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Found 2 results

  1. Hey all, Anyone have any recommendations for an awesome video series idea I came up with for this summer? I mean how to format the videos, and the gear I need. I've always been obsessed with catching the nastiest, biggest, toothiest fish out there, and I've also always been obsessed with extreme new ways of fishing. So, my goal for the summer is to find a guide who's willing to take me out to use handlines to catch big stingrays, barracudas, groupers, and of course, sharks. So, let's hear some ideas!
  2. Shark week, the week of discovery channels most views has now ended. In the past, for me at least, he end of SW was a time heralding a boundlessly distraught mood. This is the forum for those who must cope, who must criticise, and who must praise shark week, what have you to say about this years exibition. The lack of tears for myself, is due to, in my opinion, the shameful decline of discovery channel from the crocodille hunter, curiosity, wild russia, and extreme engineering to swamp loggers, deadliest catch, finding bigfoot, and Amish mafia. Where once the channel stood as a Titan of entertaining education, it now hemmorages loyal viewers in favor of short term ratings. I reached my peak of rage inducing frustration after watching numerous hours of shark attack shows, and finally, in anticipation had the chance to see a scientifically relevant documentary, and instead watched with gritted teeth a misnomer filled mockumentary called megalodon the monster lives. It features a paid actor who is called a marine biologist, but with little research needed was found to simply be an actor, along with all the other scientists he worked with. It starts with a clip of a boat sinking that has been found by no one else on the internet. This is presumed to be caused by the 60 foot megalodon. The movie then shows photographed evidence, all of which has been examined before and found to be fake, citing it as credible evidence. They cite a carbon dated tooth from 10000 years ago, megaladon is believed to have gone extinct 1.5 million years ago. The only problem with this is that it was never carbon dated, but rather dating using manganese deposits, a method heralded as being highly inaccurate by scientists. All through the movie it is stated hat megalodon could be alive in the depths if the ocean, despite it having been found that megalodon fed on ancient whales, animals which live/travel near the surface, though occasionally diving for squid, as sperm whales do. Once again there is an inherent flaw in this logic, in that we would find dead/massively wounded whales, when conveniently there is only one picture of such a whale that has been examined to be fake. This is entirely disregarding the fact that megalodon would be horribly adapted to the deep, with teeth made to saw through massive chunks of meat, not grip squids andsmsmall fish that are found in deep. Again this is without mentioning that megalodon's massive size would prevent it from living in an area with such little food. Simply look at any expedition to the deep sea or ask any anger, where is the majority of biomass available, the weedy, coral filled, sun, algae, and plankton fueled shallows, or thousands of feet in the deep where there is precious little food and no light save for bioluminescent organisms. Finally at the end of this atrocity which I could never bring myself to call a documentary, a whales was shown breaching, shooting a plume of air and water many feet into the air, to which everyone on board of the ship points toward the animal with no dorsal fin and shouts shark. In the last 30 seconds, while everyone watching this crap is calling every person they have ever met, screaming at them to never to swim in the ocean, there flashes for 3 seconds a warning that some of his may have been dramatised but there are still sighting of a 30 foot shark known as submarine known as submarine off of he Baja peninsula, which has precious little to do with the rest of this movie. Though there were many good shows this shark week, they had to fight ferociously to climb from looming shadow of the crap filled hole that was megalodon, the monster lives. On he upside there were more documentaries of gw sharks leap in 20 feet in the air with seals in heir mouth. So what have you to say about shark week.
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