I'm taking the family to SML next week, at the state park.
Wondering how the lake is fishing right now. Never fished it as an adult, and never for anything other than bluegill as a wee laddie, so any help would be very welcome. In fact, I've not been to SML since I was like 4, so like 40 years ago.
We'll be kayak fishing, limited arsenal going with us, mostly soft plastics... Suggestions welcome...
I don't plan on long trips into the deeper waters (unless I have to), partly for safety to avoid boat traffic, prefer to stick close® to our site, hitting the shorelines and coves. I realize that limits me, so if any of you know the area around the state park, that'd be cool.
I checked the lake level site and know it's at full pool and rising (not sure how this affects the fishery).
Humble thanks!