Hit Newport News Park (Lee Hall Reservoir) today for a very short jaunt. I liked the weather conditions so wanted to hit a couple spots close to the boat launch that produced for me.
I also wanted to try a Cotton Cordell red spot lipless crank. I haven't caught anything on a lipless in a couple years, so why not.
Threw it on a 6' M rod paired with my Daiwa Lexa.
On one cast my Lexa went wonky, got grindy in the gears, but still reeled, so I kept casting. On the second cast I hit was seemed a log, but then it moved.
And kept moving, pulling my and my kayak, stripping line for about 75 yards before I saw a white body boil up. Until this time I thought I foul hooked a nice largie, but now I thought I might have a huge catfish.
I never once thought it could be a striper, they don't stock them here.
Anyhow, it finally revealed itself at an estimated 100 yards from where we started. It didn't even fit in my net.
Weighed an even 14lbs on my spring scale. The digital scale got wet and wouldn't work.