Hey guys, I haven’t been on here in a few months but have been back lurking around this week, so many of you don’t know me. Anyways, over the last few months I’ve realized a valueable lesson about life and fishing that I felt the need to share. I learned that time is an extremely valuable thing... especially when it comes to time that we have to go fishing. I know this is a cliché saying but many people do not realize the truth in this statement until life hits and they can’t do the thing they love as much as they used to anymore. Back in high school I used to fish tournaments every weekend, fish every break, and every other time I had a chance. Normally about three to four days a week. I gruaduated in last may and decided to join the army and start college around the same time. (Not a great idea there’s no extra minutes in life). Long story short last weekend was the first time I’ve been fishing since I graduated. I remember being mad if I didn’t have more than four hours to fish and wouldn’t go. Now I’m just thankful to be back on the water at least for a few hours a week. You can bet that even if I only have one hour I’m going to take it now. I guess the moral of my story is no matter how old you are, don’t take the time you have to chase these little green fish for granted. I’m just glad I learned at 19 instead of 49 and had regrets looking back.