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Found 3 results

  1. Last week either Thursday or Friday night, a sticky-fingered little slime ball decided to swipe some stuff from my boat. I had a few combos (including my gf's combo) that I left on the rod ramp I was planning to take out when I got home Thursday, but because I was in a hurry to get to my birthday dinner, I left them in there. When I went out Saturday morning to grab a gopro mount I thought I had left in there I noticed those rods were gone as well as my spare stainless prop that is normally stored in my back compartment which is left open to access my onboard charger's plug. I've lived in the same rural neighborhood virtually all my life and theft has never been an issue here. I was lucky this time since all my tackle and expensive gear didn't get taken, but this definitely has me thinking it's time to beef up security a little which leads me to this post. I was thinking of ordering a T-H Marine 2 way boat alarm or something similar. The ratings for it seem to be all over the board, so I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with them or other types of alarms. If you have one, would you recommend it? I also have seen recommendations for using motorcycle alarms instead and am wondering if anyone else has done that. Also considering purchasing night vision goggles and quitting my job to lay and wait for them to return and see how they like batting practice when they're standing in for the ball....haha just kidding.....maybe....
  2. I am stumped with a pressing issue and I am hoping someone has a suggestion. I have a amassed a healthy amount of fishing gear. This gear is kept at a family cabin. I am looking for a way to lock my stuff up in our shed while I am not there. I am most concerned with my dozen or so rods. After weeks and weeks of searching, I have found nothing to lock-up and store rods and reels. Tackle will be stored in rubbermaid type box with a lock. Any and all suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance for the help! FF
  3. I have suddenly noticed a shift in the descriptive language of lures. More and more, I am seeing phrases like: "a seductive shimmy," "sexy action," "an enticing wiggle," "an attractive color," "tempting vibrations," "irresistible movement," and "provocative presentation." I understand there are some similarities between women and bass, such as often releasing many before finding a few worth keeping, inevitable backlashes in the pursuit of them, the testing of one's patience, often being impossible to work with, and being able to so easily entice a man into obsession, but although I love a skilled conversationalist, I don't find massive mouths, extreme aggression and the ability to eat something 1/3 their body size to be attractive traits in women. Are we undergoing a shift in fishing style? Are we done offering false food items, and instead seeking to seduce bass? If so, we should stop using green pumpkin and bluegill jigs and throw pink voltage lipstick jig heads with a sexy-curvy shad skirt instead. No more baby bass crankbaits, you'd be better off with baby momma bass cranks featuring a sensual shimmy and promiscous wiggle. During the spawn, no more senkos, try instead an Xtra large driftwood on a 5/0 hook with ADT salamander shield security system and bodyguard swim baits to fool bass into believing that your offering might protect their fry from those bluegill ruffians. After all, raising 10,000 fry is so hard for a single male in this economy; what they want isn't food, but security. What about you, what is your experience with this bold new world of bass allurement? I would go on, but it is imperative I start smearing lip gloss om my swimbaits. Ciao
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