for $16. I found out
It's also collectable too. My fishing stuff I use today is very old too. I have a 5'6" light action south bend rod with chrome eyes that purchased about a decade and a half ago for $3 still brand new. I believe I read it's from the 1960's.
I been using good quality reels and fishing line on the older rods. I guess it's time to upgrade my fishing
rods. I'm not seeing any low priced New rods like I once did. The rods seem to start around $30 and up. Plus the new old stock has dried up.
Does anyone collect the old fishing equipment too? I wish I did it 55 years ago as a youngster.
They do say once you try a bamboo fly rod you won't go back to the new ones. I been gearing up to
fly fish for bass too. I purchased all new affordable fly rods and reels so I could learn it.