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Found 17 results

  1. Heading to Western MD this weekend with the family and should have a couple hours to get some lines wet in the Yough for the first time this year. Weather doesn't look like it's going to be ideal but that's life. I'd likely be fishing near Friendsville, just wading through the river. Any tips for what the fish are doing/biting right now? A few techniques I was considering are a tube, wacky rig, swimbait, and jerkbait. Maybe t-rig a lizard or brush hog or throw the whopper plopper around. Anything you'd remove or prepare for instead? Thanks in advance!
  2. What do y'all think the best bed fishing bait for smallmouth is. This is my first time bed fishing for smallies. I plan on using a 6'10" medium light spinning rod with a Daiwa BG 2500 spinning reel. ( I fish Northern Wisconsin).
  3. I was looking at places that I can get the lews tournament pro speed spool lfs and saw that amazon has it on for about $50 less then bass pro. does anyone have experience purchasing reels of of amazon and if so how good of shape were they in I've heard of people ordering new reels and getting old beat up ones. your input would be very much appreciated.
  4. (1) Greetings BR members! I've been looking to get after some smallies this summer on the Upper Potomac. I've had success at Riverbend Park and Goose Creek in years past, but I'm looking for spots that I can reach easier by bike from Arlington. The Ohio C&O Canal Towpath would be my route of choice to get upriver, so spots on the Maryland side are preferred (not asking for your honey holes, just general locations ideal for shore/wade fishing). I'm sort of a newbie to bass casting for SM in a river, so I may need some technical guidance and info on specific areas / structure to target. Beyond weedless tubes, it would also be helpful to get some insight as to what bait/profile/size is best for this river. (2) If anyone would like to fish with me, I've been looking for a fishing buddy! Unfortunately, I don't have a boat or consistent access to a car, but I can ride my bike a good long way to reach the fishing grounds. I can also comp for gas or other expenses. PM if interested. All advice and responses are welcome. Tight Lines!
  5. I’m planning to fish the Susky this weekend anywhere between Hoover Island boat ramp down to Marysville including the Juniata. Any updates on the river conditions and how the fishing has been overall, lures used, times etc would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Anybody know of any good spots for smallies around Ann Arbor/ saline Michigan? Preferably creeks and bank accessible spots.
  7. Hey, everyone. New to the forums. Did a bunch of searches and didn’t find what I was looking for. Anyone have insight into Smallie fishing on Lake Seymour in the Northeast Kingdom? I’ll be up with a group of guys over Memorial Day Weekend and with the spring we’ve had it’s definitely looking like we’ll be hunting for pre-spawn bass. Any tips as to where we may have some luck would be greatly appreciated. I’m familiar with the lake, but haven’t fished it enough to really know their patterns. Thanks!
  8. ...and it's a Bass Resource article: https://www.bassresource.com/fishing/streamers-bass.html?utm_source=SEPnews&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=9417 Works on Largemouth too... That's an 8" fly...hard to see in the pic, but it is...
  9. The Megabass Vision 110 is a great jerkbait. I have had some success with the GG Perch OB in clear water. What are some other colors that produce in clear water? Any input is greatly appreciated!
  10. I'm the hottest days of summer, smallmouth fishing is my life. In southern Wisconsin creeks and rivers have some of the best fishing, especially for Smallmouth. As the temp gets lower, so does the amount of fish. During fall the fishing is non existent. Not sure why other places smallmouth fishing is peaking in the fall, but plummeting for me
  11. Yesterday was a beautiful fall day here as the temp was in the 70's. With the days getting shorter there isn't as much time to fish after work anymore, so traveling half an hour or more to fish a different lake almost isn't worth while. The lake I live on has been on a downward spiral the last few years. The bass fishing there has never been all that great, but it used to be great for northerns and although they're rebounding, it's nowhere near where it was. I've hardly fished out there the past few years, but if you can time it right both in the spring and fall, you can get into a decent population of smallmouth that migrate into and out of the rivers that feed the flowage. Anyway, it was too nice of a day not to fish yesterday, so I headed out for about 2 1/2 hours. I managed to boat 7 smallies. They were stacked up on what wood is in the accessible part of the river. One small tree with hardly any branches on it had 4 fish on it and possibly a 5th as well. Everything I caught was one of two baits. One was a Bomber Long A model B14 and the other was a Rapala Shadow Rap Deep. I kept them moving pretty fast and every one just crushed it. It was a fun night to be on the water. ^ Just a little 15", but he looked so pretty in the sun I couldn't help but take a pic
  12. So this past summer, I spent much time wading in the New River in a part of Virginia, throwing spinner-baits across the wide, deep-ish areas of the river. One spot I liked in particular. It was a very wide spot in the river, where there were many large rocks in a straight line across the river. It could have been a drop in the river also, I was unable to tell. However, this created current swirls and swings and back-currents on the far back side of these rocks. I caught a few 2-3 pounders on this back area by reeling a large willow bladed spinner-bait along the back-currents and the swirls in the current. I didn't catch many or any big ones but i had a feeling there were more and bigger fish in here. I will go back this upcoming spring and summer and i was wondering if there would be any other baits i could try that wouldn't get carried away by the current first thing and would cover this large area easily and give me a chance to pull in some good smallies. Thanks, and tight lines to everybody.
  13. Good spots to fish for fall smallies?
  14. I'm curious if there are, or you can fish for, smallmouth bass in the Colorado River in western Colorado, near Grand Junction. I've Done every google search under the sun and all I can find is that the Division of Wild Life has been trying to remove Smallmouth bass from this part of the river for years. Which makes it sound like there must be fish, right? I mean really they should be paying me to remove these guys from the river for them! But then I look at Colorado's "Places To Fish" Map and the only species of fish listed to be in the Colorado are channel catfish and common carp. But I know this to be incorrect as I never catch rainbow at a pond which has only rainbow trout listed, and catch some monster largemouth and brown trout. I've come here searching for wisdom and experience, someone please please save me from going insane.
  15. Heading up to Newfound lake in Bristol nh for a Tourney this weekend, anyone fished there lately, or this time of year? kind of at a loss, Winni. Skunked me last weekend couldn't find the smallies this time of year. could anyone recommend some good spots up there?
  16. We don't have Spotts in PA and I recently watched a fishing show that said spotts put up more of a fight then a SMB?(This was in a lake) I have never fished for SMB in anything other than a river and these "river" SMB fight like nothing I have caught before, so whats your opinion do spotts indeed fight harder?
  17. I've used floating flies for smallies at Lake Havasu only during winter and pre spawn and wondered what kind of luck other anglers had during other times of the year?
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