Alligator Alley MM30 North side
Saturday 8/12/17
Partly cloudy
water-light stain
water level at full pool
W/T 84.5*
Light wind
no current
Went to the alley with Steve Johnson this morning. We put in at the north ramp and ran east to the cuts on the north side. This is usually a consistent producing area, but not today. We fished the area for three hours without even one bite. We moved west to the deep hole closer to the ramp area. Just before leaving, a 2 pound suicidal bass decided to take the bait. We were both shocked. We threw hollow body frogs, senkos, u-vibes, and jig and craw with no effect. We fished thick cover, deep, slow, and fast. We went big with worms, down sized, and fished a variety of colors. Nothing had any effect on the bite. There was only one other boat in the area, and he said it stunk. Water is at the top of the ramps, and no sign of dropping any time soon. The glades will be a struggle for quite some time. That's fishing for you! Sometimes your the windshield, and sometimes your the bug!!!!!!!