I stepped out of the home office for a little bit yesterday to throw a line in the water. Made a quick trip to a small neighborhood pond I like to go to, has a good population of 2-3lb bass, makes for a fun quick getaway.
The fishing had been slow for several weeks, but yesterday I killed it because of a phenomenon I've never seen.
I've seen bass herding and chasing balls of baitfish when I'm out on the boat, but yesterday was something new. They would "herd" the baitfish as close to the shore as they could, and then about 6-8 of them would attack them from all sides. With nowhere to go, they were making a quick meal, and for me, it made fishing easy. I just threw a 2-inch Rapala topwater classic minnow in the mix and hardly had to do anything to get one on-line.
Maybe you've seen this before, but in all my years of bank fishing, I've never seen the bass herd them against the shore and assault them from all directions. It was impressive....and savage! It basically looked like one of those feeding frenzy videos you see on Discovery Channel Shark Week.