Should a brand new spinning reel out of the box spin freely when you turn the handle? By this I mean should you be able to crank the handle firmly and have the reel turn over multiple times, ie more than two or three? I just purchased a new Okuma RTX online and when I took it out of the box, the retrieve, when turning the handle, feels VERY stiff. When I "spin" the handle, it may revolve once, one and a half times max. Is that normal? My shimanos will turn 4 times easy when you crank the handle, with no stiff feeling what so ever.. I am not sure if this is the measure of a reel's smoothness or not. The Okuma RTX (which I read has been compared to the Ci4) I just received feels so much stiffer than my other reels. It is smooth with you turn the handle, ie no grinding, no gear mashing, no negative feedback other than just a firmer starting inertia than my other reels. Just curious if I should send it back under the notion that there is something not right with the reel? I would appreciate any feedback on this topic. Thank you.