Hi everyone.
Been doing some kayak fishing trips with a few buddies recently and borrowing a kayak. I'm borrowing a Emotion Angler 11 sit-on-top. While I'm gracious my buddy lets me use his spare, it doesn't track at all and wears me out as I have to constantly be paddling. This also limits my fishing time as it's always going into spins as we drift. Short story long, I"m looking to invest in one of my own.
Almost all of our trips are on small rivers that can get very shallow in spots, so the kayak has to be agile and buoyant with my 230lb 6'4" body plus gear (cooler, tackle, tent, spare clothes). We do long day trips that may cover 12-15 miles over a 10 hour day. The current kayak I'm using is killing me.
I'd love to say I have $1200 to throw down on a kayak, but that would be a big stretch. I am a believer in buy once, cry once, so based on recommendations, I may have to wait to purchase something. I wish I could get out more, but I'd estimate 6 times this summer would probably be a stretch, just due to time.
I've been on ACK but not sure what can fill all my needs for capacity, weight, comfort and maneuverability in shallow/windy rivers.
Thanks for your assistance.