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Found 4 results

  1. Is there a rod size/ action/ power that would work well for both trout and crappie? I mostly fish for bass and would like to add just one rod that could be used for crappie and trout- is that possible? Price would be under $100 for rod and reel. I would be fishing mostly in ponds but would want to try streams for trout. Thanks guys!
  2. Hey guys, live about 5 miles from Logan Martin, and I enjoy fishing that body of water but as a Kayak fisherman I am also on the lookout for small bodies of water to fish. Any recommendations on some small bodies of water an hour or so away would be greatly appreciated. I don't mind doing a bit of trekking and portaging to get to a spot especially if it is a spot that is vacant of power boats and PWC's....not that I have an issue with that at all, just when my yak has a 1hp motor (me) calm water is fast water Also any tips on getting permission to fish small ponds I may find on google maps etc... I want to always be the guy that does the right thing and not assume its ok and trespass on someones private lake. Cheers!
  3. I live about 20 minutes outside of kansas city on the missouri side and i have some local places that i do rather well at, however i would like to expand my fishing area and fish new places in the KC area. If you have any good streams, rivers, ponds, or lakes please let me know!!!
  4. Yesterday I encountered a bit of heartache and hassle. Here in Pa of course we have trout permits. We also have special delayed harvest streams that regulate the type of baits used, basically nothing alive. Well, I decided to hit up one of these streams yesterday for smallmouth. It's underneathe a man made lake and the bass have intergrated into this small stream along with the trout the state stocks every year. Well, I went down to this stream, parked, grabbed my rod and took off into the woods. Well I met a very nice F&G officer along the way who decided to question me and check my license. He informed me that even though I was intentionally using bait designed to catch smallmouth, which he confirmed are in fact in that stream and are decent sized, I wasn't allowed to even be there without a trout permit because of the regulations. He didn't ticket me or cite me but I had to leave and go back to the river. He told me I could go add the trout stamp to my lincese and come back but I refuse to pay the fee, granted it's only $8, I don't feel it's fair to make me get a stamp for trout when I have no intention of ever fishing for them just because of some regulation on a stream that has reportedly decent smallie fishing. I'm going to end up writing a letter to the state protesting this regulation. Why do I, a game fisherman, get punished for not buying into trout stocking. Anybody else here ever run into a situation or issue like this? What are people's thoughts? Is it fair?
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