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Found 12 results

  1. I'm up in the Twin Cities, looking for spring largemouth on natural lakes. How important is it to find weeds when investigating potential spawning flats and bays? I know that harder bottom is important at all times but it's never been clear to me how much bass prioritize proximity to cover when they spawn. Thanks for any feedback.
  2. When chasing LMB in large weedy natural lakes with tons of structure across all depth zones, are there any 'old reliable' rules of thumb that can help differentiate good breaklines (depth) from excellent breaklines from incredible breaklines? I've wondered about correlating water clarity to depth (perhaps adding some consideration of weather?) or maybe a specific size of drop from/to certain depths but haven't come up with anything good enough to qualify as a ROT. Any suggestions? Rick
  3. Hey guys, my family owns a cottage on a small lake. The dam on the lake broke during hurricane sandy, but now that it is filled in again with a new dam, I'd like to put some cover in to help promote fish growth and spawning success and so on... you get it. I know that the time to do it would have been when it was high and dry, but I couldn't find a time to do it. I'm Thinking of making some concrete and PVC "xmas trees" and sinking them in various places, but I'd like some input as to where those places should be. Also, I've thought about putting down some sort of pea gravel in places... would this make a good spawning spot? Any suggestions are welcome, Thanks! I've included two pictures below.. one of the lake with no water and one with it full, although the name is blanked out... for obvious reasons
  4. Not sure if it's been posted but here's a great pix of what we are always looking for on sonar. Looks like the outside bend has the usual worn rocks with inside bend collecting debris.
  5. Just curious what everyone thinks about using marker buoys vs GPS or using them in conjunction. I know I like to use the gps to get me in the area but like the visual reference of the marker on the structure I am fishing. I painted my buoys black and green to reduce the visibility and attraction of other fishemen. What are your thoughts?
  6. My neighbor has a small pond around 2-3 acres and I have recently started to fish in this pond. Lately I have been fishing for around 2 hours and only catching one bass. The pond has low visibility. I can only see around 1 foot on the bank. To fish, I use either a dark purple 4" worm or a square billed watermelon colored crankbait. There is no trees or any structure at the bottom that I am aware of although there are trees that shade the outside of the pond during some parts of the day. There are only largemouth bass and small bream. The bottom is lined with leaves making it hard to use crankbaits. On one side of the pond there are a bunch of small rocks that line the edge but still can't catch much there. I am aware that bass like weed beds and drop offs but I do not know how to find them. Would anybody recommend anything to maximize the fish caught?
  7. Hi! The topic covers my question. In the end I'm sure you'll tell me that cover on structure is the real money. But from my experience last summer on a lake I frequently fish, cover seemed to be the most important thing. There's a rather large bed of healthy weeds sitting on a slowly sloping bank between 8' and 15' of water that was always stacked with fish, yet there's nothing interesting in the structure at this point. Where as I found other areas with points, drop offs, ledges that would hold fish on occasion but were not as consistent. Is it just because the first weedbed I mentioned is likely home to many bass where as the structural areas are more likely routes the bass use to go from one area to another? I feel more confident that I'll find fish in an area with cover but little structure than if I find structure that has no cover.
  8. Hello, so I've came across a structure map of this lake. I won't try to hide anything since the map is open to the public. I was wondering if any of you could help me on where to fish on this map, without actually seeing the lake. I would like to know if you could give me, what you would think are good prespawn, spawn, postspawn, summer, and fall spots. I'm a little new to the game, being 15, we have finally got a boat "haha." The lake is 899 acres, so it is quite large. I'm not to sure about where to go, but if you look at the map, if you go up to the right of the launch, its mostly "deepwater" structure, will that be good in the summer? I am trusting this forum and the people on it to be good genuine help, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks, Zach Link-----http://fishandboat.com/water/habitat/mgmt_plans/lake/quemahoning.pdf ^Also ignore the statement that says, "proposed structure" I'm pretty sure they put it in If it would be easier to respond with help, my email is fe3tper2nd@aol.com
  9. Hello, alright I have a "problem." I'm new to bass fishing off of a boat. Since we have just purchased one, and have not been able to get out on the water yet. My question, is that I have been looking around at videos, articles, and what not. Telling me where to fish through prespawn through fall. A lot of these that I have heard, tell you to go in like the back creeks/break offs from the main lake, like during prespawn and whatnot. Where do I go if the lake is manmade? There are like little "inlets" on the lake, but I'm not grasping the concept. In prespawn you look for like the dropoff to the spawn flats, i think. Of course in spawn you look for flats and what not. Summer is more deepwater structure and whatnot. So what should I do? Where should i fish in-- -Prespawn -Spawn -Post -Summer -Fall I would greatly appreciate the help! Thanks, Zach
  10. Hello, so we have finally got a boat after all this time, fishing from shore on this lake. Since i'm new to this, it would be great help if someone could examine this map and by what the map says tell me what would be the best places in pre-spawn, spawn, post, summer, fall. Im not planing on fishing in winter. But by what you see on this, could you try to be detailed/specific on the best places for largemouth during those times of the season, etc. There is one part of the lake that is weedchoked, (you will see on map.) If it is possible with our boat to get back in thicker weeds, what should i fish with? If it would be easier to help through email, i will reply with my email username, and we can go from there. I would greatly appreciate the help, because i like to catch fish "haha!" Thanks, Zach I Had the pdf file attached but too many people downloaded it, with no help. So if you would truly want to help, just ask for the file. I will post briefly or find someway to do it
  11. Hey guys, I am looking to start fishing more deep water structure. The only issue is that I don't have any electronics. All I have is a topo map of the lake I fish that i found online, but it isn't very detailed (3 ft increments). I have had a few ideas as to how to find and fish deep structure: 1. Drag a C-Rig along steep drops or other intereseting features on topo map, find some cover this way, then fish it with a jig, drop shot, or something else. 2. Fish the drops with a rattletrap, spinnerbait, or crank bait. Once active fish are found, dissect the area with a jig or something else. How do these sound to you guys? Any better suggestions or ideas? Thanks in advance! Brian
  12. Here is my dilema. I have been fishing Pond 1 at Fort Stewart, GA for a couple years now and have been unsuccessful at bringing up a fish over 4lbs. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but it's definately not working. I have beat the banks with everything and although I catch quanity I don't catch quality. It's not that there aren't quality fish in there, because there are. Look at Fort Stewart's fishing pictures if you don't believe me. Here's the setup. In the back of the lake is a shallow flat where I have caught a few pound to 2 pound fish but not as many as I catch in the front of the lakes. Mostly I catch the fish on a fluke near the grass beds, however I have caught them on everything else. There is hardly any deep water structure. There are a few tree's thrown in the water but they don't produce that many fish for some reason. When I throw a crankbait and try to make contact with the bottow of the lake it gets filled with slimy moss that kills the action on my crankbait. I am not sure how to approach this lake in regards to finding big fish. Any Ideas? I will attach a picture of the lakes layout.
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