I bought my first boat several weeks ago. It's an Xpress SV16 with a Yamaha 50 hp 2 stroke.
The generous former owner left me with about 6 gallons in the 18 gallon tank. so this morning I went to "feed the baby" some non ethenol goodness but as soon as I pulled the lever on the gas pump, it spewed back out at me. Now knowing a little bit about basic physics tells me that the air has to escape to allow gas in the tank.
The motor is a 2 stroke 50hp Yamaha so there are several hoses going into the tank.
There is a big hose about the diameter of a golf ball from the filler hole,
a smaller hose attached to what looks like an oil filter which then goes to a primer bulb,
and another smaller hose that runs towards the filler cap as well. Not sure which one is the vent. Has anyone else had this problem? Maybe a picture would be better.