My year of fishing has come to a close. I didn't get out as much as years past but when I did I had some great fishing trips. Back in October my partner and myself won a tournament I had always wanted to win. We have several trails here in GA that fish smaller lakes less then 3500 acres and all those trails are invited to send the highest finishing teams to a small water State Championship called the JBAIT. I only fished a few tournaments this year and my partner did most of the work to qualify for the JBAIT. A the start of the tournament we had no fish after an hour of fishing and neither of use had fished the lake more then a few times. So I start talking about throwing swimbaits and just going for broke since we were on a herring lake and I had plenty of experience on herring type lakes throwing swimbaits and we couldn't do any worse then what we were. Well I pick up my swimbait rod and get a big fish to strike on my first cast with it on a point. I hand my partner Chris a swimbait rod and tell him if we get five bites like this one it will not even be close at the end of the day. Well, we got 20+ bites and weigh in around 21 lbs to a second place weight around 11lbs.
So, I was really wanting to get back down there after the tournament because I didn't really know the lake at all but we still had a good day during the tournament just because the fish were on a swimbait bite and I picked up on it pretty quick being as thats what I fish most of the time. So I went back a few weeks later and had a best five over 28lbs and caught around 25 fish.
So the next time I went a put a camera up in the boat but went after a cold front had passed just to try it under tough conditions. Still caught a lot of fish and had probably two limits over twenty pounds. This is on the video I am posting so you can see for yourself.
Went back the next week after the water temp had dropped a bunch in a weeks time and the bite was tougher even though it was a warm day but they were still eating the swimbait. This is day two on the video.
Went back a couple times after that and they were still hitting the swimbaits. Anyway here is the video of two of the days I was down there fishing. No real huge fish and it was really some tough fishing but alot of fun since you could see most of the strikes and had a lot of fish follow the bait a long way before they hit.