Last night I was watching the MLF episode that was on Saturday that had the winners from Grand Rapids Minnesota and what they did and used to win their event they were in. Andy Montgomery was on and he was explaining where and what he was pitching. What he did next blew my mind! He came up to a pontoon he said he was about 30-40 feet away he skipped his jig between the outboard and one of the toons! I'd guess maybe an 18" gap if that. On top of that the jig skipped to the front of the pontoon! You figure in the fact that he's 30-40 feet away and he margin for error is extremely small!
Some maybe a lot of you can do this and aren't impressed, and I imagine most of the pros can do this. I'd call myself a novice angler and I'm fairly accurate with my caster, and I can skip with spinning gear but nothing like that. I've never tried to skip with a caster and if I tried something like that I'd probably hit the plastic motor cover, crack it, and walk with my tail between my legs up to the owners house in shame. These guys and those of you that can do this blow my mind. Just figured I'd share that!