So I jumped to the dark side and got a tat sv. Very smooth reel but I know something is set up wrong after seeing many people post how well this thing casts. I set it up like I would any other bait caster. Find where the bait falls and hits the water but don't back lash then back everything off slowly from cast to cast to find the perfect spot I just can't seem to find it. I know it's got to be me because of all the rave these things get. I bought it for skipping jigs but want to try thw 8.1.1 ratio for jerks. I just can't get the distance like I do with a lews. I havnt given up on the reel I really want to like it it feels good in the hand and skips jigs nicely I just think I'm not doin something right. Anyone have any advice for this thing. I know to tighten the spool tension down to where there is no play in the spool then back it up maybe a quarter turn to get a little wiggle. Maybe I need more wiggle then what I have it could it be something else. Or is it just that these reels aren't as great as every one claims them to be