So this my story of an First close encounter of my biggest Largemouth i caught. I decided to write this short story for my High School short story project because i ran out of ideas:(
So here it is. Relax,Get cozy and Picture the story in your head as you read.
It was a nice day to fish. There was the sun out in the blue skies and clear skies over the horizon. It was a busy Sunday at the park, but there was no people fishing. There were a bunch of people walking, biking or jogging at the park instead. So I started fishing and for about three to four hours I had no luck at all.
I walked around the whole lake to trying to catch a fish, but still no luck. The only fish I could see was little fish, big as a Sunflower seed, I wasn't looking for that kind of fish. So I basically spent precious three to four hours just circling the whole lake like a headless chicken,For now. The sun was slowly going down the horizon along with the clouds. The whole lake was orange from the sun. I was all sweaty and tired from wandering around the whole pond with no results.
I was going to call it a day and go to my home and maybe try again tomorrow?. Still Ii decided to give a another shot. So I used my last strength to fish. First cast, I felt a huge thump which I thought it was a snag. I got disappointed but Ii noticed heavy vibrations on my rod and the line was moving. So I decided to reel it in. I first thought it was a catfish, but slowly the unknown fish got closer to the shore, I saw something in the orange lake water. It was an emerald gleam in the water, A very big gleam.
The fish decided to surface and the mystery thing was revealed. It was the largest fish Ii will ever catch in my life, Ever. It was a monster bass. A real monster bass.
The bass seemed like it had a giant meal judging by its round belly. It’s mouth was like a bucket. The fish had scars, bruises, and a tattered tail. It seems like the fish went through a lot of stuff. I decided to weigh in the fish and I was totally blown. The scale read 5.6 LBS.
A passerby, who was driving by, saw my catch stopped by me. He got out of his car and said “Did you catch that !?” I replied with, “Yes, I just did.” He looked completely blown away, seeing a fish that big. I asked the man for a quick photo and without hesitation he said yes. After a few quick photos I released the trophy back to the lake. I saw the trophy swim towards the sunshine and I never saw that fish again. Ever again.
I hope you enjoyed the story. Feel free to tell your opinions or thoughts. Thank you