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Found 5 results

  1. So this my story of an First close encounter of my biggest Largemouth i caught. I decided to write this short story for my High School short story project because i ran out of ideas:( So here it is. Relax,Get cozy and Picture the story in your head as you read. It was a nice day to fish. There was the sun out in the blue skies and clear skies over the horizon. It was a busy Sunday at the park, but there was no people fishing. There were a bunch of people walking, biking or jogging at the park instead. So I started fishing and for about three to four hours I had no luck at all. I walked around the whole lake to trying to catch a fish, but still no luck. The only fish I could see was little fish, big as a Sunflower seed, I wasn't looking for that kind of fish. So I basically spent precious three to four hours just circling the whole lake like a headless chicken,For now. The sun was slowly going down the horizon along with the clouds. The whole lake was orange from the sun. I was all sweaty and tired from wandering around the whole pond with no results. I was going to call it a day and go to my home and maybe try again tomorrow?. Still Ii decided to give a another shot. So I used my last strength to fish. First cast, I felt a huge thump which I thought it was a snag. I got disappointed but Ii noticed heavy vibrations on my rod and the line was moving. So I decided to reel it in. I first thought it was a catfish, but slowly the unknown fish got closer to the shore, I saw something in the orange lake water. It was an emerald gleam in the water, A very big gleam. The fish decided to surface and the mystery thing was revealed. It was the largest fish Ii will ever catch in my life, Ever. It was a monster bass. A real monster bass. The bass seemed like it had a giant meal judging by its round belly. It’s mouth was like a bucket. The fish had scars, bruises, and a tattered tail. It seems like the fish went through a lot of stuff. I decided to weigh in the fish and I was totally blown. The scale read 5.6 LBS. A passerby, who was driving by, saw my catch stopped by me. He got out of his car and said “Did you catch that !?” I replied with, “Yes, I just did.” He looked completely blown away, seeing a fish that big. I asked the man for a quick photo and without hesitation he said yes. After a few quick photos I released the trophy back to the lake. I saw the trophy swim towards the sunshine and I never saw that fish again. Ever again. I hope you enjoyed the story. Feel free to tell your opinions or thoughts. Thank you
  2. We've all got a story, let's hear them. Mine was about 3 years ago. it was a typical saturday and i was at my favorite spot. i'd seen the dark figure of a huge fish several times that morning, but no luck getting a strike. i made a long cast, cranked the reel handle a few times and suddenly the lure stopped. i assumed it was hung up, so i raised my rod tip high and pulled back hard, hoping to free it. then i saw it, that dark shadow at the end of my line rising slowly. i managed to see the top fin break the surface, then a twitch of the head snapped my line. since that day i've been obsessed with the thought of landing that fish.
  3. We all have them, some true, some slightly exaggerated (now I now it is a hard idea to accept that anglers could lie, but I have slowly come to expect that we fisherman sometimes, albeit rarely, blow stories out of proportions.) So post any you've had or heard, be they true or lies. Mine occured when I had started fishing for crappie and baby bass. A small bass bit and as I was reeling him in, I could see him flare, and what I figured to be a log, suddenly darted and my rod bent double. The spines on the baby had caught in his throat I suppose. Just as I lifted him out of the water, I forgot that I was using 4 pound test, and I heard the most sickening sound an angler can hear. TWANG! She fell back to her world, never to be caught be me again. Sigh.
  4. Okay this is getting kind of annoying! I was walking with my lovely wife at a park when we passed a fisherman throwing a jerkbait. So trying to be nice I ask "how's the fishing". The guy lights up and replies "it's amazing, I just caught a 5 lber". I said "wow, that's a good fish". To my amazement he asked if I wanted to see it. I was a little confused but agreed. The man walked over to his hidden stringer and pulled up a bass that was a little over 2 lbs. My wife started to say something and I gave her the look. I congratulate the guy and walked away using every bit of self control not to call him out. I explain to my wife, sometimes it's just better to walk away and just let him have his moment. Where I work there is a little honey hole a bunch of people fish during lunch. We have a little intranet web page where pictures and stories are shared. One day all the people in the office were asking me if I saw the picture of the guy who caught the 8 pounder. Everyone in my office knows I fish everyday during lunch so they ask if I have ever caught one there that big. I say no, my biggest is 7.2. It is possible to catch that quality of fish there so I went to check it out. I was in true disbelieve when I saw a guy holding a 4 lbs fish. I guess what I am getting at is if it is the biggest fish you ever caught don't show your ignorance and guess how much it weighs. Maybe not a big deal to some people but to others it's annoying. Am I alone here? Am I looking at this all wrong? what is your experiences with this? Jay
  5. I love to hear a good fish story. But not just any story; one that is moving in ways that us fishermen know, yet can't seem to describe. Those that make you want to go down to the lake in the early morning summer mist and make a cast to those beautiful shadows below that we call bass. Those of the good ol' days, casting a worm with our fathers, and grandfathers. I think we can all agree that these kinds of stories are great, so would anybody like to share some of their own?
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