Okay, so im posting this because ive seen soooo many people do thi wether its on a video or in person. and if its in person i say something. throwing the fish back into the water!! they will catch i nice bass and then release it by throwing from 5 feet up and the fish HAS to feel something. i mean how would u feel if someone threw u in the water from 5 feet up? idk bout y'all but ibe kinda ticked. i allways relaese my fish (wether its a 1/2 lb bluegill or a 5 lb bass) by setting it in the water and letting it swim from my hands. i mean ive seen some body throw a bass into a foot of water or the edge of the pond and it hit the bottom and then swim away . THIS HAS TO HURT THE FISH!!! i mean every time i see it it instantly makes me mad cuz wat if that fish gets injured and dies ? then ur losing a nice fish or a fish that will be nice in the future. What do y'all think about this? i would really appreciate input!