I've had difficulty with swimming a toad on top because it almost always flips upside down on the retrieve. I've tried every soft-plastic toad/frog. I think the rage toad makes the most commotion and I'll use it if I need a lot of action. I think the zoom horny toad has the least amount of commotion and use it accordingly. My favorite has to be the Stanley Ribbit regular size toad - not too much noise, not too little. I throw it on a 7ft MHF 7.1-1 with 50lb braid. I use screw-in hooks in either 5/0 or 6/0. I think the hooks with a little lead weight in front (on the nose not the shank) help me the most to keep it keel down, but I still have this problem. I've even tried the ones that have a double hook. Haven't caught any monsters, any advice?