I'm a huge fan of braided line. I like the confidence of knowing that very rarely do I ever lose a fish when I'm using it, in fact, I can't remember the last time I lost a fish due to line problems (weak hooksets are another topic )
I've been experimenting with various braids on my baitcast and spinning setups.
By far the best braid I've used for my spinning setup has been Power Pro Slick 8. I use the 15lb (4lb eq) version, and the small diameter lets me cast lures as far, if not further, than the flourocarbon P-Line I had on before. I love the stuff.
Usually I use Sufix 832 50lb on my baitcast, and I love the stuff. It's manageable and seems like the kind of line you like to spool then forget about since I've never had any issues whatsoever, and unless you get a bad batch, you won't either.
However, the adventurous side of my personality got the best of me and logic said that my casting abilities on my baitcaster might benefit from the same advantages my spinning rig does when I use Slick 8.
Boy was I wrong. Let me get this straight, I didn't lose any fish, and really when it boils down to the true test of a line it's making sure our fish are landed, however the problem was right after I let the fish lose.
Slick 8 is VERY slick stuff, which makes it great for spinning rods, but it's slick nature caused insane line dig. I was able to pick the first dig out, but the second was so deep I had to cut the line off the spool, and I promptly re-spooled tonight with Sufix.
My best educated guess would be that the slick-ness of the Slick 8 allows it to just dive right in. Please understand these weren't 8lb hawgs or anything, they were less than 2lbs and I didn't try to just haul em' in. I let them play a bit. Under every other circumstance with line, I've never had a problem, flouro, mono, Sufix, etc....nothing has ever given me this much line dig.
Just to be clear, I'm not hacking on Power Pro Slick 8, there's no way I'd use anything else on my spinning rod, what I'm saying is just that I think it's a risky choice for a baitcaster.
What are your thoughts? Anyone ever had the same thing happen?